Goodbye, Touma

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A/N: Hi Everyone! Thank you so much for reading my story, and getting this far lol. I have been thinking about the second round of the chunin exams, which is the forest of death, since I began writing this story. I have had such a hard time thinking of a plot in this scene that I just decided to leave it out. Team 8 ends up beating this round anyways, and I really didn't want to add a bunch more chapters regarding this scene alone. I originally only wanted this story to be 11 - 15 chapters. and well, you see how that went, lol. Thank you all for your understanding, and don't worry, more action between (y/n) and Shino will be coming soon. Sorry for such a long story! I hope you're enjoying it so far! :)))

You and your team won the second round, the forest of death. Sure, that was difficult, but what you were really worried about was the last round. You would be fighting with someone on another team. You were so used to only fighting with your teammates, and you were scared of what others were capable of. 

Shino's POV 

We had just won the second part of the chunin exams. After all we went through in the first two parts, all that (y/n) seems to care about was the final round. 

To be honest, I wasn't too worried. For me, or for her. She is strong, and I know she'll beat anyone she is paired with. I constantly reassure her that everything will be okay, but I can tell she is still worried.

We stay the night together in our tree house every now and again. She tells me it makes her happy whenever she's with me. I feel the same way, but I can't ever seem to have the guts to tell her. 

When we're in our tree house, she always acts so...different, than how she is when she's around other people. In here, she tells me everything. Even the stupidest things, like hypotheticals. One time she asked me, with the stupidest smile on her face, "what if we had feet for hands and hands for feet?" I couldn't help but laugh at that one. When we're here, I can tell she feels free. Free from the judgement of her parents and peers. That's why she usually comes here when she's down. She's been coming here a lot recently, I assume from the stress of the chunin exams. 

I'm sitting in our tree house, reading one of the many books we have stock piled in here. She climbs the ladder up into the house, and I can tell she's been crying. "What's the matter?" I ask as I put down my book and catch her before she falls to the ground.

Your POV 

After the second part of the chunin exams, you make your way home to grab a few snacks before you go meet Shino at your guys' tree house. You always had so much fun there with your best friend. 

You walk inside, expecting the usual; your family doing their work only to glance at you and then go back to whatever they were doing. You walk inside and you notice Touma isn't sitting on the couch like he normally is. In fact, you can't feel his presence in the house at all. Your parents are sitting there, crying and holding each other. You've never heard them like this before. "What is the matter?" You ask reluctantly.

"It's Touma, he's...he's dead..." Your father says between sobs. "How? What happened?" You ask. 

You can tell your parents are getting very angry. "He had snuck out last night and apparently was ambushed by rogue ninjas. The Hokage came to visit us this afternoon to give us the news." Your mother states, "Since he's gone, the only person to continue our clan's legacy is you." 

You begin to feel the stress consume your body. Why did this have to happen? "I promise mother, I won't let you down.." You reply

"Good, because if you don't, don't consider yourself part of our clan anymore. You will be disowned if you come home next week after the chunin finals and you have lost."

Your parents knew of the chunin exams and what was going on because your brother was taking part of it too and couldn't shut up about it towards them. "I will not, father."

You practically hated your brother, but now you hated him even more. Sure, you were sad that he was gone, but now you had the thought of your family disowning you if you did not meet their expectations lingering on your shoulders. 

You went to the tree house and stood there, crying, until you collapsed onto the floor. Shino quickly runs up to you and asks you what's wrong. You explain everything to him, and he just holds you in a tight embrace. You cry into his shoulder for what feels like forever until you slowly drift into a deep sleep. He was so warm and his jacket was so soft...You ended up falling asleep in his arms, almost like when you first met. "I won't let you down..." Is the last thought you have before falling asleep.

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