The Parting of Ways

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   On the dalek ship (Y/N) is pressed against the wall with the daleks watching her.

   "You know the Doctor. You understand him. You will predict his actions!" the dalek yells at her.

   "I don't know," she laughs. "And even if I did, I wouldn't tell you."

   "Predict! Predict! Predict!"

   "TARDIS detected in flight," another dalek says.

   "Launch missiles. Exterminate!"

   "You can't! The TARDIS hasn't got any defenses. You're going to kill him!" (Y/N) says watching a dalek point its gun at her.

   "You have predicted correctly."


   In the TARDIS...

   "We've got incoming!" Rose says to the Doctor. The dalek missiles strike the TARDIS, and there is a big fireball in the vacuum of space. 

   "The extrapolator's working. We've got a fully functional force field. Try saying that when you're drunk." Jack says.

   "And now for my next trick!" the Doctor says. He pulls a few levers and the TARDIS materializes around (Y/N) and the nearest dalek. "(Y/N), get down! Get down, (Y/N)!" the Doctor yells at her.

   "Exterminate!" the dalek says. The dalek fires and misses. Jack takes out the dalek with the modified Defabricator.

   "You did it!" Rose says. The Doctor walks over to (Y/N) and hugs her tight.

   "Feels like I haven't seen you in years," she says quietly into his shoulder.

   "I told you I'd come and get you," he whispers back.

   "Never doubted it," she says as they pull away from the hug. They linger for a second. Rose runs up into (Y/N)'s arms and hugs her.

   "I did," the Doctor says watching Rose pull away from the female time-lord. "Are you all right?" he places his hands on the sides of her face and runs his thumbs over her cheeks making sure they didn't hurt her.

   "Yeah. You?" she asks smiling softly.

   "Not bad, been better."

   "Hey, don't I get a hug?" Jack interrupts. The Doctor pulls his hands away from her face pulling a tight smile on his face.

   "I don't know you too well Captain," the female time-lord replies.

   "I was talking to him," Jack points at the Doctor, but gives her a hug anyways.

   "Oh?" she says giving a questioning look to the other time-lord.

   "Welcome home!" Rose celebrates. "I thought I'd never see you again."

   "Oh, you were lucky. That was just a one shot wonder. Drained the gun of all its power supply. Now it's just a piece of junk," Jack says smiling at the group.

   "You said they were extinct. How comes they're still alive?" Rose asks the Doctor.

   "You encountered more while I was sleeping?" (Y/N) asks.

   "Yeah," the Doctor replies.

   "One minute they're the greatest threat in the Universe, the next minute they vanished out of time and space," Jack says.

   "They went off to fight a bigger war. The Time War," (Y/N) says placing her hand on the Doctor's shoulder lightly.

   "I thought that was just a legend."

   "We were there. The war between the Daleks and the Time-Lords, with the whole of creation at stake. Our people were destroyed, but they took the Daleks with them. I almost thought it was worth it. Now it turns out they died for nothing," the Doctor says, placing a hand on top of (Y/N)'s.

   "There's thousands of them now. We could hardly stop one. What're we going to do?" Rose looks at the two time-lords.

   "No good stood round here chin wagging. Human race, you'd gossip all day. The daleks got the answers," the Doctor says talking (Y/N)'s hand in his. "Let's go meet the neighbors." The two leave the TARDIS and enter the Dalek ship.

   "Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!" the daleks all say. They shoot their guns at the Doctor and (Y/N), they are stopped by the force field jack had put up.

   "Is that it? Useless! Nul points. It's all right, come on out. That force field can hold back anything."

   "Almost anything," Jack says walking out with Rose behind him.

   "Yes, but we weren't going to tell them that. Thanks," (Y/N) says in a sassy tone.


   "Do you know what they call me in the ancient legends of the Dalek Homeworld? The Oncoming Storm. You might've removed all your emotions but I reckon right down deep in your DNA, there's one little spark left, and that's fear. Doesn't it just burn when you face me? So tell me. How did you survive the Time War?" the Doctor says walking away from (Y/N) slowly letting go of her hand.

   "They survived through me," a booming voice echos through the halls of the Dalek ship. The voice is owned by a large apparatus, which on closer inspection is an exploded giant Dalek casting, and a blue-skinned one-eyed mutant happy to be sitting on his throne.

   "Rose, Captain, this is the Emperor of the Daleks," (Y/N) says taking a step forwards.

   "You destroyed us, Doctor. The Dalek race died in your inferno, but my ship survived, falling through time, crippled but alive."

   "I get it," the Doctor replies.

   "Do not interrupt," one dalek says others following.

   "I think you're forgetting something. I'm the Doctor, and if there's one thing I can do, it's talk. I've got five billion languages, and you haven't got one way of stopping me. So if anybody's going to shut up, it's you! Okey doke. So, where were we?"

   "We waited here in the dark space, damaged but rebuilding. Centuries passed, and we quietly infiltrated the systems of Earth, harvesting the waste of humanity. The prisoners, the refugees, the dispossessed. They all came to us. The bodies were filtered, pulped, sifted. The seed of the human race is perverted. Only one cell in a billion was fit to be nurtured."

   "So you created an army of Daleks out of the dead," (Y/N) says.

   "That makes them half human," Rose steps in.

   "Those words are blasphemy," the Emperor Dalek screams.

   "Do not blaspheme," the daleks recite.

   "Everything human has been purged. I cultivated pure and blessed Dalek."

   "Since when did the Daleks have a concept of blasphemy?" (Y/N) ask in disbelief.

   "I reached into the dirt and made new life. I am the God of all Daleks!"

   "Worship him. Worship him. Worship him," the daleks recite.

   "They're insane. Hiding in silence for hundreds of years, that's enough to drive anyone mad. But it's worse than that. Driven mad by your own flesh. The stink of humanity. You hate your own existence. And that makes them more deadly than ever. We're going," the Doctor says grabbing (Y/N)'s hand once again and turning.

   "You may not leave my presence," the Emperor dalek says.

   "Stay where you are!" a dalek says.

   "Exterminate!" all the daleks yell as the Doctor and his companions walk back into the TARDIS.

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