A Chance

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You and your family are led to the Hokage's residence. You can tell how large it is through the echos bouncing on the distanced walls. You walked up to what I thought was the Hokage's office. Your parents told you and Touma to sit outside on the leather chairs while the adults talked. 

After about 45 minutes of sitting and hearing the muffled voices of your parents and what seemed to be the Hokage, your parents walk out of the office. They begin to walk towards the guard that brought us here, and gave him a piece of paper that had our new address written on it. As we are walking, that unfamiliar hustle bustle of the village fills your mind. You could never get used to that, you thought with a smile. Just then, you reach your house. It seems to be very close to a forest because you can smell the heavy smell of the woods and your brother states, "that's a lot of trees!" Thank you for your astute observation..

After you get settled in your new home, your parents call for you and Touma. This is strange, they rarely even say your name, let alone ask for you. "Since you are both of age to train at the academy, we've decided to let you enroll." You? Why you and not just your brother? "(y/n), because you helped us find this place, we're going to give you a chance to prove yourself to us." You were on the verge of tears. "I will not let you down," you let out "I promise." Your mother hands you and Touma your new headbands with your new village's symbol on it. You feel it with your fingers. "A leaf.." You think to yourself. Well, that would fit the village hidden in the leaves. You wrap it around your waist as a belt since there isn't much room on your forehead since your goggles take up most of that area. "Don't make us regret our decision, (y/n)." Your father states coldly.

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