More Friends ?

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A few weeks went by of you and Shino having the most fun of your lives. You would often sneak out and meet him in your safe place to just mess around. You would frequently spar together, he was very good with taijutsu and he taught you a lot. You got much better with your kekke genkei as well, you were now able to move the Earth with less effort and concentration. You were now also able to move the Earth using your feet, not just your hands. This was a great advantage when you needed to get the upper hand. You could just use the earth to quickly propel yourself into the air, kinda like earth stilts that could grow longer at your will. You could make paths and stairs using your kekke genkei too, it seemed like you were ready for the chunin exams. He would always get you with his bugs, though. They just tickled so much and you'd always burst into laughter whenever he swarmed you with them. He had to catch you from falling off of your "earth stilts" quite a few times.

"You know, you'd be dead if you fell off of those and I wasn't here." He said with a smirk.

"yeah, yeah.." You said, mocking him.

You were so happy that you had a friend, and a training partner. It was just you and him, until the end of time. You knew you were getting ahead of yourself, but you didn't care, you just smiled.

As soon as class started one day, Iruka-sensei grabbed a sheet of paper off of his desk and read it out loud. "Today I will be assigning you to your teams. There will be ten teams of three and one team of four, since there is an odd number of people in the class. Each team will have a sensei, who will teach you the rest of what you need to know for the chunin exams. I have picked your teams based on your most recent test scores. Each team's scores adds up to ten. For example, three people who got the highest score of five would not be on a team together, since their total score would be fifteen, not ten." 

Made sense...You just hoped you got on a team with Shino.

He read off the team numbers, who was on that team, and who their sensei was. "Group 7 with Kakashi-sensei, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura." The group names were called out of number order, and you anticipated your name to be called along with Shino's. 

"Group 8 with Kurenai-sensei, Kiba, Hinata, Shino, and (y/n)."

Your heart just filled with joy, you were on the same team as Shino! You just hoped you would get alone with your other teammates too.

After all the teams were called, Iruka-sensei said "Set your differences aside and make your team members your friends. You're going to be with them for a long, long time."

You and your teammates made your way to your corner of the classroom. "Hi, I'm Kiba!" One of them yells. He's very loud, and he smells funny. You hear a bark of excitement as well. A bark? From a..."dog? Is there a dog here?" You ask, very confused. You had never really heard of a dog before. You only knew that they were furry creatures who barked. "man's best friend" you heard someone say once. "Yeah, that's my puppy Akamaru!" He says enthusiastically as he hands you the dog.




He is so soft! You can't help but let out a giggle. "I have never held a dog before. They are very soft!" You say as he licks your face. "He likes you, he only licks people he's just met if he knows they're kindhearted." The dog boy says.

"I-I'm Hinata..." A girl says. She is very quiet, you can relate to that. "I'm s-sorry about what everyone has done to you, (y/n)..." She whimpers. You can tell she felt really guilty about not standing up for you. "It's okay, I'm used to it." You say

"I'm Shino" You hear your friend say with a chuckle. "I don't believe we've met before, who are you?" He asks with a stupid grin on his face. You can't help but laugh. 

This was your team. Everyone seemed like they cared about you. Are these your...friends? You had another friend other than Shino? You almost couldn't believe it. 

"Hey (y/n), what's under those goggles of yours?..." He asks as he already starts to reach his hand towards your goggles. Shino quickly grabs a hold of his wrist, warning him not to come any closer. You couldn't see this happen, so you just said. "well, I am an earth user and I frequently have pieces of dirt and debris flying around my face, so I need to protect my eyes. I also wear them because if people saw my eyes, they would be scared..." You mumbled that last part so no one could hear. You were wrong though, as Hinata chimes in "I wouldn't be scared, (y/n). I know you're blind but surely your eyes aren't scary." She says. She couldn't have been any more wrong. "I don't parents just tell me that if people saw my eyes, they would run away so that's why I should wear these.."

"Oh.." Hinata says, shyly. "I'm sorry.." 

"it's fine, Hinata." You say with a smile.

"Do you guys want to go get ramen after school today? They're having a special!" Kiba shouts as he pets Akamaru. Everyone says stuff along the lines of "that sounds good."

le time skip 

You and your team are walking to the ramen shop. You have never been there before so you don't know where it is, and you can't see it either. Shino holds your hand to guide you and you let a flush of pink color your cheeks. Is this how you're supposed to feel when you're around your friends? If so, why don't you feel this way with Hinata or Kiba? 

Whatever it was, you didn't care. 

You and your team sit down at a booth and eat your delicious noodles. You and your team talk and learn more about one another. Of course you already knew everything there was to know about Shino, but you still listened to him talk anyway. His voice was so...captivating, and...mesmerizing...God, you could listen to his voice forever.

So this is what friendship was. 

With a team like this, you don't have to worry about people hurting you ever again. 

Scared To Be Lonely [Shino x Blind!Oc/Reader]Where stories live. Discover now