Maybe it's Fate

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Le time skip

It was morning. You woke up and immediately froze as you realized you were only wearing your undershirt and laying on Shino's bare chest. "Good morning, beautiful." He says, you can tell he just woke up. "G-good morning." You say, realizing what happened last night. You both put on your clothes and walk out of your tent, Hinata is sleeping in her's and Kiba is sitting on a tree branch at the top of a nearby tree. He comes down and walks over to his tent, clearly exhausted. "Your turn now, bug boy." He says. "Maybe if you would stop calling me that, I would listen to you more often. Dog boy..." He whispers under his breath. "Hey, I heard that!" He yells. "Eh, forget about it, I'm too tired to care." 

"What time is it, Shino?" You ask. "Judging by the amount of light present as well as the temperature in the air...I'd say it's about 6 a.m. It's a bit dark but the sun is coming up." He replies. Many hours pass, just you and Shino sitting by the edge of the river. It's about noon, and something feels strange.

You began to feel a presence not too far away, it wasn't Kiba, Shino or Hinata. You felt another presence, and then another one. "It's the rogue ninjas, they're here," You say, panicking "there's five of them." 

"Five? I thought there were only two! We're out-numbered..." Shino says.

You run over to Hinata and Kiba's tent and wake them up. "They're here, the rogue ninjas. There's five of them." 

"Five? I thought--" Kiba begins, "Yea, I know." You say, cutting him off.

You and your team all get together and prepare for attack. This was going to be hard, five against four. You were told these were powerful ninjas, and to be careful. Thanks for the tip, Lady Tsunade.

The ninjas approach you all and just stand there. "Who might you be? Oh, I see you're from the leaf village. Did your Hokage send you to kill us? How hysterical." One of them says. His voice sounds familiar, where did you know him from? Another says, "It looks like there's only four of you and five of us. You're outnumbered." You've heard this voice before too. Wait...

They were the ones who killed your parents and brother about a year ago. You were pissed, you take off your gloves and put them in your pocket, you were going to get the sweet revenge you deserved. "You sons of bitches killed my parents! Now you're going to pay!" You scream, plunging towards them. That was just a distraction, you used your earth jutsu to pick one of them up with your rock hand. Your teammates fought off one person each, allowing the fifth one to escape, or hide at least, but none of you were aware of it yet. You punch the man repeatedly in the face with a gauntlet made out of stone around your hand, making him suffer before you kill him. Right before your final blow, he says, "I should have killed you when I had the chance, I underestimated you." "Yeah, you did, now perish." You say before you lift him up with your rock hand, hundreds of feet in the air. Before you can send him plummeting to his death, you feel a kunai being dug into your chest. 

The only thing you can think of before you fall to the ground is, "Shino..." 

"(y/n)!" He yells, rushing towards you. He sends a swarm of bugs to the man who threw the kunai at you. He was the fifth ninja, hiding, waiting for his chance. The bugs crawl all over him, engulfing him in insects. He screams as the bugs tear apart his flesh, eventually killing him. Shino had killed the one he was fighting with bugs too.

Your team is still fighting the other ninjas, and the one you were fighting previously is still in the air. He cannot move, as he is in the hand's grasp. Even if he were to escape, he would die if he tried to come down.

All you felt was pain. It reminded you of when you were being attacked by your classmates while you were still in the ninja academy. That was when Shino saved you and became your friend. The pain is comparable to what you felt when you heard of Touma's death, and when you realized your parents were dead and you felt their blood on your hands. Until you met Shino, you were alone. You had no one.

This was it. You were going to die.

Shino's POV

"(y/n)!!!" I yell. One of the ninjas just threw a kunai right at her chest. I'll kill him. I'll kill that bastard. I send a swarm of bugs at him and they eat through his skin and muscles. He is going to die a painful death.

I quickly run over to (y/n), and hold her tight. I begin to administer first aid, but I know this is going to be fatal. I just can't accept it. She's the only real friend I've ever had. She couldn't die, she was too strong. "You can do this, (y/n), just keep breathing. I'm going to save you. We're going back to the village, Lady Tsunade can help--" She cuts me off by saying, "It's okay Shino, you and I both know this is going to end right here. I can feel the kunai in my chest, and I can feel my chakra slipping away. We will never make it back in time." 

I begin to cry. I don't think I've ever cried before, other than on my birthday when me and (y/n) met. But those were happy tears. These are tears of agony. "(y/n) can't die on me! I won't let you! You're strong, you can do it! Just stay with me!" I yell, "I know you can do it. Why? Because you're the strongest person I know! I'm so proud of you (y/n)...I'm so proud..." I say as I stare into those dark orbs of hers. She's so beautiful, even in death...I know all she's ever wanted was to be told someone was proud of her. 

I hold her tight in my arms as she closes her eyes for the final time. "Goodbye, (y/n), I love you..." I say. Her heartbeat suddenly stops. 

She's gone. I hold her even tighter than before and cry like a madman. Kiba and Hinata have just killed the rest of the ninjas, and they run over to me and (y/n)'s lifeless body. They look down at us and begin to cry as well. You were never alone (y/n), I love you...We love you...

Your POV 

"Thank you Shino....Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for loving me when no one else did..." You say between sobs, "At least I made someone proud.."

You begin to feel dizzy, you're starting to lose consciousness. "I love you Shino...I'm proud of you too..."

You close your eyes, and your heartbeat slows down. 

Until it stops.

"We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone."

-Orson Welles

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