Chapter 19: Gathering a Team!

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      Maybelle sighed as her mom walked up to her. "You have seemed off lately." Anastasia commented. "I am fine, mother." Maybelle told her. "What is going on with you?" Anastasia asked. "Nothing, mother. I am marrying Jake as you wanted, you and father won. Just be happy about that." Maybelle replied. "It is not like you to give up so easily." Anastasia commented and Maybelle sighed. "Maybe I am just tired, you only have yourself and father to thank for that." Maybelle told her. "I love you, sweetheart." Anastasia commented. "So you claim, but I am not sure I believe anything you or father says anymore." Maybelle told her. Maybelle turned her back and walked away as Anastasia sighed. Roman walked up to her. "I will put Maybelle in line, dear." Roman told her. "Do not push her away, Roman. Or one day we will lose her forever." Anastasia told him. "We may already have, at least we can force her to respect us." Roman told her. "Do you still wish to control her when she takes over as Queen?" Anastasia asked. "I am not ready to give up my rule." Roman replied and Anastasia sighed as she watched him walk away.

      Zane's mom walked up to him. "Hello, dear." Mandy greeted. "Hello, mother." Zane greeted. "What have you been up to lately?" Mandy asked. "Nothing, as per usual. You never let me do anything, anyways." Zane replied. "I do not believe you, and I do let you do things." Mandy told him and Zane rolled his eyes. "Whatever do you mean?" Zane asked. "You have not been acting like your self lately." Mandy replied. "I am quite fine, mother. I am as my self as I have ever been." Zane told him. "Zane, just talk to me. I love you, and I want you to be alright. I want you to be honest and safe." Mandy told him and he sighed. "It is complicated, mother. I cannot tell you because you would not understand nor would you accept what I am going to do." Zane told her. "Could you be more specific?" Mandy asked. "No, I cannot." Zane replied. "Zane! Do not walk away from me!" Mandy called. Mandy sighed as she watched him continue walking away as he ignored her. She groaned as she sat down.

      Maybelle walked up to Isabella and she bowed. "Your majesty." Isabella greeted. "This is rather important, Isabella. Do you think we can talk privately?" Maybelle asked. "Of course, your majesty." Isabella replied. Maybelle flew off as Isabella followed and they both landed by the lake. "I wamt to change things, Isabella. Make things better for both kingdoms." Maybelle told her. "I do not understand what you saying, your majesty." Isabella told her. "If I tell you something, will you promise not to tell my parents?" Maybelle asked. "You are my future Queen, so I will do as you say." Isabella replied and Maybelle nodded. "Do you want a better life for your son?" Maybelle asked. "Of course." Isabella replied. "I am working with a Dragon to make peace between our kingdoms." Maybelle told her and Isabella's eyes widened. "Are you sure that is wise, your majesty?" Isabella asked. "Yes, it is the only way. Zane and I are going to form a plan, and we could use your help." Maybelle replied. "My help?" Isabella asked. "Yes." Maybelle replied. "I will be honored to help you." Isabella told her as she bowed and Maybelle smiled.

      Alexa walked up to Zane. "Who is Maybelle asking to help her?" Alexa asked and Zane sighed. "I do not know, we did not tell one another who we are recruiting." Zane replied and Alexa nodded. "When are you going to see her again?" Alexa asked. "Tonight." Zane replied. "Are you guys going to form a plan?" Alexa asked. "We are doing this slowly, so we do not make a mistake." Zane replied. "What are you saying?" Alexa asked. "We are first gathering a team of members we know we can trust. Then we will formulate a plan." Zane replied and Alexa nodded. "Seems smart." Alexa commented and he smiled. "I just hope this works." Zane told her. "I am sure it will." Alexa told him. "Are you sure?" Zane asked. "Yes, I believe in you." Alexa replied and Zane smiled. "That means a lot, Alexa. I will need all the courage I can get." Zane told her and she laughed. "Then remember this.... We are all behind you, and Maybelle as well." Alexa told him. "You trust her?" Zane asked. "I do not know her, but I do know you. You are not naive and if you trust her with her life, then there is a good reason." Alexa replied. "She does not disappoint, that is for sure." Zane commented and Alexa smiled.

      Zane sat on the place that him and Maybelle call theirs. They use to have picnics here and camped out there for four days straight once. Those were the best days of his life. The first time he could truly be himself and be happy with the love of his life. Maybelle feels the exact same way. Maybelle smiled as she walked up to him and Zane stood up. "Hey." Maybelle greeted. "Hey." Zane greeted. "We cannot stay long, so we must get right down to buisness." Maybelle told him and he nodded. "You are quite right." Zane agreed. They both sat down and Zane held her hand in his as they both smiled. "Who are the ones you most trust?" Maybelle asked. "My two best friends and Prince Neal." Zane replied. "You trust the prince in this?" Maybelle asked. "He is my friend and cannot be himself until we unite the teo kingdoms. Besides, you are the Princess." Zane replied and Maybelle nodded. "Good point." Maybelle agreed. "Who do you trust enough to gather?" Zane asked. "Evelyn, Luna, and Isabella." Maybelle replied and Zane nodded. "We have our team." Zane commented. "We have our team." Maybelle agreed. They leaned in and kissed.

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