Tooth and Claw

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   "Your companion begs an apology, Doctor. Her clothing has somewhat delayed her," Angelo says.

   "Oh, that's all right. Save her a wee bit of ham," the Doctor responds.

   "The feral child could probably eat it raw," Victoria says.

   "Very wise, Ma'am. Very witty," Reynolds says laughing lightly.

   "Slightly witter, perhaps. I know you rarely get the chance to dine with me, Captain, but don't get too excited. I shall contain my wit in case I do you further injury."

   "Yes, Ma'am. Sorry, Ma'am."

   "Uh, sorry to interrupt but where's Y/n?" the Doctor asks the Queen.

   "She should be coming in just a moment," the Queen responds looking towards the door. "And here she is."

   Y/n stands with her hair curled and light natural makeup. Her TARDIS blue dress now having small straps and is a bit more flowy with a red bow belt. Her lips are painted bright red and she is wearing the red ballet shoes Victoria gave her.

   "Oh," the Doctor says his voice squeaky.

   "Thank you Victoria for the lovely outfit. I quiet like the dress," Y/n says sitting across from the Doctor next to Victoria.

   As they begin dinner, Robert tells the story of the wolf, the Doctor not listening but staring at the women across from him. He couldn't stop staring at her. She was beautiful.

   "What is the meaning of this?" Victoria asks, snapping the Doctor out of his daze.

   "Explain yourself, Sir Robert!" Reynolds yells.

   "What's happening?" the Doctor asks.

   "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, they've got my wife."

   "Rose! Where's Rose? Where is she? Sir Robert, come on!" Y/n yells.

   "Tell me, sir. I demand to know your intention!" Reynolds yells at Angelo.

   "Lupus deus est," Angelo repeats over and over.

   "What is it that you want?"

   "The throne."


   The werewolf's howl echoes through the house. "I take it, sir, that you halted my train to bring me here," Victoria says Y/n at her side.

   "We have waited so long for one of your journeys to coincide with the moon," Angelo tells the two women. Victoria takes out a small hand gun from her handbag. Y/n takes it from her.

   "I'm hardly unprepared."

   "Oh, I don't think so, woman."

   "The correct form of address is Your Majesty," Y/n says shooting Angelo. She stands in shock that she would do such a thing.

   "Come Y/n," the Queen says taking her to collect her property. They then meet up with the Doctor and Rose.

   "Your Majesty? Your Majesty," Robert says as the two walk into the room. The Doctor turns to Y/n.

   "Sir Robert? What's happening?" The Queen and Y/n reach the end of the stairs, the Doctor runs over to the female, looking at her face. "We heard such terrible noises."

   "Y/n, you all right?" the Doctor asks.

   "I'm fine," Y/n says quietly. "But I may have done something that isn't right. We should talk later once at the TARDIS."

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