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Tang Yi felt his stomach drop down to the pavement below him as he saw the thing before him.

Back in Taipei, Shao Fei held himself together as best as he could, but remembering every happy moment made him feel more and more lonely. The deathly loneliness attacked every single time he looked at Tang Yi's picture. Every time he saw Zhao Zi and Jack be happy, he knew that Zhao Zi needed it, but he could always feel this tight clenching in his chest knowing he can't do that with Tang Yi yet. Everything was just out of wack and he just wanted to go back to Tang Yi and fall asleep to his heartbeat. His sobs echoed on deaf ears as he laid in his room hugging the picture of Tang Yi close.

The voices in his head kept him from being able to sleep properly. Everything was like an echo of that night at the bar. That night was still vivid in his dreams. His brain always played with different scenarios ending in nightmare for Shao Fei making him wake up screaming into the dark night. This was his fault. If he just wasn't as slow if he just wasn't wrong. If he could have just seen what was happening. 

'I'm a cop for crying out loud! I should have known that something didn't feel right! I would have Tang Yi here if I was just careful!'

"A'Fei, please get out of bed." Zhao Zi pleaded from the doorframe. Shao Fei quickly wiped his eyes and turned trying to do the best poker face he could. "Don't give me that, A'Fei. I know you're in pain." Shao Fei just smiled and walked out giving Zhao Zi a pat on the back.

"It's time to go, Zhao Zi. We don't want to keep everyone waiting do we?" Zhao Zi sighed and looked at the picture laying on the bed of Shao Fei and Tang Yi.

"Please come back soon Tang Yi. I don't think Shao Fei can handle much more."

Zhao Zi followed Shao Fei to the car and they drove off to the police station to have a brief of the situation.

"Okay, so right now we know what has happened in Japan. We caught one of their lower members in the escape near Shibuya. All we know is that Tang Yi is somewhere in the heart of Tokyo escaping the Yakuza. He has not been captured yet, but I'm not taking any chances." Jack informed walking around the table with his butterfly blade in hand. "Now, with what we have so far we can deduct that Tang Yi escaped unscathed. We are still searching for Yi Qi's boy toy."


"That's what I said. Anyway." He turned on his heal and gave everyone a very sadistic smile. "If we can't find him in the next few days we will have to go to Japan ourselves and get ourselves into global affairs, and no one wants to do that. So, get to work and find your boss' husband before I get involved." Everyone dashed out of the room looking like a scared puppy with their tails between their legs and quickly started looking up anything in the databases and news reports. Jack sighed looking at a locked room with no windows. It led to the cells, but his mind went elsewhere the moment Shao Fei walked in looking like a dead corpse. Zhao Zi was hot on his tail trying to get Shao Fei into his office without any bodily harm. It was like Shao Fei wasn't really there. Jack sighed and walked out of the conference room to help Zhao Zi.

"Zhao Zi!" He called and put an arm around Shao Fei's shoulders to keep him upright.

"Jack." Zhao Zi propped Shao Fei up and smiled softly at the red head. "Thanks for coming early."

"No problem. Come on, let's get him inside so he can focus." They both dragged Shao Fei inside and sat him down before leaving him in the room.

"I can't just leave him like that, Jack. It doesn't seem right at all." Jack looked at Shao Fei. They both knew that Shao Fei was loosing hope faster than they could find evidence. This needed to stop, thankfully that stop came in through the door with a lot...LOT of commotion. 

"Jack, we found something." A breathless man said. Jack nodded and left with them as Zhao Zi looked at Shao Fei in some comatose state. Zhao Zi sighed and ran after Jack to go and look at the new news.

He wasn't expecting Andy standing next to Hong Ye and Dao Yi. 

"We may have found something." Andy's stare gave them something of a shiver down their spines.  Andy smiled and held up a phone.

"What is that phone?"

"We got it in the mail from someone. There's no name, but there is a nice video and voice recording." Andy tossed the phone over to Jack with the video ready. Andy turned the video to face them and pressed play. It wasn't the best quality video, and the angle was weird, but they could see Tang Yi's distinct hair style that was almost flat by now. 

"Chen Wen Hao is dead." Tang Yi said. The usual light in his eyes gone.

"I know that, boy. Now tell me why you would utter those names again to get my attention." A man was sitting with a business suit on and looked very important, but his face was almost entirely obscured. 

"I have taken over both Master Tang and Chen Wen Hal's businesses in Taiwan, but the section of the Yakuza that a man named Masuyama is under has kidnapped me. They're trying to get my boy- my friend here and I can't let that happen."

"The Yakuza is not what it used to be. I will agree on that point, but this has nothing to do with my division. Besides, even if he is looking for you, he will find your. . .friend faster. Remember you are losing precious time here with me when you could be getting back to Taiwan."

"I would if I could. I do not want that Yakuza to come anywhere near Shao Fei. That is why I am here! I need a way to get back to Shao Fei! He's the only thing that I live for." Tang Yi got up in the man's face. A security guard was right behind him, but he held up a hand waving him off.

"Then find a way to get to him. Go through that door and find a way." Tang Yi looked at the red door and walked through. "Oh, Tang Yi?" Tang Yi turned around to see the man with a glass of whiskey. "You might want to find him before he does something wreck less in his pregnant state. Love can make you do some crazy shit. Pregnancy makes it worse." Tang Yi quickly walked out the door clutching the key chain in a death grip.

The video didn't stop there though. The man got up and looked at the phone. "Good luck Mr. Fei. You will need it. He is going on a hard course that almost killed Tang Yi's master." And the phone shut off. 

Everyone looked at the video and were entirely frozen. No one would move until they heard a click of a door handle. They all sprung away and hid the phone from the new person's face, who turned out to be Shao Fei.

"H-H-Hey A-F-Fei! What are you doing out here?"

"Apparently listening to the latest thing that was recorded of my boyfriend." That was when Zhao Zi saw the dried up tear streaks on Shao Fei's face. The eyes were done crying and were replaced with a fire that none of them had seen since the academy. 

"What do you want to do next boss?" Shao Fei walked over and took the phone giving it to the forensics team.

"Swipe this for prints and then take it to the tech department to see what they can find."

"Wait. There's a voice memo on there as well." Andy pointed out. Zhao Zi took the phone and pulled up one recording.

"This is for that fool's boyfriend. If you're trying to look for him, don't. He will get back on his own. Just wait. You will be getting reports soon enough." It sounded like the same man, but it had a darker tone. Then the phone shut off.

"Is there anything else?" Shao Fei asked after a moment of silence. Andy shook his head sadly.

"We will keep looking for something. Please do not worry Mr. Fei." Dao Yi bowed and they all left back to wherever they came from. 

Zhao Zi and Jack took a look into Shao Fei's eyes and knew that this was just the beginning. Shao Fei wasn't stopping any time soon.

A/N: Haha so this is like 3 weeks late, but it's here. Sorry for making you guys who are still here wait. School doesn't like me and neither does writer's block. Also, this story will continue, but here's something for now.

His Voice: HIStory 3: TrappedWhere stories live. Discover now