Chapter 3: Unwanted Engagement!

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     Maybelle opened her eyes early in the morning when she saw her mom in front of her. She sighed as she stood up. "What is it, mother?" Maybelle asked. "Your father just got done announcing your impending engagement." Anastasia told her and Maybelle gasped. "What engagement? I am not ready for marriage and I am not even in love!" Maybelle exclaimed and Anastasia sighed as she shook her head. "My dear, Maybelline. You are the princess, you do not have the choice of love. Your father and I will choose your husband on who we see fit." Anastasia explained. "I do not want marriage! I want to fall in love someday!" Maybelle exclaimed. "You are a princess, you do not get to fall in love. You marry for the good of all Pegasus." Anastasia told her. "Well, I never wanted to be a princess!" Maybelle exclaimed. Maybelle flapped her wings and flew off into the sky and through the clouds.

      Zane finished making the fire when Alexa walked up to him. "Hey." Alexa greeted. "Hey." Zane greeted. "The fire's cozy." Alexa commented and Zane nodded. "Very." Zane agreed. Zane looked over and saw his mom talking to fellow dragons. She pointed her tail at him and they looked for a second and then looked back at her. He looked down and sighed. "Are you okay?" Alexa asked. "I will be." Zane replied. "Parents can be ruff." Alexa told him. "You're perfect, Alexa. Just like your family." Zane told her. Alexa blushed at hearing what he said. "You think I'm perfect?" Alexa asked. "Yeah, you're the perfect girl next door." Zane replied and Alexa put on a small smile. "I think I just need to take a walk." Zane replied and Alexa grinned. "I'll go with you." Alexa told him and he shook his head. "I rather go alone." Zane told her and she frowned. "Okay." Alexa agreed. She sighed as she watched him walk deep into the forest.

      Maybelle flew in the night sky. She loved flying, whether she's in a good mood or bad mood. But when she's in a bad or sad mood, she loves to fly even more. In happy mood, it makes her feel free. In a bad mood, it makes her mind clears up and she can think properly, and she had a lot she needed to think about. She landed by the lake at the edge of the Pegasus territory to find Evelyn, in her human form and in the lake for an early morning swim. Maybelle transformed into her human form as Evelyn got out of the water. "Hey." Evelyn greeted. "Hi." Maybelle greeted. Evelyn frowned as she looked at her new friend. "What is wrong?" Evelyn asked. "I was flying in the clouds so I can think. I have had a lot going on lately." Maybelle replied. Evelyn sat down and motioned for Maybelle to sit down and she did. "What is going on?" Evelyn asked and Maybelle sighed. "My parents are arranging a marriage to force upon me." Maybelle replied. "I am not surprised." Evelyn told her. "You are not?" Maybelle asked and Evelyn shook her head. "Royals never choose who to marry." Evelyn replied and Maybelle sighed as a few tears escaped her eyes. "I always imagined once I am ready I would find a nice Pegasus and fall madly in love. We will be together for a while and start a family. I guess that was just a fairytale dream." Maybelle explained. Evelyn put her hand on Maybelle's and smiled. "I am sorry." Evelyn apologized. "Me too." Maybelle agreed.

     Zane was walking in the forest and it was nightfall. He had been walking for hours in his human form. It's easier to walk under large tree's that way. Zane looked up and saw a dragon flying overhead. The dragon swarmed down and landed in front of him. He tranformed into his human form and saw that it was Prince Neal. Second in line to the Dragon Throne. "Hello, your majesty." Zane greeted as he bowed. "No need, I am nothing like my parents or siblings." Neal told him. "I met your sister. I am pretty sure she was hitting on me." Zane told him and Neal laughed. "That sounds like Sabrina. She hits on any cute Dragon she meets. Do not worry about it, she will be over you in a week. Besides, my parents will never allow it." Neal explained. "I thought the oldest was the one that had the arranged marriage?" Zane asked. "We all do, but Christophers is the most important because he will be wedding the next Queen." Neal replied and Zane nodded. "Do you have anyone in mind, whether your parents will mind or not?" Zane asked and Neal sighed. "No one in mind, although I do not think they will alow anyone I have feelings for." Neal replied. "Why not?" Zane asked and Neal sighed. "It is complicated." Neal replied and Zane nodded. "I understand." Zane told him and he smiled. "Do you want to hang out sometime?" Neal asked. "That sounds great." Zane replied.

