The Girl in the Fireplace

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   The TARDIS materializes on a spaceship with a long central hub and two rotating sections, one larger than the other.

   "It's a spaceship. Brilliant! I got a spaceship on my first go!" Mickey says walking out to the TARDIS.

   "It looks kind of abandoned. Anyone on board?" Rose asks.

   "Nah, nothing here. Well, nothing dangerous. Well, not that dangerous. You know what, I'll just have a quick scan, in case there's anything dangerous," the Doctor says walking over to a control panel. Y/n laughs walking over to help him.

   "So, what's the date? How far we gone?"

   "About three thousand years into your future, give or take," Y/n smiles at Rose. "Fifty first century. Diagmar Cluster, you're a long way from home, Mickey. Two and a half galaxies."

   "Dear me, had some cowboys in here. Got a ton of repair work going on. Now that's odd. Look at that. All the warp engines are going. Full capacity," the Doctor says.

   "There's enough power running through this ship to punch a hole in the universe, but we're not moving so where's all that power going?"

   "Where'd all the crew go?" Rose asks.

   "Good question. No life readings on board."

   "Well, we're in deep space. They didn't just nip out for a quick fag."

   "No, we've checked all the smoking pods. Can you smell that?" the Doctor says.

   "Yeah, someone's cooking."

   "Sunday roast, definitely," Mickey adds. Y/n turns to the console opening a door behind then. They all see a fireplace on the wall. 

   "Well, there's something you don't see in your average spaceship. Eighteenth century, French. Nice mantle. Not a hologram. It's not even a reproduction. This actually is an eighteenth century French fireplace. Double sided. There's another room though there," Y/n says kneeling down and looking through.

   "There can't be that's the outer hull of the ship. Look," Rose says.

   "Hello," the two Time Lords say to the little girl who had just appeared in front of them.

   "Hello," the little girl, Reinette, says to the two.

   "What's your name?" Y/n asks.


   "Reinette, that's a lovely name. Can you tell me where you are at the moment, Reinette?"

   "In my bedroom."

   "And where's your bedroom? Where do you live, Reinette?"

   "Paris, of course."

   "Paris, right!"

   "Madame, Monsieur, what are you doing in my fireplace?"

   "Oh, it's just a routine fire check. Can you tell me what year it is?" the Doctor asks.

   "Of course I can. Seventeen hundred and twenty seven."

   "Right, lovely. One of my favorites. August is rubbish though. Stay indoors. Okay, that's all for now. Thanks for your help. Hope you enjoy the rest of the fire. Night, night."

   "Goodnight, Monsieur, Madame."

   "You said this was the fifty first century," Mickey said.

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