World War Three

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   (Y/N) stands in the door way with the bottle of alcohol and Sonic in hand. "One more move and my sonic device will triplicate the flammability of this alcohol. Whoof, we all go up. So back off," (Y/N) points the Sonic at the alcohol. The Slitheen take a few steps back. "Right then. Question time. Who exactly are the Slitheen?"

   "They're aliens," Harriet says.

   "Yes, I got that, thanks," (Y/N) turns back to the Slitheen.

   "Who are you, if not human?" Green asks.

   "Who's not human?" Harriet asks.

   "They're not human," Rose says nodding her head into the direction of the two Time Lords.

   "They're not human?"

   "Can I have a bit of hush?" (Y/N) asks turning to the two women then back to the Slitheen. "So, what's the plan?"

   "But they've got a Northern accent."

   "Lots of planets have a north," Rose answers quietly.

   "I think that she said hush," the Doctor says turning to the two women behind him. "Come on. You've got a spaceship hidden in the North Sea. It's transmitting a signal. You've murdered your way to the top of the government. What for, invasion?"

   "Why would we invade this God-forsaken rock?" the General says.

   "Then something's brought the Slitheen race here. What is it?"

   "The Slitheen race?"

   "Slitheen is not our species. Slitheen is our surname. Jocrassa Fel Fotch Pasameer-Day-Slitheen at your service," Green says.

   "So, you're a family," (Y/N) says.

   "A family business."

   "Then you're out to make a profit. How can you do that on a God-forsaken rock?"

   "Ah, excuse me? Your device will do what? Triplicate the flammability?"

   "Is that what I said?" (Y/N) says.

   "You're making it up."

   "Ah, well! Nice try. Harriet, have a drink. I think you're gonna need it," (Y/N) hands Harriet the bottle she was once holding.

   "Now we can end this hunt with a slaughter."

   "Don't you think we should run?" Rose asks.

   "Fascinating history, Downing Street. Two thousand years ago, this was marsh land. 1730, it was occupied by a Mister Chicken. He was a nice man. 1796, this was the Cabinet Room. If the Cabinet's in session and in danger, these are about the four most safest walls in the whole of Great Britain. End of lesson," the Doctor says, lifting a small panel by the door and pressing a button. Metal shutters crash shut across the windows and doors. "Installed in 1991. Three inches of steel lining every single wall. They'll never get in."

   "And how do we get out?" (Y/N) ask looking at the Doctor with her arms crossed.

   "Ah," the Doctor sighs.

   The Doctor drags out a body into a small store room, where the late ANthony Blair is also laid out. 

   "What was his name?" The Doctor asks.

   "Who?" Harriet responds.

   "This one. The secretary or whatever he was called."

   " I don't know. I talked to him. I brought him a cup of coffee. I never asked his name."

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