Bad Wolf

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   The Doctor wakes up in a small room on the floor, music playing over what sounds like speakers.

   "What is it? What's happening?" The Doctor says pressing the walls. He falls out of the small spilling cupboard.

   "Oh, my God! I don't believe it! Why'd they put you in there? They never said you were coming," a woman says, she is blonde with pigtails and a gray coat and a purple t-shirt.

   "What happened? I was-"

   "Careful now," she says helping the Doctor stand up. "Oh! Oh, mind yourself! Oh, that's the transmat," she watches the Doctor spin and fall to the ground. "It scrambles your head. I was sick for days. All right? So, what's you name then, sweetheart?"

   "The Doctor, I think. I was er- I don't know, what happened? How-" the Doctor says standing unsteady.

   "You got chosen!"

   "Chosen for what?"

   "You're a housemate. You're in the house. Isn't that brilliant?" the woman says happily. 

   The two people standing by the television begin speaking. "That's not fair. We've got eviction in five minutes! I've been here for all nine weeks, I've followed the rules, I haven't had a single warning, and then he comes swanning in," boy says.

   "If they keep changing the rules, I'm going to protest, I am. You watch me, I'm going to paint the walls," the other women says.

   "Would the Doctor please come to the Diary Room?" a voice says over the intercom. The Doctor goes into a small room with a small chair and a camera and looks exhausted. "You are live on channel forty four thousand. Please do not swear."

   "You have got to be kidding," the Doctor responds. He leaves going back into the living space and begins checking his surroundings with the Sonic. "I can't open it."

   "It's got a deadlock seal, ever since Big Brother five hundred and four when they all walked out. You must remember that," the blonde says. 

   "What about this?" the Doctor points to an alcove with a picture in it.

   "Oh, that's exoglass. You'd need a nuclear bomb to get through."

   "Don't tempt me."

   "I know you're not supposed to talk about the outside world, but you must've been watching. Do people like me? Lynda. Lynda with a Y, not Linda with an I. She got forcibly evicted because she damaged the camera. Am I popular?" the blonde says.

   "I don't remember," the Doctor smiles at her.

   "Oh, but does that mean I'm nothing? Some people get this far just because they're insignificant. Doesn't anybody notice me?" Lynda asks.

   "No, you're-you're nice. You're sweet. Everybody thinks you're sweet," he says hoping for no more questions.

   "Oh, is that right? Is that what I am? Oh, no one's ever told me that before. Am I sweet? Really?"

   "Yeah. Dead sweet."

   "Thank you."

   "It's just a wall. Isn't there supposed to be a garden out there or something?" the Doctor asks running to a triangular shaped structure, it looked like a window.

   "Don't be daft. No one's got a garden anymore. Who's got a garden? Don't tell me you've got a garden."

   "No, I've just got the TARDIS," the Doctor spins around. "I remember."

   "That's the amnesia! So what happened? Where did they get you?"

   "(Y/N) had just woken up from being ill. She was with me. We were together, we were laughing, and then there was this light. This white light coming through the walls, and then. And then I woke up here."

   "Yeah, that's the transmat beam. That's how they pick the housemates."

   "Oh, Lynda with a Y. Sweet little Lynda. It's worse than that. I'm not just a passing traveller. No stupid little transmat gets inside my ship. That beam was fifteen million times more powerful, which means this isn't just a game. There's something else going on." The Doctor goes over to one of the cameras and talks into it. "Well, here's the latest update from the Big Brother house. I'm getting out. I'm going to find my friends, and then I'm going to find you."


   On floor five hundred (Y/N) is laying in the corner of the room on the floor.

   "How should I know?" Rose says from a monitor as she laughs. 

   "Why's she laughing?" the women sitting  there watching asks. "Oh, my God. I don't think she knows."


   "Doctor, they said all the housemates must gather on the sofa. You've got to," Lynda says.

   "I'm busy getting out, thanks," he responds while using his Sonic on the door.

   "But if you don't obey, then all the housemates get punished."

   "Well, maybe I'll be voted out, then," he walks over to the couch and sits.

   "How stupid are you? You've only just joined, you're not eligible," Strood, the man, says.

   "Don't try anything clever or we all get it in the neck," Lynda says.

   They all hold hands and Crosbie, the women, grabs the Doctor's hand. "Big Brother House this is, Davina Droid. Crosbie, Lynda and Strood, you have all been nominated for eviction. And the eighth person to be evicted from the Big Brother House is-" there is a long pause,"Crosbie!"

   The Doctor leans back on the sofa, bored.

   "I'm sorry! Oh, I'm sorry! Sorry!" Lynda says.

   "Oh, it should've been me. Oh, that's not fair, Crosbie love," Strood says holding her hand as the three get up and walk to a door.

   "Crosbie, you have ten seconds to make your farewells, and then we're going to get you," Davina Droid says.

   "I won't forget you," Lynda says.

   "I'm sorry I stole your soap," Crosbie says.

   "I don't mind, honestly."

   "Thanks for the food. You're a smashing cook. Bless you," says Strood.

   "Crosbie, please leave the Big Brother House," Davina Droid says.

   "Bye, then. Bye, Lynda," Crosbie says walking into the small white room.

   "Bye," Lynda responds sadly. "I don't believe it. Crosbie"

   "It's only a game show. She'll make a fortune on the outside. Sell her story, release a record, fitness video, all of that. She'll be laughing," says the Doctor.

   "What do you mean, on the outside?"

   "Here we go," says Strood standing holding Lynda's hands as they sit down.

   "What are they waiting for? Why don't they just let her go?" the Doctor asks.

   "Stop it, it's not funny," Lynda says sadly.

   "Eviction in five, four, three, two, one," the Droid says. A beam comes down from the ciling and hits Crosbie. After a few moments, she vanishes in a puff of smoke.

   "What was that?" the Doctor asks.

   "Disintegration beam," Strood says.

   "She's been evicted. From life," Lynda says.

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