The Christmas Invasion

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   (Y/N) sits on the bed next to the Doctor and wipes his brow of sweat. Jackie, Mickey, and Rose all talk in the living space next door.

   (Y/N) hums a soft tune to the Doctor, one that he would know. One from back on Galifrey. She watches as he calms ever so slightly.

   "Oh, come on. Love, what do you need? What is it, tell me," (Y/N) whispers to the Doctor.

   "Mickey, we're going to carry him. Mum, get your stuff, and get some food. We're going," Rose says. (Y/N) get up and walks over to stand in the door way.

   "Where to?"

   "The TARDIS. It's the only safe place on Earth," (Y/N) says.

   "What're we going to do in there?" Jackie asks.

   "Hide," Rose says.

   "Is that it?"

   "Mum, look in the sky. There's a great, big, alien invasion and I don't know what to do, all right? I've travelled with them, and I've seen all that stuff, but when I'm stuck at home, I'm useless. Now, all we can do is run and hide, and I'm sorry. Now, move. Oh, lift him up," Rose says sadly lifting the Doctor's legs. (Y/N) grabs his shoulders.

   They get half way down the hall when Rose calls to her mother, "Mum, will you just leave that stuff and give us a hand?"

   "It's food! You said we need food."

   "Just leave it!"

   The four enter the tardis carriying the Doctor and food. Jackie closing the door behind her. "No chance you could fly this thing?" Mickey asks the time-lord.

   "No, I never learned. He promised to teach me when we got the chance," (Y/N) responds smiling at the Doctor as she sits next to him.

   " So, what do we do? Just sit here?"

   "That's as good as it gets," Rose says.

   "Right, here we go. Nice cup of tea," Jackie says handing Mickey the flask of tea.

   "Mmm, the solution to everything."

   "Now, stop your moaning. I'll get the rest of the food." Jackie walks out the door to get the rest of the food.

   "Tea. Like we're having a picnic while the world comes to an end. Very British. How does this thing work? If it picks up TV, maybe we could see what's going on out there. Maybe we've surrendered. What do you do to it?" Mickey says.

   "I don't know. It sort of tunes itself," Rose says.

   (Y/N) walks over to the two and starts pushing buttons, trying to get the little screen to show whats happening.

   Outside the TARDIS is being beamed up, like Star Trek!

   "Rose?" Jackie says watching it disappear.

   There's a pattern on the screen, (Y/N) reads it and looks at the other two.

   "Maybe it's a distress signal," Mickey says.

   "A fat lot of good that's going to do," Rose says.

   "Are you going to be a misery all the time?"


   "You should look at it from my point of view, stuck in here with your mum's cooking."

   "Where is she? I'd better give her a hand. It might start raining missiles out there."

   "Tell her anything from a tin, that's fine."

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