A/N: Don't worry! It's not over yet!

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Hello everyone! I really am happy that you made it this far. I honestly did not expect this to be such a long story. I guess I just get carried away sometimes. 

I made the original story have a kinda sad ending because I really wanted to use that quote in my story somewhere, and I realized that in order to do that I would have to have a sad ending. 

To make it up to all of you, I am going to be writing an alternate ending where (y/n) doesn't die, as well as something else.

I apologize for the lack of knowledge I have in the Naruto world. I haven't seen Naruto in years, and I haven't even watched Shippuden! I've just never had the chance to watch it, let alone the motivation. I'm also sorry for any grammatical errors I may have made in this story. I will do my best to go back and edit any of those errors.

Thank you all for reading, it means so much to me, considering this is my first fan fiction. Really, it's my first ever story I've ever written.

Thank you!!

- author

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