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Bugs? Is that what fled them off? You were so confused, but you didn't have any time to think about your rescue because your head was spinning. You were covered in your blood, it trickled from your head to your feet. Where the hell are your goggles? What the hell just happened? All these thoughts filled your mind, and you just started crying in that little ball you were in before. 

"I'm sorry about what happened." A familiar monotone voice states. Who is that? Do you know him from somewhere? "W-who are you?" you ask between sobs. "Shino, you sit next to me in class."

Oh, Shino? That would explain the large amount of bugs. "Why d-did you help m-me? I deserved t-to have that h-happen to me.." You stated. You knew it was right. You were a freak, you knew you'd never be enough for anyone, not even your own family. You just cried harder.

"I just had to help you. Why? Because you were in trouble," He stated emotionless, "and I don't think you did anything to deserve what happened to you, you seem like a good person." You felt his hand on yours, trying to help you up. You blush slightly and try to push yourself up, but you can't feel a thing. He realizes you can't move, so he picks you up and hands you your goggles. You put them on.

"T-thank you S-Shino.." You mutter, shaking. "Where do you live? I can take you home. You aren't in any condition to be walking right now." He says. He sure does care about you for someone you've just talked to.

You wonder what your parents would think if they saw you like this. They would take you out of the academy for sure. If I can't even protect myself from a few bullies, I have no business training to become an elite shinobi. "N-no...I can't go home.."

He raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" 

You knew you couldn't go back, they wouldn't even notice your absence, so you think your safe place is your best bet. 

"My p-parents..If I go home and t-they see me like this..." It seemed he already knew what I was talking about. 

"I understand. Where do you want to go then?" He asks. 

You lead him to the woods by your house and into your safe place. You never thought anybody else but you would know of this place. "I'm assuming this is where you train." He states blankly. "Y-yeah...sorry if it is a mess.." You say shyly. "It's okay, I don't mind." 

He lays you down in a cozy area of grass and addresses to your wounds. You wince in pain as he pours some ointment on your large cuts. After you're all bandaged up, you stretch and yawn. "Thank you Shino...If there's anything I-I can do to pay you back.." You were cut off by Shino, "It's okay, really, I am glad to help." 

A moment of awkward silence goes by and he stands up to leave. You immediately think of what just happened and your parents. Everything that has gone wrong up until then fills your brain. You tug on his sleeve slightly, blushing, "P-please don't go...I'm so scared..." You didn't want to appear weak in front of your classmate, but he had already seen you beat up, so you didn't care at this point. "Okay, (y/n)."

Scared To Be Lonely [Shino x Blind!Oc/Reader]Where stories live. Discover now