Dalek-Boom Town

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   After the Doctor had picked up Rose, they both took (Y/N) to the hospital wing in the TARDIS. They can't take her to an actual hospital, that would be bad. All the while, the Doctor and Rose still went on adventures and things like when they got stuck in that museum with the Dalek or when they saved a little boy and met Captain Jack Harkness. Even when they re-encountered Margaret of the Slitheen family. He still missed her. At one point he even felt depressed.

   "Come on Doctor!" Rose said excitedly as she exited the TARDIS to go on a magical adventure like they always had, these where different (Y/N) wasn't there.

   "I don't know," the Doctor mumbled.

   "Come on Doc," Jack said to the Doctor. "She'll be fine soon."

   "You're right," the Doctor stood up and went on their adventure and came back day after day and she was still in that small room in the same position. What was wrong with her?


Sorry it's so short its a filler. Personally I have some really good stuff coming but I just have to skip through some episodes, only like 5. It's fine. We get to finish off this Doctor then move onto the next soon.

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