Aliens of London

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  The Doctor, (Y/N), and Rose get out of the police car, the male Time Lord waves to the humans taking photos.

   "Oh, my God," Rose says.

   (Y/N), the Doctor, and Rose stand in the waiting room, people are talking, (Y/N) and the Doctor are conversing, Rose stands next to them.

   "Ladies and gentlemen, can we convene? Quick as we can, please. It's this way on the right, and can I remind you ID cards are to be worn at all times," a man says, he hands two to the Doctor. "Here is your's and your girlfriends. I'm sorry, your companion doesn't have clearance." The Doctor hands one to (Y/N), she has a surprised look on her face when the man said called her the Doctors 'girlfriend'.

   "We don't go anywhere with out her," the Doctor says disregarding the girlfriend comment.

   "You two are the code nine, not her. I'm sorry, Doctor. It is the Doctor, isn't it? She'll have to stay outside."

   "She stays with us."

   "Look, even I don't have clearance to go in there. I can't let her in and that's a fact."

   "It's alright. You go," Rose says. "I want her back by midnight," Rose uses the same joke as (Y/N) did before. 

   "Excuse me. Are you the Doctor?" a women asks.


   "Not now. We're busy. Can't you go home?" the man says.

   "I just need a word in private," the women says.

   "I suppose so. Don't get in any trouble," the Doctor says to Rose. He takes (Y/N)'s hand, "Let's go. Shall we?" The two leave and go into the confrence.

   In the Briefing room, everyone is getting settled. (Y/N) and the Doctor sit in the very back. "I think you missed the girlfriend comment, Doctor," (Y/N) says smiling at him, playfully.

   "I didn't."

   "I think you did." The Doctor looks down at her smiling. They begin to lean in, finally going to kiss-

   "Now, ladies and gentlemen," they don't kiss. They look at the man speaking in the front of the room. "If I could have your attention, please. As you can see from the summaries in front of you, the ship had one porcine occupant."

   "Of course, the really interesting bit happened three days ago, see, filed away under Any Other Business. The North Sea. A satellite detected a signal, a little blip of radiation, at one hundred fathoms, like there's something down there. You were just about to investigate and the next thing you know, this happens. Spaceships, pigs, massive diversion. From what?" the Doctor says standing and walking along the walkway.

   "If aliens fake an alien crash and an alien pilot, what do they get? Us. They get us. It's not a diversion, it's a trap," (Y/N) says getting up and standing next to the Doctor. "This is all about us. Alien experts. The only people with knowledge how to fight them gathered together in one room."

   The man in the front expels gas. "Excuse me, do you mind not farting while we're saving the world?" the Doctor says.

   "Would you rather silent but deadly?" the man says. The general removes his cap and unzips his forehead. As the other man laughs, the room fills with blue light and an alien starts to wriggle out of the skin suit. The alien stands nearly eight feet tall with incongruous large black eyes in small baby faces.

   "We are the Slitheen!" the General says.

   "Thank you all for wearing your ID card. they'll help to identify the bodies." the other man says. He holds up a remote activation switch, and the ID cards emit electric shocks to their wearers, including the Doctor and (Y/N).

   (Y/N) falls to the floor gasping as the pain runs through her body. The Doctor falls to his knees crying out in pain from the shock.


Sorry for the short Chapter. Considering I started this book like 3 days ago, I think it's going well.  :)

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