Same as Before

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Ever since your parents told you that you could go to the ninja academy just a few hours earlier, you have just been beaming. You were thirteen years old, and you knew you still had a long way to go before you ever fully reached your parents expectations. You thought you may make new friends here, but that idea was quickly wiped away from your mind. All people are the same, they judge you based on looks and never appreciate you until you do something for them. People are cold and heartless, and you definitely experienced that first hand every day. All you cared about now was working to become a better ninja so you could prove your parents wrong, they would finally acknowledge your presence and you could be a part of the family. That was all you wanted.

By the time the sun shone through your window, you were already awake and ready to go to the academy. You only slept a few hours last night, you were just so excited for your training to start! You put your hair up how you like it and put on your goggles as well as your overly large scarf. You slid your sandals and finally put your new headband around your waist. 

You and your brother walk to the academy together. "Just because we're going to school together doesn't mean I tolerate you." Your brother states with a hint of annoyance in his voice. You ignore it, it wasn't the first time Touma expressed his hatred toward you. Your excitement turns into nervousness as you approach the school building. 

Everyone is so loud, you tried your best to ignore it as you enter your classroom but you can't help but cover your ears. A few people snicker at the sight of a thirteen year old covering their ears like a toddler. The class immediately quiets down as an adult voice states rather loudly, "Good morning, class! My name is Iruka-sensei, and I will be your teacher to prepare you for the chunin exams!" Chunin exams? What the heck was that? You can tell almost everyone in the class had known each other before coming to the academy, as this was the first day and everyone was saying things like "it's good to see you again!" and "it's been so long!"

 You didn't realize you were standing in front of the class until Iruka-sensei says to you, "you can sit wherever you like" with a smile. You walk to the part of the class with the least amount of noise. The area is pretty much empty with the exception of one person. They haven't said anything since I've been in there, but I can sense their chakra. The entire class begins to whisper and chuckle at each other. Did I do something wrong? "Looks like bug boy made a new friend" I heard one of them say. Bug boy? Was that who you were sitting next to? "She must be a freak too, then." Someone else says. Freak? They don't even know you! You were starting to get flustered but then you remembered what it was like at your old village. This place is the same as before, there's no point in getting worked up about it. 

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