The Symbol

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"A'Fei, you were shot. You almost had a miscarriage."

Shao Fei looked at him shocked. "We found you on the ground looking at the car. You were bleeding from your wound and your pants were soaked. We had to get you to the hospital immediately to save you and your child."

"So, they're safe?" Zhao Zi nodded, but his face did not change from a solemn look. "Then, where is Tang Yi? Please tell me I just imagined everything." Shao Fei begged looking at the two in the room. His heart monitor was rising, and that's when the nurse came in.

"Please calm down Mr. Meng. We need you to stay calm for your sake and the babies' sake." Shao Fei tried to understand, but everything came back to him in a flash. The man taking Tang Yi, the car driving off, the gun shot. Everything.

"A'Fei, we are doing everything we can to find Tang Yi, but you need to do your part and calm down." Jack reasoned with him. Shao Fei nodded and laid down placing his hands on his small bump trying to remember that he was living for two rather than only himself.

"That's good Mr. Meng. Now, I'm just going to do some tests." After the tests were done, Zhao Zi and Shao Fei had a stare down. Shao Fei won while Zhao Zi caved and apologized to Shao Fei.

"I'm sorry A'Fei. We are trying to decipher this note that was left near where we found you." Zhao Zi held up the plastic bag holding the evidence. Shao Fei reached for it, but Zhao Zi pulled it away. "I don't think it's a good idea to show it to you now, A'Fei." Shao Fei wanted to smack Zhao Zi, but he understood.

"Why did Tang Yi get taken away?" Shao Fei looked out the window trying to hold back his emotions.

"We don't know, A'Fei, but we will find him." Zhao Zi held Shao Fei's hand and gave him a reassuring smile. "We will find him. The Yakuza will lead us there somehow."

That's when Yi Qi came in. "We have most of it done. It's addressed to you Shao Fei." She handed the letter to him. Her face showed some hidden pain. The translated version was placed on his lap. Every word, Shao Fei read every word over and over again, but nothing seemed to add up.

"This doesn't make any sense. All it's stating is stuff about me and my relationship with Tang Yi." Yi Qi nodded.

"That's why. He's sending a message that that wasn't supposed to happen or something like that." Shao Fei pulled himself back up into a sitting position and stared at the note. That's when one thing caught his eye. Since this wasn't the original, the message looked redone over and over again. This wasn't the real message. Shao Fei looked at Yi Qi with a questioning gaze, but dismissed it. He needed to be alone with Zhao Zi.

"We'll leave you to get some rest, A'Fei." Zhao Zi said and pulled Yi Qi and the note out of the room. He was about to call out for Zhao Zi, but they were already out of ear shot. So, Shao Fei sat there looking out the window trying to decipher why evidence was being withheld from him.

What they didn't know was that that note kept Shao Fei up throughout most of the night. His thoughts wondering around why Yi Qi was acting the way she did. Something wasn't adding up in his head. She wasn't acting like she should.

There has to be a reason why it's me they addressed it to. The original note!

That morning, Zhao Zi found Shao Fei clambering up from his bed glaring at him. "Zhao Zi, I need that original note."

"But A'Fei, we can't read Japanese. Plus, they're taking it for prints."

"Get it back from evidence, please. I think I can find something in it." Zhao Zi was about to fight back, but Shao Fei's eyes held something that made him cave. There was a plea for help. Not from him as another officer, but as a friend. A brother.

"Fine." He pulled his phone out and argued with Yi Qi for about twenty minutes until she agreed to bring it as a photograph.

Zhao Zi left to go get it and left Shao Fei with Jack. "Do you know why Tang Yi was taken and not me?" Jack looked down at him and nodded.

"You were supposed to be taken. You and I both know that they do not need Tang Yi. After he finished the trial, all of his stuff goes to the government, Hong Ye, Dao Yi, or myself. They needed you. It's basic psychology." He flipped his knife and put it back into his pocket. "Look, Shao Fei, you should not get too close into this case in your condition. You're a walking target." Shao Fei looked down at his hands.

"I am worthless if I don't do something in this case, Jack. You know that." Jack sighed and walked over to Shao Fei's bed side giving him a look.

"Look, I'm a trained merc. I have to know some other languages other than Taiwanese, and I hate to break it to you, but that message that Yi Qi brought is not the same nor is it the full story. I only could get some parts here and there by looking over her shoulder, but that note that she gave you wasn't the real message."

"But what for?" Jack sighed and shook his head.

"None of us know well enough, but they probably want you for them." He pointed at Shao Fei's small stomach. "That baby is one of the few that are being made nowadays. But I don't know why they specifically went after you." Shao Fei placed a protective hand over his stomach and glared out the window. "Yi Qi is a different story. Maybe it's because of her harbored feelings for you." Jack said with his charisma showing. Shao Fei wanted to throw a book at him.

"The moment I get out of here, I'm coming for you Tang." He muttered.

Zhao Zi came back fifteen minutes later to find Shao Fei outside on the balcony leaning against the railing.

"A'Fei!" He called out. Shao Fei turned and took the note quickly. He scanned it out on the balcony with Zhao Zi eating some nice ramen. Made by yours truly, Jack as Shao Fei's bodyguard.

It felt like forever, but Shao Fei finally found what he needed. In the corner, covered in blood, was the same symbol, but it seemed like something that wasn't supposed to be there.

"Why does this symbol look so familiar?" Zhao Zi shrugged. Shao Fei kept turning the piece over and over sifting through his memories. That's when it hit him.


"Senior Li Chen, what is this?" Shao Fei held up an old looking necklace that was found in the case they just solved.

"It's nothing special Shao Fei. Come on, we need to get all of this labeled and stored away before Boss comes after us." Shao Fei chuckled at that and placed the necklace away.

Something caught his eye on it though. It looked cool, but it made no sense. He kept looking closer and closer, but didn't get much time to see because Li Chen took the necklace away.

"Please, just leave it be." Shao Fei sighed and left the necklace.

He remembered one day that same week where he walked back to find Li Chen holding the symbol tightly to her. Soft sobs could be heard, but he didn't understand back then.

-End Flashback-

"That symbol. . ." He turned quickly on his heal and pulled out the old ring that he got from Chen Wen Hao. The same symbol was engraved on it.

"Damn it. Zhao Zi, we need to get back to Tang Yi's home." Zhao Zi looked at him like he was crazy.

"What the hell do you mean A'Fei?! You can't go home yet. You're still recovering."

"Well, I can't trust anyone anymore. This is Chen Wen Hao's symbol, but he's dead!" Zhao Zi tried to calm Shao Fei down, but that ended with them getting into Jack's car with Shao Fei driving away.

"Please calm down for the baby's sake." Shao Fei ignored him and drove off to find any documents relating to Chen Wen Hao.

As hey drove away, a man stood in the shadows giving a Morse code through an old radio.

'They found it.'

Near the darker parts of Taipei, a dark slum like area surrounds the place. A body surrounded by five others look down at it waiting for it to wake up.

"How long are we going to keep this one?"

"As long as it takes Meng Shao Fei to come here." The man nodded and the other walked into the moon light.

"You will be the best bait, Tang Yi."

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