Chapter 23: Bold Part 1!

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      It was late. It was dark snd the only light were the stars and moon, casting a small light the area. Maybelle walked across the village in her human form with Evelyn by her side. "This feels strange." Evelyn commented and Maybelle smiled. "You'll get use to it." Maybelle told her. "Where are we going exactly?" Evelyn asked. "To the place Zane and I always meet up." Maybelle replied. "Is this place, like your secret spot?" Evelyn asked with a smirk as she linked her arm with her best friend. Maybelle grinned as she brushed some of her long hair out of her face. "You can say that." Maybelle replied. Zane must be pretty special, for you to care so deeply about him." Evelyn commented and Maybelle nodded. "He is." Maybelle agreed. "I am happy for you." Evelyn commented. "Thank you." Maybelle commented. They made it to a hilltop and walked over to Zane and Henry, as they stood up. "Hi, May." Zane greeted. He walked up and kissed her cheek. "Hi." Maybelle greeted. "This is Evelyn." Maybelle introduced. "Nice to meet you." Evelyn greeted. "You too, and this is Henry." Zane introduced. "My pleasure." Henry commented. "No one knows any of us are missing, right?" Evelyn asked. "They should not." Henry replied and Evelyn nodded. "We should sit down and get started." Maybelle suggested. "Good idea." Zane agreed. They all sat down and got comfortable.
     The four of them began thinking about what to do next. "How are we going to stop this upcoming war?" Henry asked. There was a moment of silence. Maybelle looked down, a thought crossing her mind. "We tried talking to our families, telling them that we should not be enemies.... And it did not work." Maybelle replied. "What are you saying, May?" Evelyn asked. Maybelle sighed as she looked up. "We need to take a bold step." Maybelle replied and Zane gave her a weird look. "You do not mean?" Zane asked and Maybelle nodded. "Yes." Maybelle replied and Zane sighed. Evelyn and Henry were confused at what the two of them were thinking about. "Are you going to fill us in?" Henry asked. "We should just out right, tell everyond wnat is hoing on. Show them." Maybelle replied. "Like walking in one of our camps, holding hands." Zane added. Evelyn and Henry widened their eyes. "Are you insane?" Evelyn asked. Maybelle and Zane locked eyes and both smirked. "Maybe a little." Zane replied. "Thiswill never work." Henry commented. "You need to learm how to have hope." Zane told him and Henry sighed. "This is different, Zane. This is bigger then anything we have ever done." Henry told them and Zane nodded. "I know, Henry. But this is worth fighting for." Zane told him as he looked at Maybelle and she smiled as she moved a lock of hair behind her ear. "I am in." Evelyn agreed. "Me too." Henry added. Maybelle grabbed Zane's hand. "When?" Maybelle asked. "I was thinking one week." Zane replied. "Why so long?" Maybelle asked. "I thought we should give talking to our families one more chance." Zane replied and Maybelle nodded. "Good idea." Maybelle agreed. "And we should probably meet again before we go theough with it, in case there are any changes." Evelyn added. "The night before." Henry suggested. "Sounds good." Zane agreed.
      Maybelle's eyes fluttered open. She looked around and saw she was back home. She sighed as she slowly stood up to see Jake. "Greetings, your majesty." Jake greeted and Maybelle sighed. "What are you doing here, Jake?" Maybelle asked. "Hoping to go on a walk with my future bride." Jake replied. "I am not." Maybelle told him. "You are not what?" Jake asked. "Your future bride." Maybelle replied. "This is an arranged marriage, you do not have a choice. Your majesty." Jake told her. "Well, I am making my choice, and I choose myself." Maybelle told him. She walked past him and he sighed as he watched her walk away. She walked up to Isabella. "Are you okay?" Isabella asked and Maybelle sighed. "No, but hopefully it will be. Once we finish what we have started." Maybelle replied and Isabella nodded. "Of course, how may I help?" Isabella asked. "Perhaps." Maybelle replied and Isabella smiled.
     Zane felt someone prodding him and opened his eyes to see his mom standing over him. "About time you woke up, son." Mandy commented. Zane sighed as he stood up. "What is going on, mother?" Zane asked. "I think I found a lovely girl for you, Zane." Mandy replied. "What?" Zane asked. "She is a beautiful dragon, you have probably seen her around. Her name is Tracy Reynolds." Mandy replied. "I know her. I have seen her, never really spoken." Zane told her. "Well, you are about to." Mandy told him. "I do not need a wife, at least not a wife you choose for me." Zane told her. "Apparently you do, because you have not settled down yet." Mandy told him and he sighed. "Have you considered that I am just not ready?" Zane asked. "Yes, and I do not think that is the reason." Mandy replied and Zane nodded. "You are right, it is because I am waiting for the right girl." Zane told her. "You will never find her unless you look. Talk to her, see if there is a connection." Mandy told him and he sighed.
     Jake walked up to Maybelle. "Your parents wish to see you." Jake told her. Maybelle sighed and turned to face him. "Why, Jake? Is everything alright?" Maybelle asked. "Not quite. I let them know of our issues." Jake replied. "What issues?" Maybelle asked. "That you don't want to marry me." Jake replied and Maybelle sighed. "You told them?" Maybelle asked. "They deserved to know." Jake replied. "I am busy right now, Jake." Maybelle told him. "With what, princess?" Jake asked. "It is personal." Maybelle replied. "I heard you were kind." Jake commented. "I am, I am just tired of being pushed away and being forced to be someone I am not." Maybelle told him. "That is your job as princess." Jake told her. Maybelle shook her head as tears formed in her eyes. "I do not care anymore. For once in my life, I want to follow my heart and be happy." Maybelle told him as tears rolled down her cheeks. She turned her back on him and walked away.

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