The Parting of Ways

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   Back on floor five hundred, the TARDIS materializes. "Turn everything up. All transmitters full power, wide open. Now! Do it!" (Y/N) says walking out of the TARDIS.

   "What does this do and who are you?" Pavale asks her.

   "(Y/N) nice to meet you, stops the daleks from transmatting on board. How did you get on?" she asks.

   "Did you contact Earth?" the Doctor asks Pavale coming next to (Y/N).

   "Well, we tried to warn them, but all they did was suspend our license because we stopped the programmes," Pavale says.

   "And the planet's just sitting there, defenseless. Lynda, what're you still doing on board? I told you to evacuate everyone," the Doctor says looking around at all the people left.

   "She wouldn't go."

   "Didn't want to leave you," Lynda says. (Y/N)'s back straightens when she hears Lynda speak, she already knows she dislikes this woman.

   "There weren't enough shuttles anyway, or I wouldn't be here. We've got about a hundred people stranded on Floor Zero," the woman next to Pavale says.

   "Oh, my God! The fleet is moving. They're on their way," Pavale says. The Doctor runs over to the conduits.

   "Dalek plan. Big mistake, because what have they left me with? Anyone? (Y/N)? Oh, come on, it's obvious. A great big transmitter. This station. If I can change the signal, fold it back, sequence it, anyone?" the Doctor says pulling out the wires.

   "You've got to be kidding," (Y/N) and Jack say at the same time.

   "Give them a medal!"

   "A delta wave?" (Y/N) asks.

   "A delta wave!" he replies. (Y/N) then runs over and begins helping.

   "What's a delta wave?" Rose asks.

   "A wave of Van Cassadyne energy. It fries your brain. Stand in the way of a Delta Wave and your head gets barbequed," (Y/N) says pulling out wires and stripping them.

   "And this place can transmit a massive wave. Wipe out the Daleks!" the Doctor smiles.

   "Well, get started and do it then," Lynda says.

   "Trouble is, wave this size, building this big, brain as clever as mine, should take about, oh, three days? How long till the Fleet arrive?" 

   "Twenty two minutes," Pavale says. Jack finishes something on the computer that he had started working on.

   "We've now got a force field so they can't blast us out of the sky, but that doesn't stop the Daleks from physically invading," Jack says.

   "Do they know about the Delta Wave?"

   "They'll have worked it out at the same time. So, they want to stop the Doctor and (Y/N). That means they've got to get to this level, five hundred. Now, I can concentrate the extrapolator around the top six levels, five hundred to four nine five. So they'll penetrate the station below that at level four nine four and fight their way up."

   "Who are they fighting?"


   "And what are we fighting with?"

   "The guards had guns with bastic bullets. That's enough to blow a dalek wide open."

   "There's five of us," the woman says.

   "Rose, you can help us. We need all these wires stripping bare," (Y/N) says quickly keeping Rose with her.

   "Right, now there's four of us."

   "Then let's move it. Into the lift. Isolate the lift controls," Jack says. Pavale and the woman go into the lift.

   "I just want to say, er- thanks, I suppose, and I'll do my best," Lynda says walking past the Doctor. (Y/N) glares at the back of her head.

   "Me too," the Doctor replies as a matter of factly. He shakes her hand and she walks away.

   "It's been fun, but I guess this is goodbye," Jack says walking up to the three.

   "Don't talk like that. The Doctor and (Y/N)'sgoing to do it. You just watch them," Rose says.

   "Rose, you are worth fighting for," Jack smiles kissing her. "Wish I'd never met you, Doctor. i was much better off as a coward." He kisses the Doctor, (Y/N) laughs. "And (Y/N)-"

   "I think that's enough," the Doctor says pushing Jack away from the female time-lord.

   "See you in hell," Jack leaves through the lift.

   "He's going to be all right, isn't he?" Rose asks. (Y/N) and the Doctor stay silent. They all get back to work, (Y/N) next to the Doctor the two working on the same thing, putting together the delta wave. Rose working across from them, "Suppose-"

   "What?" (Y/N) asks looking up at Rose.


   "You said suppose."

   "No, I was just thinking. I mean, obviously you can't, but, you've got a time machine. Why can't you just go back to last week and warn them?"

   "As soon as the TARDIS lands in that second, we become part of events, stuck in the timeline," the Doctor replies putting some pieces together thinking deeply.

   "Yeah, thought it's be something like that."

   "There's another thing the TARDIS could do. It could take us away. We could leave. Let history take its course. We go to Marbella in 1989. All three of us," (Y/N) says.

   "Yeah, but you two'd never do that."

   "No, but you could ask. Never even occurred to you, did it?"

   "Well, I'm just too good."

   "The delta wave is starting to build. How long does it need?" The three run over to the console.

   "Is that bad? Okay, it's bad. How bad is it?"

   "Rose Tyler you're a genius! We can do it. If I use the TARDIS to cross my old timeline. Yes!" the Doctor says. (Y/N) looks at him confused. He runs into the TARDIS the two women following him. "Hold that down and keep position," he says to Rose.

   "What's it do?"

   "Cancels the buffers. If I'm very clever and I'm than clever, I'm brilliant, I might just save the world. Or rip it apart," he says pulling levers and pushing buttons.

   "I'd go for the first one," (Y/N) replies sassy.

   "Me too. Now, I've just got to go and power up the Game Station. Hold on!" He runs to the door (Y/N) hot on his heels before going through the door he turns to her, sympathy in his eyes as his hearts break. "Stay here for a sec love, it'll only take a second."

   "You're not making any sense Doctor," she replies.

   "Please, trust me."

   "Okay," she says. He kisses her cheek and runs out. He stops in the midst of his mares-nest of cables. He looks back at the TARDIS then points the Sonic  at it. The engines start.

   "Doctor, what're you doing? Can I take my hand off? It's moving!" Rose yells. 

(Y/N) places her head against the doors as the TARDIS dematerializes. "Please Doctor. Don't leave me. Not all alone," she whispers as the Doctor watches the TARDIS leave, tears in his eyes.

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