Chapter 5: Village Part 1!

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      Maybelle flew to the edge of the Mountains at midnight. She wanted to see what was beyond the Mountains. Being a Warrior Pegasus, is her dream, but it's not her only dream. She also wants to travel the world, leave the Mountains for once in her life. She looked out at the view. It was different then what she was to, but different can be good. Her parents don't think that, but it's true. Maybelle sighed as she turjed around and looked at her. She feels suffocated in these Mountains. She needs to breathe. She needs to explore the world and see what's out there. She looked beyond the Mountains. Maybelle flapped her wings as she levatated off the ground. It was now or never, and she had to do it. She took a deep breathe and flew beyond the Mountains.

     Zane was flying as fast as he could. He flew around the trees and then flew above them and toward the midnight sky. He fpew as fast as he could and skidded to hault once he reached the edge of the forest. He had never actually made it this far. His mom always demanded he come back before he had the chance. Alexa and Henry told him all about it, and they seem to love it. They love the view and the wonderous in all of it. He smiled as he looked at it. In that moment, he knew his friends were right about everything they said. But now that he was actually here, he wanted more. He would love a chance to explore and see the world. But woth his mom, it might never happened. He looked around, and noticed he was all alone. He took a deep breathe and flew beyond the forest.

     Maybelle landed at the edge of the village and transformed into her human form. She wore an elegant dress, one that looks more for a peasant rather then royalty. But she wanted to blend in, and she couldn't let anyone know who she really is. She had her hair long and wavy as she wore a red cloak with a hood over her head. Maybelle smiled as she entered the local human Village. She looked around, but it was more different then she had realized. Maybelle jumped when she saw something roam past her. She didn't know what it was. It was big, but not too big. It drove on the ground and she could see glimps of humans inside it. It's like a horseless carriage. She looked around some more at the buildings. All the buildings looked different. She watched as humans walked by, some of them held tiny rectangles in their hands. Some of them were typing on them and others held them on their ears and talked into them. She noticed the clothes the humans wore. They were nothing like she had ever seen. Pants and T-shirts, even women are wearing those. She had never seen women wear anything  but dresses. But the men she see's everyday wear fancier shirts and pants then these people, it was beyond exciting. It was strange and exciting, and she wanted to see more.

      Zane entered the Village in his human form and looked at the strange surroundings. He saw things he had no idea existed out in the world. Humans talking into rectangles and horseless carriages and the clothes. It was strange and exciting. He kept walking as he looked at the buildings. They were all different. He could tell that some of the buildings are where humans live and other buildings are where humans get supplies. He looked around and grinned. This could be the adventure he was craving. It was getting brighter, which meant the sun was coming up. He stopped walking when he saw a gorgeous young women. She had a twinkle in his eyes and a breathtaking and a radiant smile. He watched as the women walked into a building. He looked up and saw that the top read 'WalMart.' He smiled as he walked inside. He looked around at all the food, clothes, and toys. It was certainly different. He watched the women as she took her hood off and reavealed her full beauty. Zane grinned as he watched her explore.

      Maybelle couldn't imagine the building she had entered. It was new and exciting. She grinned as she walked on the ground. She doesn't think she had ever been in human form so long. She found an isle of clothes and took a look around. She held up a dress and laughed. The dress would only go to her knees. She thought all dresses went to the ankles. The dress was also strapless, which she had never seen before. Maybelle put the dress back and looked up to see a guy walking up to her. "Hi." The guy greeted. "Hey." Maybelle greeted with a small smile. "Who may you be?" The guy asked. "Maybelle." Maybelle replied. "A lovely name for a lovely women." The guy commented and Maybelle blushed. "And who may you be?" Maybelle asked. "Zane." Zane replied. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Zane." Maybelle commented. "The pleasure is all mine." Zane told her and she grinned.

     Maybelle and Zane walked around WalMart. "Is this your first time in the Village?" Maybelle asked. "Is it that obvious?" Maybelle asked and Zane laughed. "Perhaps a bit." Zane replied. "I am guessing it is your first time as well." Maybelle commented. "It is." Zane agreed. "This place is different then my home. It is strange but fascinating." Maybelle told him. "It is the same for me." Zane agreed. "We have that in common." Maybelle commented and Zane laughed. They left the building and faced one another. "I should probably get home, before my mother finds out I am missing." Zane told her and she nodded. "Me too, my mother and father will not be thrilled." Maybelle agreed. "I would love to see you again." Zane told her. "Exactly what I was thinking." Maybelle agreed. Zane grabbed her hand and kissed it as she grinned. He bowed and she curtised and they both laughed. "Until next time." Zane commented. "Until next time." Maybelle agreed. They waved as they walked away.

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