Bad Wolf

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   "No one programmed the transmat, no one selected the new contestants. It is exactly like those stories," the man says.

   "Oh, don't start that again. I think you need to take a session off," the women says leaning against the wall. 

   "Well, I would, if you'd take it with me," he smiles at her.

   "And don't start that again either."

   "But rumors go back decades, saying that something's been hidden up here. Underneath the transmissions."

   "But the Controller would know. She watches everything."

   "Maybe she just can't see it. You've got to allow for human error."

   "Well, that's your problem, then. I don't think she's been human for years." They both look back at the Controller. "Where'd that women go?" (Y/N) who was laying right next to the controller in the corner was gone.


   "Are you insane? You just step right onto the disinegrator? Is it that important, getting your face on the telly? Is it worth dying for?" the Doctor asks the two left in the room with him.

   "You're talking like we've got a choice!" Lynda says.

   "But I thought you had to apply."

   "Don't be so stupid. That's how they played it centuries back," Strood says.

   "You get chosen whether you like it or not. Everyone on Earth is a potential contestant. The transmat beam picks you out at random. And it's non stop. There are sixty Big Brother houses running all at once," Lynda says.

   "How many? Sixty?" the Doctor asks.

   "They've had to cut back. It's not what it was," Strood says.

   "It's a charnel house! What about the winners? What do they get?"

   "They get to live," Lynda responds.

   "Is that it?"

   "Well, isn't that enough?"

   "(Y/N) is out there. She got caught in the transmat. She's a contestant. Time I got out. That other contestant, er, Linda with an I. She was forcibly evicted for what?"

   "Damage to property."

   "What, like this?" the Doctor points his Sonic at the camera and it blows into oblivion.

   "The Doctor, you've broken the House rules. Big Brother has no choice but to evict you. You have ten seconds to make your farewells, and then we're going to get you!" says the droid.

   "That's more like it. Come on, then. Open up!"

   "You're mad! It's like you want to die," Lynda says.

   "I reckon he's a plant. He was only brought in to stir up things," Strood says.

   "The Doctor, please leave the Big Brother house," the Droid says.

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