Part II . . .No More Words

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Yi Xing's POV
It's been almost three years since our parents have been placed into a coma. Everything has been explained to me and my sister so many times by Uncle Jack and Uncle Zhao Zi.

I'm kidding. I'm one how can I make this up? Anyway, I hope you like my cuteness and jokes.

Back to the story.

3rd Person POV

Zhao Zi heard the loud bang and ran over as fast as he could towards Tang Yi's office. He felt everything lose its' color when he saw the scene before him.

The blood splayed everywhere. The message on the wall. A shaking Tang Yi hovering over Shao Fei's body.

"T-Tang Yi?"

"Don't come any closer!" Jack ran in and quickly pulled his phone out calling the ambulance.

"Tang Yi, w-we need-d to make r-r-r-oom for the me-medics to get to A'Fei."

"No one is touching him." Zhao Zi shuddered at the glare that was sent his way. Everything was happening too fast. His head was spinning, but he kept himself up against the wall.

"S-Shao Fei, come on, get up!" Tang Yi slammed his fists against the floor around Shao Fei's head in frustration. "I can't lose you. The kids can't lose their mother!"

Zhao Zi turned at that to see Yuan Li trying to get up and see what was wrong. When he couldn't see anyone, he started to cry bloody murder. Zhao Zi pulled himself together and quickly ran over trying to soothe the poor child. 

When Yi Xing heard his sister crying, he started to wail too. Jack quickly came back with the paramedics tailing him. He picked up Yi Xing and hid his view from the spectacle as he pointed the medics in the right direction. 

"Come on, Yi Xing, it's going to be okay. Let's get you back with your sister, okay?" Jack placed the child next to his sister and went to help the medics get Tang Yi off of Shao Fei.

"Who's blood is that?" Jack mumbled looking at the medics doing their job. Something didn't look right. The blood on the wall was old, but the blood on Shao Fei was also old. It didn't look like he was just now bleeding.

The reason why revealed itself faster than Jack could process. The moment they pulled Tang Yi off, the medics could tell that it wasn't Shao Fei's blood, but Tang Yi's. 

"Dear god, get another medic here right now!" The medics went into high gear and tried to separate the two seeing that time was of the essence. 

When the medics were able to get both of them out of the house and into the ambulances, another crash was heard. Jack rushed over to where he saw the glass break and found a note wrapped in fresh blood.

'Good luck.' Jack's face paled and he quickly ran out shooting at the paramedics' ambulances in the back tires quickly making it stop. The medics came out screaming at him about how he could have hurt someone. He didn't give a shit. Something was off. He clutched the rock in one hand and the gun in the other.

"Everyone get out of the ambulance." He said calmly. Some shuddered at his tone, but others held their ground. "I said, everyone get out." A few left and then the rest trickled out of the two ambulances that he shot down. "I need answers. Give them to me, now." One paramedic came out looking pissed.

"Why should we pay any attention to you?" She asked.

"Because this could very well be my friend's blood." She didn't budge. Jack pushed through all of the medics and did a sample of the blood outside while making sure no one left. While he was in getting the equipment, he called for backup.

The backup arrived shortly after the results did. It was covered in Tang Yi's blood. Jack sighed. He promised Zhao Zi that he wouldn't do this agin. Well, there are a few exceptions. 

He pulled out his blade and put on his cheshire grin. He walked out and smiled swinging his knife around his fist. He stuck out from the rest of his men. He, with his red hair and jacket, stuck out from the sea of black suits. They worked for him now that Tang Yi is "retired".

"One of you seems to be lying to myself, my family, and my friends. Which one will it be to confess?" Some of the medics froze, some questioned if he was really doing this, others looked unfazed.

"No takers? Okay, we can make you talk." The men started approaching the medics. Many looked ready to shit their pants, but one looked too calm. 

"If you do this, we can arrest you." Jack wanted to laugh out loud. 

"Try me." The man paled and he tried running. He didn't get far. The next few seconds were a blur. Jack stayed inside the ambulance with his friends and family checking the test. It finally came back as A negative. He found the charts with all of the medics on the ambulance and came out looking ready to kill. 

His bangs covered almost all of his eyes as he stared at the first woman. "Wang Ling Jiao, daughter of the Wang Co. Your father did business with the carriers, and everything was hidden thanks to your money. Want to tell me why you're working as a medic when your entire family was supposedly banished from Taiwan?" 

With every sentence, Jack got closer swinging his butterfly knife backing her into the ambulance. "Get away from me, Jack. I don't need this interrogation. I have nothing to say to you." Jack sighed and turned around letting the men take her into custody. 

"Make sure she didn't do anything to Meng Shao Fei or Tang Yi." The other medics ran agreeing to his words. 

"S-S-Sir, there seems to be a vile missing of adrenaline." 

"Well don't just fucking stand here! Get them to the hospital now!" The medics left and Jack sent some of his men so that he could go back to Zhao Zi.

He walked inside to find Zhao Zi almost breaking down with the children crying in his arms. "Ja-Jack!! W-What h-ha-happened-ed to t-the-them?!"

"It's going to be fine, Zi, but we need to meet them at the hospital. Do you think you're up for it?" Zhao Zi nodded and handed the kids off to Jack before struggling to get out of the comfy couch. "I've got you." He placed the kids in their respective carriers and quickly wrapped an arm around Zhao Zi's waist helping him up.

"Thank you, Jack." Jack's smile looked a little like he was breaking from cuteness overload, but they quickly left knowing they weren't safe if they were targeting some who already had kids. 

By the time they were able to meet Shao Fei and Tang Yi at the hospital, one was in surgery while the other was in ICU. Shao Fei looked supper pale and out of it. Jack sat with the kids while Zhao Zi was panicking a little too much near Shao Fei's bed.

"A'Fei, please be okay. I can't lose my best friend." A nurse came in and checked everything before looking at them. 

"Are you family?" Jack nodded and walked out with the nurse. 

"He shouldn't hear this yet if it's bad news." Jack said flashing a smile at the nurse. She nodded and explained Tang Yi's condition.

"He has internal bleeding that has been stopped and he is stable now, but whatever happened there wasn't the best. We had to put him into a medical coma for him to heal." Jack nodded and thanked her before walking in to find Zhao Zi and Shao Fei both awake, but only just.

Jack wanted to be happy, he truly did, but he closed the door and only glanced at the two before walking down the hall. He didn't have it in his heart to tell them how much life support Tang Yi really needed that night.

His Voice: HIStory 3: TrappedWhere stories live. Discover now