Worse Than Before

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It has been a few more weeks since you and Iruka-sensei had that talk. No one has tripped you since then, for some reason. Maybe he talked to the class and threatened them if they did? I hope not, everyone would probably make fun of you and call you names even more than before. You have been learning most of your classmates names through their voices, since you can't see them.

 You've had a few nights where all you wanted to do was cry. You knew that no one cared about you, yet you would always feel so down whenever anyone was mean to you. You were so confused. You would always let out your anger and confusion while you were in your safe place in the woods by your house. That area didn't look too much like a forest anymore, as you had cleared most of it out using your kekke genkei. Random rock formations have been carved out, and some trees have been warped into random shapes. This place looks like a mess, though you can't see it. Anyone else walking upon your spot would immediately think, "what the hell happened here?"

You decided to take a shortcut to get home that day. You had to stay after school to complete some extra credit assignments. You were used to writing, but clearly your handwriting was not good in any way. You had to learn when you were younger through your teachers holding your hand and moving it to form the symbols, letters and numbers. 

You knew where your house was from the school entrance, so you figured it would not be hard to get there through a shortcut. You're walking through an alley when you suddenly feel three presences motioning towards you. You walk faster, and they match your pace to catch up to you. "Who's there?" You ask, clearly scared. Their laughs seem familiar. Who are they? "You don't recognize us? Clearly you've seen us before? Oh, that's right, you're a blind freak!" The posse chuckles and high-fives each other. Oh, they're your classmates..."What are you doing here? Why are you following me?" You just didn't understand why they would follow you down an alley, just to laugh at you. "We're just here to have some fun, your genjutsu can't help you, you weak bitch!" 

With this, I feel a sharp pain on my cheek. Did she just slap me? I try to reach the ground so I can manipulate it to protect me, but she kicks me in the stomach and I'm sent hurtling backwards and land on my back, knocking the wind out of me. "Wow, I thought you were going to last longer than that." One of them says with a smirk. They all come at you at once, punching, kicking, and pulling your hair. Sure it hurts, but this wouldn't be the first time this has happened to you. 

What you didn't expect, though, is for them to force your goggles off of you and throw them in the opposite direction. You clamp your eyes shut and try to feel around for them. You are repeatedly kicked while they all say, "Show us your eyes, you freak! Show us how much of a freak you are!" All you feel is pain. You were wrong to think this was the same as before. People here are worse.  You curl up into a little ball to protect yourself, it isn't working too well. You feel another presence not too far away. You hope they aren't coming to join in. 

Suddenly, the kicks and punches stop. You hear one of them say, "Where the hell are all these bugs coming from?" You aren't paying attention to anything around you. The pain has completely consumed your body and you're too busy clenching your eyelids shut to realize what's going on. You feel a large chakra presence approaching in your direction. Not in one person though, in a bunch of tiny presences, too small to be human. You hear the blood-curdling screams coming from your attackers. Bugs were crawling all over them, and you could hear them running and trying to remove the bugs. "What is happening??" They all yell, their voices getting fainter and fainter until eventually they cannot be heard. 

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