Safe Place

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You are so embarrassed you're about to cry, you dash to the exit and run down the halls. Oh God, now look what you've done. Now you've done it. No one will ever let you live this down, running away from a teacher after they asked you a simple question. You run all the way home, but you don't go inside. You knew if your parents saw you at home while you were supposed to be at school, they would never let you go back. You went into the woods behind your house and found a cozy little area of trees and rocks. No one would come to look for you here, and you were right. 

Iruka-sensei was about to run out of the door after you, but he knew he had just hurt your feelings somehow. "What did I say?" he wondered to himself. He thought you would come back when you were ready. "We were right! The freak is blind!" Someone says. Another roar of laughter filled the room. "Shit." Iruka-sensei thought to himself.

Shino's POV

(y/n) was just called to perform her ninjutsu in front of the class. I pretty much know what all of my other peers are capable of, but she's new. Whatever, it's not like it matters anyway. I look over to the left, looking out of the window. I hear a sudden, loud thud along with laughter. I look towards the middle of the class. Where is (y/n)? A few seconds later she stands up, she must have been on the floor. The thud was probably her falling. Was she tripped? God, she almost has it worse than me. At least I only get called names. I watch her as she walks forward a few more steps, with the leg of a classmate clearly extended in front of her, which she seems completely oblivious to. She trips over that foot too. What is she doing? 

She finally reaches the front of the class and takes off her gloves and crouches on the ground, placing her hands onto it. I watch intently as a dome of earth forms around her. Interesting, that will definitely save her life one day. She could be a worthy sparring opponent. Iruka-sensei and (y/n) whisper a few things to each other until he blurts out, "What do you mean you can't see the hand signs? Can you not see? Are you blind?" At this tears swell up in her eyes and she darts out of the room. "We were right! The freak is blind!" A classmate says. Oh...That would explain it...

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