Ready to Go?

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Tang Yi felt his strength leave after he took down the next man. This hurt him. Every kill reminded him of who he was.

"Are you finished with that one yet?" A voice said from behind. A clang followed with gut churning sounds.

"Yes." Tang Yi walked off towards a nearby drop off and took out a new suit. This was his life. It felt like he'd been here for years, but it was only a month. 'He should be six months along now. I hope he's okay.'

"Get a move on Tang!"

"Yes Little Tang. Hurry back." A sultry voice said through his in ears. Tang Yi wanted to puke, but he kept still and walked away from the scene. He didn't leave anything, but he knew that someone would know it's him.

"Please do not try to find me Fei." He whispered to the darkened sky. Everything looked dull in his eyes. Nothing brought happiness except for that glimmer of hope that he will return home.

"Don't keep me waiting all night, Little Tang." Tang Yi sighed and walked away from the mass of bodies. Many days have passed since he was forced into this line of work once more. He gripped the one thing that they let him keep. The tiny skeleton jingled in his pocket with a few clinks. "You know what will happen if you don't do as I say."

"Fuck off! Don't you dare lay a hand on Meng Shao Fei."

"I don't have to do that. Someone already has that taken care of."

"We had a deal you piece of shit!" Tang Yi scanned the area for any hidden figures and or cameras.

"Which is why that deal is on thin ice. Hurry up Little Tang."

'I will get back.'

"Shao Fei. Shao Fei! Get up!" Shao Fei jumped up in a cold sweat. His room was still dark, but he could make out the shape of Zhao Zi.

"Z-Zhao Zi?"

"A'Fei, we were so worried about you. Are you okay?" Zhao Zi propped Shao Fei up against the pillows watching his breathing patterns.

"W-W-What happened?"

"We brought you home after we made a plan. Jack and I decided to stay here to at least make some food for you for when you wake up. A-And then there was a loud bang."

"We both ran up here to find you almost in a possessed state. Your body looked like it wasn't yours. It took a shock to wake you up." Jack finished. Shao Fei looked down at his body and saw the bump.

"Is this another side affect?" Zhao Zi asked. Not many men were like this, so there wasn't enough information on these affects.

"I don't know. Please help me up." Zhao Zi wrapped his arm around his shoulders and brought him to the rocking chair near his bed.

"I'll go find something about this and get Hong Ye and Dao Yi over here."

"What will they be able to do?" Zhao Zi and Jack turned to Shao Fei.

"Still angry about what they did?" Shao Fei's eyes said it all. Zhao Zi sighed and put a comforting hand on Shao Fei's shoulders. "Please don't be angry at them. We are trying to make sure that you and the baby will be alright throughout this entire meeting."

"Putting me in a truck outside while SHE goes in is not my-"

"Not your way of handling things. Yes, I know, A'Fei. But you and I both know that Hong Ye will be able to get him out of there."

"I want to be there." He pouted.

"And if you were then they would have all that they need and more. They want people like us, A'Fei. You know they just want us." Shao Fei's face fell as he remembered that one part in their meeting.

"I just want him." Zhao Zi sat with Shao Fei for a few minutes until Hong Ye and Dao Yi came running in with Jack trying to hold them back.

"You are not going inside that house. I will not let you, Meng Shao Fei."

Everyone saw the small twitch in Shao Fei's brow. 'Oh shit.' Zhao Zi ran back to Jack and dragged them behind Shao Fei. Then all hell broke lose. Quick note: never make Shao Fei angry.

"What the hell, Hong Ye?! I have gone with everything that you requested of me when Tang Yi asked me to be his! I have done everything you have asked and yet, here I am forced to sit on the fucking sidelines as I watch my boyfriend be used by that disgusting group? I want to get out of here! I need to go over there and help him, but you keep me here under what guise? That I am a target? A prize? A catalyst? WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT ME TO DO STUCK HERE WHILE TANG YI IS FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE IN JAPAN?!" Zhao Zi peeked his head out from behind Jack looking at Shao Fei's seething figure.

Jack, for once, looked shocked. His cheshire grin was gone and replaced with a thin line. The air was tense and nothing seemed right. He quickly shoved Zhao Zi behind him and glared at Shao Fei. "Meng Shao Fei, if you really want to go to Tang Yi that badly, then go. Don't take your anger out on the people who have helped you throughout these last few months." Jack looked at Shao Fei knowing that this was hurting everyone.

Zhao Zi timidly came out from behind Jack and placed a hand over Shao Fei's. "Please A'Fei." They both left and that's when all hell broke lose.

"Guys! We have something!" Zhao Zi ran like a mad man into the main room to find a video of someone on the screen. There were loud footsteps coming from behind as Shao Fei came in red faced and puffy eyes.

"What is it?" He asked trying to keep his voice calm and less shaky. 

"I don't think you should be here, Director."

"Why shouldn't I be?"

The officer was about to reply, but something stopped him. "Because this is a call." The officer sighed and motioned for Zhao Zi and Jack to cover Shao Fei properly. He turned the monitor around to show Masuyama.

"Hello Meng Shao Fei." A shiver ran up his spine as he saw the dark look in Masuyama's eyes. 

"What do you want Masuyama?"

"A deal. That little boy you call yours is coming back from a mission and won't be able to see you easily, so might as well give him something to look at." Everyone was confused until Jack quickly got up and broke the monitor.

"What the hell, Jack?" Zhao Zi took a look at the assassin's hand to see it was bleeding. Jack waved it off as nothing for a minute.

"Shao Fei, don't you dare go to Japan. He now has your image and you." Shao Fei's face paled as the situation hit him like a rock.

"You are not going any time soon, Shao Fei." Hong Ye pulled Shao Fei to a chair before he collapsed and kept him there. "You need to stay here. Now that he knows what you look like and a good guess on how far you are, he will come and target you that much quicker."

Shao Fei kept his head down knowing he had messed up badly. "What did he get from that meeting?"

"He got something on each of us, but I can't figure out what it was."

"Well, find someone who can. We can't let them be one step ahead." Hong Ye rolled her eyes and pulled Shao Fei back down into a chair. 

"We are going to Japan, but we are not letting you go. Do you understand Shao Fei?" Shao Fei glared at his almost sister-in-law knowing she was right. 

"Find him." He said through gritted teeth. Shao Fei walked off bitting his lip knowing this was going to be hell. 

"He's coming isn't he?" Jack asked quietly. Hong Ye sighed and nodded. 

"He won't stop until he is able to get my brother, so he will find a way to get on that plane if it kills him. Keep him in your sights." Jack nodded as Hong Ye walked off with Dao Yi to the car. 

"Time to see what you will do, Shao Fei." Zhao Zi took that moment to walk out of the room to get some air. The balcony was made to look a little more soothing for their director, but it was barely used. He sat down on the couch outside and looked out. "Can't stop him anymore." He muttered. It started to rain, but he could only feel it on his cheeks. "Please don't die, A'Fei." A loud clamor was heard outside as Shao Fei got into his own car to follow Hong Ye and Dao Yi to the airport.

Masuyama sat at his desk smirking at his laptop. "Try all you might Little Fei. This won't be long."

His Voice: HIStory 3: TrappedWhere stories live. Discover now