Bad Wolf

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  "Found her. Floor four oh seven," Jack says.

   "Oh my God, She's with the Anne-Droid. You've got to get her out of there," Lynda says.

   "Love," the Doctor says kneeling down again next to the female Time-lord. "Can you walk?"

   "Oh, I can do better than that, I can run," she smiles. The four run into the lift and got to the floor Rose is on.

   "Come on, Come on!" the Doctor says. The lift reaches the floor and they exit in a rush. "Game room six, which one is it?"

   "Over here!" Lynda says. The Doctor grabs (Y/N)'s hand as they run to the door.

   "Stand back, let me blast it open," Jack says.

   "You can't. It's made of Hydra combination," (Y/N) replies.

   "Come on, come on, come on," the Doctor says working on the door.

   "This game is illegal! I'm telling you to stop!" Rose screams as the Doctor opens the door.

   "Rose! Stop this game!" 

   "Rose, you leave this life with nothing," the Anne-Droid says.

   "Stop this game!" Jack yells.

   "I order you to stop this game!" the Doctor yells.

   "You are the weakest link," the droid says.

   "Look out for the Anne Droid, it's armed!" Rose yells running to the Doctor. 

   "Good bye," the Anne-Droid says shooting her disintegrator beam. It hits something but it's not Rose.

   "What the hell did you do to her?" Jack yells.

   "(Y/N)," the Doctor says sickly,

   Everything happens slowly around the Doctor as he kneels over the dust from where the female Time-lord once stood.

   "Back off!" Jack yells at the men grabbing at the Doctor. "Don't you touch him! Leave him alone!"

   "Sir, put down the gun or I'll have to shoot," a guard says to Jack.

   "You killed her! Your stupid freaking game show killed her!"

   "I'm sorry sir, I'm arresting you under Private Legislation Sixteen of the Game Station Syndicate."

   The four; Rose, Lynda, Jack, and the Doctor, are thrown in a cell being interrogated. 

   "Can you tell us the purpose of this device, sir? Can you tell us how you got on board?" the guard asks holding up the Doctor's Sonic.

   "Just leave him alone," Rose says.

   "I'm asking him. Sir? Can you tell us who you are?"

   The Doctor sadly takes his mug shots. Rose and Jack sit next to him. Rose also in pain and Jack trying to make the two feel better.

   "You will be taken from this place to the Lunar Penal Colony, there to be held without trial. You may not appeal against this sentence. Is that understood?"

   "Let's do it," the Doctor says to Jack. Jack leads the fight out. The two guards are knocked out and Jack reclaims his defabricator while the Doctor retrieves his Sonic. Lynda and Rose take the guard's weapons. "Floor five hundred," the Doctor says when he reaches the lift.


   "Clear the floor. He's on his way up here with a gun!" Pavale, the man from the floor five hundred control room says.

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