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Your POV 

After you were finished with the chunin exams, you went straight home. You were so excited to tell your parents that you won. You were now officially a chunin. They would be so proud, you thought.

You walk into your house and all of the lights are off. That's strange, they're usually awake at this time, it's only 7 p.m. You turn on the lights and notice no one is home, or at least in the kitchen/living room anyway. "Mother? Father?" You ask, hoping for an answer. You notice the window in the kitchen is open, as you can feel a breeze in that direction. This is weird, they wouldn't leave the window open like that.

You walk into their room. Maybe they're napping? You see your parents laying in bed, but you don't hear snoring like they normally do when they sleep. It surprised you how loud they snored, it kept you awake some nights. You walk up to them and shake your mother's shoulder, feeling something wet. Oh God, it's blood, you can smell it. "Mother? Father?" You ask again, frantically

no response

You shake them both really hard. On no, not again. You couldn't lose your parents too. Who could have done it? Was it the rogue ninjas again that killed your brother. You noticed a presence by your house since you got there, but you figured it was just a civilian walking by. You quickly run outside towards the presence. 

"You! You killed my parents!" You yell, lunging towards them. They are way too fast for you, they run away far into the distance. You know you're not fast enough to get to them. Even if you could, you knew you weren't strong enough to kill them. They had an immense amount of chakra. Before they ran away, you could hear one of them say, "Our job here is done, leave her." The other replied, "Isn't that the blind one?" "yes, that's why we don't need to kill her. She will never be strong enough to become a threat, we only planned on killing the parents. Your dumb ass killed the son, thinking it was the father. I guess that showed them though, they needed to pay for what they did."

What the hell? What did my parents do to deserve to be killed?

All of your feelings were coming back to you. The feelings you had when Touma died. No, this was worse. You had no one now, besides Shino. You had no more family, no one to make proud. All of your work was for nothing. You almost died, for nothing. If only you had got there sooner, you could have saved them. No, you couldn't have. Like they said, you were too weak to be a threat to them.

You went over to Shino's house after you told the Hokage about your parents death. You always referred to her as the Hokage instead of Lady Tsunade, but you always felt like 'Hokage' was more respectful.

You knocked on the door of the Aburame's residence. Shibi, Shino's father, opens the door. "Hello, who might you be?" He asks. "My name is (y/n), I am one of Shino's friends." You reply. You can tell in his voice that he is a bit surprised. Probably because Shino doesn't have any other friends. "Shino! Someone's at the door!" He yells into the house. Your friend walks out of the door and closes it. "What is the matter, (y/n)? You never come to my house."

You tell him about your parents dying, and what their attackers said. He just stands there and holds you close to him, rubbing your back and kissing your head as you sob into his jacket. "It's okay (y/n). Why? Because I'm here for you. I always will be." He says.

"Thank you Shino, I l-love you..." You say between sobs.

"I love you too, (y/n)."

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