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ℝ𝕠𝕤𝕖 𝕋𝕪𝕝𝕖𝕣 𝕄𝕖𝕖𝕥𝕤 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝔸𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕤


   Rose Tyler, a nineteen-year-old woman in South London who lives with her mother, slams on her alarm clock, turning it off and climbing out of bed. She sits down at her mirror staring at her tangled blonde hair. She pulls on a white top and deep blue jeans, throws on a pink zip up and zip-up heading out of her bright pink bedroom. Reaching the beige kitchen and grabbing her blue purse. She turns giving her mother, Jackie a fellow blonde dressed in a pink silk robe sitting on the couch, kissing her cheek.

   "Bye!" Rose calls as she rushes out the front door.

   "See you later!" Jackie calls staring at the television.

   The young blonde rushes to the bus stop from her flat, taking the bright red double bus to her job- Henrik's, which currently has a sale. The large groups of people filling the store keep her pushing past trying to reach the employee lounge. 

   Rose has lunch with her boyfriend, Mikey- his skin a deep umber with a baggy cream shirt and blue jeans. The two share a kiss as she continues with her job, putting clothes back where they belong and helping customers as they shop. 

   "This is a customer announcement. The store will be closing in five minutes. Thank you," a woman announces over the shop speakers. Rose sighs happily, as she heads towards the main doors of the shop, finally done with her shift. 

   "Oi!" a guard who stands at the exit door says towards Rose. She turns looking at him, he holds out a bag of money towards her. She sighs taking it and running down the hall. Taking the lift down to the bottom floor she glances around the dark, dusty hallway and turns towards the right.

   "Wilson?" she starts down the darker hallway, the soft patter of her shoes on the concrete below the only sound in the basement. "Wilson, I've got the lottery money. Wilson?" She stops at a door knocking before pulling on the handle. "Wilson are you there?" She pulls again. "I can't hang about 'cos they're closing the shop. Wilson?" Rose turns down the hallway, "Oh, come on." A heavy sigh leaves the blonde. She turns quickly hearing a sharp clatter to her left. "Hello?" Turning towards the sound, she approaches slowly, her heart racing in her chest. "Hello, Wilson, it's Rose. Hello? Wilson?" She stops in front of a store room door, slowly opening it and turning on the lights. The room is only filled with boxes of clothes and dressed up shop dummies. "Wilson? Wilson!" She enters the door her footsteps and her heart beat the only sound ringing in her ears. Once past the thresh hold of the door it slams shut behind her. She turns, her heart beat faster then light. She tries to open the door only to find it is stuck. "You're kidding me." She turns hearing a loud sound behind her, "Is that someone mucking about? Who is it?" As Rose walks back down the hallway full of shop dummies a male one turns towards her as she passes it. The creaking of the plastic making the young blonde turn towards it. "Yea, you got me. Very funny." Another shop dummy starts after the first one. "Right, I've got the joke. Who's idea was this? Is it Derek's? Is it? Derek, is this you?" The rest of the shop dummies begin following the other two as Rose keeps backing up as far as she can. Her heart rate spikes again as she hits a wall behind her. The first dummy raises it's arm to her. Rose jumps when a hand grabs her wrist, quickly turning to see a man standing holding the door she was against open.

   "Run," the man says. The man and Rose run through the basement, going through door after door trying to get away from the shop dummies. Rose notices a woman ahead of them by the lift.

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