That's Right, Stay Away

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Your POV 

A few hours later you both wake up laying on each other. You sit up and look around, not even noticing the calm and collected Shino laying next to you. You can't see anything of course, but you can hear the chirping of birds as well as squirrels and other animals. All of a sudden, you realize you're late for school.

You shake your sleeping classmate awake, and he looks up at you. "(y/n).." He says, slightly confused, "How did did we..." You cut him off by saying "We're late for school, we have to get up." 

You both immediately get up and brush off. Normally you have your brother to walk you to school, but you knew damn well he didn't give a shit if you were walking to school with him or not. He probably didn't realize you weren't there to walk with him this morning like what has become routine for you.

This was better, though, walking to school with Shino. You were in no rush, you were already late. What was an extra few minutes going to do? 

You remember him telling you that it was his birthday in a few weeks. You have no idea when your birthday is, as your parents never celebrated it with you. All you knew was that you were thirteen, that's what your parents told you. You two talked about a lot of things the night before, your past and what your goals are. Shino doesn't have it too good at home either, he says his family is indifferent to him as well. He told you that the only way to get his approval is to prove to him what he is capable of. He says he's going to do that through the chunin exams.

"Hey Shino,"

"hmm?" He turns and looks at you

"What are the chunin exams, exactly. I heard you talk about it with me last night but.." 

He replies, "You basically do a bunch of hard stuff to prove that you're a skilled enough shinobi to become a chunin; which is one of the levels, or rather 'rank', that a ninja can be."

Huh, so that's what you needed to be training for?

You both reach the school building and walk into the classroom. You are immediately greeted with ooh's and laughter. "Bug boy's got a girlfriend!" You hear one of them say. Shino blushes slightly and motions for Iruka-sensei to talk with him. You could hear him talking to sensei about what had happened last night with the attackers. He didn't reveal their names, as he knew he had scared them plenty with his swarm of insects.

You would normally hear their voices snicker and throw things at you as you walked to your seat in the morning. They didn't say anything to you today, though. Strange?

Shino's POV

I told Iruka-sensei about what happened yesterday, and that she was badly hurt and I needed to help her. He told me he understands, just to not let it happen again. 

I walk into the classroom and look over at the girls who hurt her last night. I send them a quick glare, along with a few bugs crawling over their desks and they immediately started to tremble. Serves them right, maybe they're too scared to hurt (y/n) again. 

I sit next to her and we start our lesson on chakra points. I already knew about all these things. The only thing you can really do when you don't have any friends is study. I can't help but glance at (y/n) occasionally. 

Her mouth is covered by her scarf and her eyes are covered by her goggles, but I can see the pink glow in her cheeks. Was she blushing? No, clearly it's irritation from the black eye she got yesterday. She can't see me looking at her, so I can't help but stare at her. I wonder what's under those goggles of hers...

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