The Unquiet Dead

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   "Hold that one down!" the Doctor says to (Y/N).

   "I'm holding this one down," she answers.

   "Well, hold them both down," (Y/N) rolls her eyes reaching across the console of the TARDIS.

   "It's not going to work," she sasses.

   "Oi! I promised Rose a time machine and that's what she's getting. Now, you've seen the future, let's have a look at the past. 1860. How does 1860 sound?" the Doctor says to the two.

   "What happened in 1860?" Rose asks.

   "I don't know, let's find out. Hold on, here we go!" The TARDIS materializes at the end of a snowy street. (Y/N) is on top of the Doctor's arm which is under her head. Rose is on the other side of the Doctor, all of them are laughing.

   "Blimey!" Rose says.

   "You're telling me. Are you alright?" (Y/N) asks Rose.

   "Yeah. I think so. Nothing broken. Did we make it? Where are we?"

   "I did it," the Doctor says smiling.

   "Give the man a medal," (Y/N) jokes.

   "Earth, Naples, December 24th, 1860."

   "That's so weird. It's Christmas," Rose says smiling.

   "All yours," (Y/N) says.

   "But, it's like, think about it, though. Christmas. 1860. Happens once, just once and it's gone, it's finished, it'll never happen again. Except for you two. You can go back and see days that are dead and gone a hundred thousand sunsets ago. No wonder you never stay still."

   "Not a bad life."

   "Better with three. Come one, then!"

   "Hey, where do you think you're going?" the Doctor asks Rose as (Y/N) is walking in the opposite direction from the door but stops hearing the Doctor speak.


   "Go out there dressed like that, you'll start a riot, Barbarella. Come on, I'm heading towards the wardrobe. Hurry up!" (Y/N) says to Rose. They both go down the corridor. The Doctor begins to work on the TARDIS to pass the time. 

   Time passes and Rose walks in with (Y/N) following a few minutes after. "Blimey!" (Y/N) says to Rose.

   "Don't laugh."

   "You look beautiful, considering."

   "Considering what?"

   "That you're human."

   "I think that's a compliment. Aren't you going to change Doctor?" 

   "I've changed my jumper. Come on," the Doctor says tugging at his now black jumper. Rose runs to the door as (Y/N) helps the Doctor out of the hole. "You look beyond beautiful, (Y/n)."

   "Thank you," she is wearing much like Rose a tight corset with a skirt flowing out, more then Rose's, but still beautiful. The corset is a midnight blue with the skirt being a gentle blue. Her hair is up in a fancy bun held together with a blue clip. She is wearing heals and is almost as tall as the Doctor now.

   "You stay there. You've done this before. This is mine!" Rose says opening the doors. She steps gingerly out into the fallen snow.

   "Ready for this? Here we go. History!" the Doctor says, taking (Y/N)'s arm in his. Rose walks beside (Y/N) as they walk down the street while a choir is singing God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. The Doctor buys a newspaper stepping away from the two girls. "I got the flight a bit wrong," he says walking back to the girls.

   "I don't care," Rose says.

   "Of course you did," (Y/N) says smiling.

   "It's not 1860, it's 1869," he says.

   "I don't care," Rose says back.

   "And it's not Naples."

   "I don't care."

   "It's Cardiff." That stops Rose in her tracks. The two Time Lords keep walking and talking. Rose runs to catch up.


   They walk past a theater and hear screams. "That's more like it!" the Doctor says running. (Y/N) grabs Rose's hand dragging her after him.

   "Stay in your seats, I beg you. It is a lantern show. It's trickery," the man on the stage says.

   "Excuse me," another man says heading into the theater.

   "There she is, sir," the women says next to the man heading into the theater.

   "I can see that. The whole blooming world can see that!" The police arrive outside and you can hear him blowing his whistle.

   "Fantastic," the Doctor says watching the corpse collapses. (Y/N) is heading towards the corpse with Rose following. They are having difficulty from the people running out. "Did you see where it came from?" The Doctor asks the man on the stage joining him.

   "Ah, the wag reveals himself, does he? I trust you're satisfied sir!" the man says to the Doctor.

   The two people from earlier pick up the corpse. "Oi! Leave her alone! Doctor, we'll get them! (Y/N) come on!" Rose shouts. The two girls follow the other two people outside.

   "Be careful! Did it say anything? Can it speak? I'm the Doctor, by the way," the Doctor says.

   "Doctor? You look more like a navvie," the man says.

   "What's wrong with this jumper?"

   Outside of the theater Rose and (Y/N) run up to the two people who were taking the corpse. "What're you doing?" Rose asks.

   "Oh, it's a tragedy, miss. Don't worry yourself. Me and the master will deal with it. The fact is, this poor lady's been taken with the brain fever and we have to get her to the infirmary," the women says.

   "She's cold. She's dead," (Y/N) says resting her hand on the corpse's neck.

   "Oh, my God, what'd you do to her?" Rose asks. The man sneaks up behind the two female friends. He puts a pad cloth over (Y/N)'s mouth. She struggles briefly then passes out. Rose freaks out running back to the theater.

   "What did you do that for?" the women asks.

   "She's seen too much. Get her in the hearse. Legs" the man says.

   "What about the other one?"

   "Nothing we can do."

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