     Maybelle was in Pegasus form by the lake, her favorite spot in all the Mountains. She blew ice out of her mouth and turned the lake into ice. She didn't worry, with this heat the ice will melt by tonight. She put her hoof on the ice and smiled as she felt the nice coolness. She heard something and turned around to find her dad. "This is supposed to be the area I go to get away from my parents." Maybelle told him. "You need no such place. I have come to introduce you to your first suiter." Roman told her. Maybelle groaned as she stood up. "I do not wish to marry any stranger, father." Maybelle told him. "Well, you have to." Roman told her. "Do you not want me to be happy?" Maybelle asked. "I want what is best for all Pagasus." Roman replied and Maybe sighed. "All but me." Maybelle commented. "It is just the way things are, Maybelle." Roman told her. Maybelle walked past him as he followed her.

     Zane and Neal were sitting deep within the forest, talking. "So, have your parents figured out who will be the future Queen?" Zane asked. "Not yet, but they're not in a rush. Christopher is still in traning to become King." Neal replied. "What comes first? Marriage or Coronation?" Zane asked. "Marriage. The future Queen will need training too." Neal replied and Zane nodded. "Cool." Zane commented. "What's with all the questions?" Neal asked. "Just making conversation." Zane replied. "How's your life?" Neal asked and Zane sighed. "My father was killed by a Pegasus when I was a baby and my mother is extremely strict. I want to become a Warrior Dragon, but my mom wants me to live a safe life." Zane replied. "That is just awful." Neal commented and Zane nodded. "Tell me about it." Zane agreed. "I'm just your life is still more exciting then mine." Neal told him with a smirk and Neal chuckled. "Probably, considering my mom is sure to be worrying her scales off by now." Zane agreed and Neal laughed. "I should go, before my parents find out." Zane told him as they both stood up. "See you around, Neal." Zane told him. "You too." Neal agreed. Neal transformed into a Dragon and flew into the sky. Zane sighed as he walked back to the caves.

      Maybelle was talking to Mark. Her parents weren't far away, watching their every move. "You are very charming, Princess Maybelle." Mark commented and Maybelle gave a small smile. "Thank you, Mark." Maybelle commented. There was a moment of smile. "What do you like to do in your free time?" Mark asked. "I like to fly and swim." Maybelle replied. Anastasia sighed and walked over. "She is joking, of coure. My daughter loves to sing and dance elegantly." Anastasia told him. "No, I do not." Maybelle told her and she sighed. "Come back later, Mark. When Maybelline here is in a more marriage mood." Anastasia told him and he nodded. "Of course, your majesty." Mark agreed as he walked away. Anastasia turned and glared at Maybelle as she looked down. "What were you thinking?" Anastasia asked. "That I do not love him." Maybelle replied. "This is not about love. The next suiter I get for you, you better be on your best behavior." Anastasia told her and she nodded. "Yes, mother." Maybelle agreed.

     Zane brought back some firewood and put it on the pile. Mandy walked up to him. "Do you have enough firewood?" Mandy asked. "Yes, mom." Zane replied and Mandy smiled. "Just msking sure, now make the fire." Mandy ordered. "Why is it always me?" Zane asked. "Because you need as much practice as possible." Mandy replied and Zane sighed. "Fine." Zane agreed. Zane blew fire toward it and Mandy grinned. "Feels warm." Mandy commented. Sabrina walked over to them with a smile. "Greetings, Zane." Sabrina greeted. "Greetings, your majesty." Mandy greeted as she bowed. "Hi." Zane greeted and Mandy glared at him. "Zane!" Mandy exclaimed. "Your msjesty." Zane commented as he bowed. "Do you want to take a flight?" Sabrina asked. "I am not sure if that is the best idea." Zane replied. "Zane, my son. You do not say no to royalty." Mandy told him and Sabrina smirked. "Your dear mother has a point." Sabrina told him and he sighed. "Lets take that flight." Zane told her. "Perfect." Sabrina commented.

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