The Chunin Exams pt.2

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You stood on the balcony surrounding the fighting area. You had watched your teammates Hinata, Kiba and Shino fight their opponents. You were so scared, you trembled as you waited for the generator to pick your name. 

"This round will consist of Kishi from the village of the sound and (y/n) from village of the leaf." The referee said. 


You make your way to the fighting area and take your fighting stance. You were nervous, as you knew sound was one of your greatest weaknesses. 


You ran towards your opponent, trying to plunge your fist into their gut. It obviously wasn't that simple though, as they dodged your attack. You heard Shino say during his fight, "One ace in the hole is good, but two are better." 

Right before Kishi could use her ninjutsu and release a powerful sound, you threw yourself into the air with your earth platforms and warped the ceiling around you. You were so high in the air no one could see you, including your opponent. you make your way back to the arena with your platform still in the air. 

While they're distracted looking for you, You send your chakra through the ground around them and create large rock hands that reach for them. They notice it however, and immediately jump out of the way. Shit. What were you going to do now? You continued to chase them with the hands, and eventually grab them and pin their hands to their back so they can't use their jutsu.

You knew you had her, you could kill her right now if you wanted to. You decided to just scare her, maybe that would teach her, as well as anyone watching, not to mess with you.

You walk over to her through your earth platforms and stand only a few feet away from her. You remove your goggles and stare straight into her eyes. You can't seen anything of course, but you can tell she's absolutely terrified. You smirk and lift her high into the air with your rock hands. The hands drop her, sending her plummeting to the ground very fast. The hands catch her, and throw her into the wall with enough force to break a few bones, but not to kill her. She lays on the ground, unable to move. 

You won

"Kishi is no longer able to move. I declare (y/n) as the winner." The referee says. 

Who knew it would be this easy, you weren't even out of breath. The rest of the leaf village contestants, that aren't in the hospital, cheer for you. You make your way back to Shino and give him a big hug. "Thank you, Shino...You've been a big help, I couldn't have done this without you." You say. It was true. If he hadn't saved you yesterday, you would be dead.

"No problem, (y/n), you were amazing."

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