Aliens of London

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   In the Tyler flat people were gathering watching the telly. The Doctor was sitting in a chair, (Y/N) was sitting on the arm of the chair quietly watching the telly. After awhile, (Y/N) and the Doctor head out of the flat, Rose follows behind them through the front door stopping the two Time Lords.

   "And where do you think you're going?" Rose asks.

   "Nowhere. It's just a but human in there for us. History just happened and they're talking about where you can buy doggy top-up cards for half price. We're off on a wander, that's all," (Y/N) says rapping her arm around the Doctor's waist.

   "Right. There's a spaceship on the Thames and you're just wandering."

   "Nothing to do with us. IT's not an invasion. That was a genuine crash landing. Angle of descent, colour of smoke, everything. It's perfect."


   "So maybe this is it. First contact. The day mankind officially comes into contact with an alien race. We're not interfering because you've got to handle this on your own. That's when the human race finally grows up. Just this morning you were all tiny and small and made of clay. Now you can expand." (Y/N) smiles. The Doctor raps his arm around her shoulders. "You don't need us. Go and celebrate history. Spend some time with your mum."

   "Promise you won't disappear?"

   "Tell you what. TARDIS key. It's about time you had one. See you later," (Y/N) hands Rose a key on a chain, her and the Doctor walk to the TARDIS going inside once (Y/N) unlocks the doors. The TARDIS dematerializes as (Y/N) and the Doctor run around the console.

   The TARDIS materializes in the Albion Hospital, were the alien is being kept. (Y/N) opens the doors and sees wire frames in front of the way.

   "Doctor," she groans. "Can you ever park right?"

   "Wheres the fun in that?" he replies.

   (Y/N) steals the Doctors sonic screwdriver and goes to unlock a door. The Doctor and (Y/N) walk into a room full of Red Berets- the Parachute Regiment. They stare at each other in silence for a moment, then the soldiers grab their weapons and point them at the Doctor, who pushes (Y/N) behind him. Someone screams and (Y/N) runs in front of the Doctor.

   "Defense plan delta! Come on. Move! Move!" (Y/N) says, the Doctor follows behind her. She runs into the Mortuary where a women is cowering by her desk, she has a cut on her head.

   "It's alive!" she says.

   "Spread out. Tell the perimeter it's a lockdown," the Doctor says.

   "My God. It's still alive."

   "Do it!" (Y/N) says yelling to the military men.

   "I swear it was dead!"

   "Coma, shock, hibernation, anything? What does it look like?" (Y/N) asks the women gently. Metal clatters behind the three. "It's still here." The Doctor goes behind the desk where the sounds where coming from. "Be careful!"

   The Doctor gestures to a soldier outside the door to come in and kneel by the two women. Behind the filing cabinet is a pig. "Hello," the Doctor says. The pig runs out on it's hind legs. It is wearing a spacesuit. "Don't shoot!" He yells following it, (Y/N) close on his tail. Another soldier shoots the pig in the hall. "What did you do that for? It was scared! It was scared."

   (Y/N) and the Doctor bend down and pet the pig's snout as it slowly dies. They get the pig back into the Mortuary.

   "I just assumed that's what aliens look like, but you're saying it's an ordinary pig from Earth?" the women says.

   "More like a mermaid. Victorian showmen used to draw the crowds by taking the skull of a cat, gluing it to a fish and calling it a mermaid. Now someone's taken a pig, opened up it's brain, stuck bits on, then they've strapped it in that ship and made it dive bomb. It must've been terrified. They've taken this animal and turned it into a joke," (Y/N) says softly.

   "So it's a fake, a pretend, like the mermaid. But the technology augmenting its brain, it's like nothing on Earth. It's alien. Aliens are faking aliens. But why would they do that? Doctor? (Y/N)?" she turns and the two have gone. The sound of the TARDIS dematerializing can be heard.

   Back in the Tyler flat, Mickey comes into the flat and stares at Rose.

   "I was going to come and see you," Rose says to Mickey.

   "Someone owes Mickey an apology," one of Jackie's friends say.

   "I'm sorry."

   "Not you."

   "Well, it's not my fault. Be fair. What was I supposed to think?" Jackie says. The three, Jackie, Mickey, and Rose are now in the kitchen talking.

   "You disappear, who do they turn to? Your boyfriend. Five times I was taken in for questioning. Five times. No evidence. Course, there couldn't be, could there? And then I get her, your mother, whispering around the estate, pointing the finger. Stuff through my letterbox, and all 'cos of you," Mickey says.

   "I didn't think I'd be gone so long," Rose says.

   "And I waited for you, Rose. Twelve months, waiting for you and the Doctor, and (Y/N) to come back."

   "Hold on. You knew about the Doctor and (Y/N)? Why didn't you tell me?" Jackie says. Mickey goes to speak but shuts the serving hatch and the door.

   "Yeah, yeah. Why not, Rose? Huh? How could I tell her where you went?"

   "Tell me now."

   "I might as well, 'cos you're stuck here. The Doctor and (Y/N)'s gone. Just now. That box thing just faded away."

   "What do you mean?" Rose asks.

   "They've left you. Some boyfriend he turned out to be," Mickey replies as Rose runs out of the flat. Mickey follows her.

   "They wouldn't just go, they promised me."

   "Oh, he's dumped you, Rose. Sailed off into space. How does it feel, huh? Now you are left behind with the rest of us Earthlings. Get used to it. And I think he likes (Y/N) better than you. Kept her longer!" 

   "They would have said."

   "What're you two chimps going on about? What's going on? What's this Doctor and (Y/N) done now?" Jackie speaks up.

   "Ho, ho, ho. They've vamoosed," Mickey says.

   "They've not, because (Y/N) gave me this. He's not my boyfriend, Mickey. They're better than that. They're much more important than-" The TARDIS key begins to glow and the TARDIS starts to materalize. "I said so. Mum! Mum, go inside. Mum, don't stand there, just go inside. Just, Mum, go. Oh, blimey." The TARDIS completely materializes.

   "Huh?" Mickey asks.

   "How'd you do that, then?" Jackie asks confused.

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