Happy Birthday, pt.2

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Shino's POV

I had such a good time today. I don't think I've been this happy since I started talking to (y/n)...

She was sparring with Kiba today, and she finally got down from her rock platforms without my help. She's been doing really well, she's ready for the chunin exams for sure. She just pinned Kiba to the ground, he was too busy gawking to notice her pounce on him, declaring her victory. God, I wish that were me. Wait, What? I didn't say anything, nope.

We were walking (y/n) home when I look over at her. Kiba and Hinata were talking to each other, and neither of us had anything to add to their conversation. I could tell she was blushing. Her wounds had cleared up pretty good, so I know the red color on her cheeks wasn't from that. Her blush made me blush too. Why was this happening? What was she thinking about?

We finally made it to (y/n)'s house, when she told me to wait up. Kiba just has to tease me all the time, huh? "Ooh, Shino has a crush," he coos at me. A crush? Hmm...I mean, she is beyond beautiful, and she makes my heart flutter whenever she's around. Maybe I do have a crush on (y/n)...

She leads me into the woods and she tells me to close my eyes. This is weird, what is she hiding that she doesn't want me to see. She grabs my hand and we run into the woods together until she stops us. "You can open your eyes now!" She says, obviously ecstatic.

I open my eyes and my mouth drops at the sight. She carved out large rock letters saying "Happy Birthday, Shino." Just when I thought this couldn't get any better, I notice a large wooden hut-like thing in a tree. "Is that a...tree house?" I ask, full of joy. 

"Yeah!" She says, clearly proud of herself. I can't help but blush. "It was originally going to be for just me and you to hang out in, since my parents don't care where I am ever, and neither do your parents, I thought we could have sleepovers in here and hang out sometimes!" She was so excited to tell me all this. And trust me, I was too. "The rest of the team can hang out here too, though, if they'd like."

I was still in awe at the tree house and the rock words. This was incredible. She pulls something out of her pouch on her right leg and hands it to me. It was a little granite butterfly. On the bottom of the pedestal, it wrote, "Happy birthday Shino! Thank you for always being there for me, I couldn't ask for a better friend." And under that, it wrote, "Love, (y/n)" with a little heart next to it. I knew this was going next to my bed when I got home. 

My eyes just start tearing up. No one has ever done anything this nice for me, ever. Not even my parents celebrated my birthday. No one had told me happy birthday all day, not even the rest of our teammates. Without thinking, I pull (y/n) into a tight hug. "Thank you so much (y/n), this is the best birthday ever.." I say, tears rolling down my face, hugging her close.

Your POV 

You've just showed Shino what you made for him. The rocks, the tree house, and lastly the sculpture. He looks so happy. He sounds so...cute...Wait, what? Cute? Is this what a crush is? What Kiba said earlier? You weren't expecting it, but he pulls you into a hug. He squeezes you tight and you can feel his tears on your head. He thanks you and hugs you tighter. You reluctantly hug back at first, since no one's shown you this type of affection before. After a brief moment, you hug him back more relaxed. 

This was nice. You could just stand there and hug him forever. He was so warm. His scent filled your nose, and you couldn't help but hug him even tighter. "You're welcome, Shino...Anything for my best friend..." You say, obviously out of breath from him squeezing you so tight. If this is what having a crush is, feeling butterflies when you're around him and never wanting to let him go, then sure. You have a crush. A crush on your best friend, Mr.Buggy.

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