Chapter 9: Alone Part 1!

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    Maybelle sat at the lake, which was at the edge of the Mountains, by herself. She had a lot to think about her. Her parents, all these new suitors, the human village, Zane. She just had a lot on her mind and she never gets time alone to just think anymore. Luna walked up to Maybelle and sat next to her. "Have you seen Evelyn?" Luna asked. "Not since yesterday." Maybelle replied and Luna sighed. "Her father almost caught us yesterday." Luna told her and Maybelle's eyes widened. "Seriously?" Maybelle asked and Luna nodded. "Yes." Luna replied. "That cannot be good." Maybelle commented. "It was not." Luna agreed. "You will get past it." Maybelle told her. "I hope.... I love her, I just do not know how to tell her." Luna told her. "You should just say it." Maybelle told her. "Really?" Luna asked. "Yes." Maybelle replied. "Is there a special guy in your life?" Luna asked and Maybelle smiled. "Maybe, I have not decided yet." Maybelle replied and Luna smiled. "I have to find Evelyn, I will see you soon." Luna told her. "Okay." Maybelle agreed.
      Luna finally found Evelyn, but she was talking to her father. She stopped walking and just watched. She waited a moment and then her father walked away and Evelyn walked up to her with a smile. "Why did you stop? Did you not want to say hi to my father?" Evelyn asked. "No way." Luna replied. "Why not?" Evelyn asked. "Because your father hates me." Luna replied. "He does not, Luna." Evelyn told her. "He cannot stand me, Evelyn. Maybe he suspects something." Luna suggested. "Trust me, he does not." Evelyn told her and she nodded. "Want to take a flight?" Luna asked and Evelyn grinned. "I would love to." Evelyn agreed. "Eve." Luna commented. "Yes, Luna?" Evelyn asked. "I love you." Luna replied. "You do?" Evelyn asked. "Yes, I do." Luna replied. "I love you too." Evelyn agreed. They both smiled at one another and then flew off.
     Maybelle went back to her home and saw her parents. "Finally, you decided to come back home." Roman commented. "Yeah, it is a tragedy." Maybelle commented. "Stop that! I am tired of you disrespecting me and especially disrespecting your mother!" Roman exclaimed and Maybelle glared at him. "I will start respecting you once you start respecting me." Maybelle told him as Anastasia walked over to them. There was a moment of silence. "What do you mean by that?" Roman asked. "You do not respect my choices or my feelings." Maybelle replied. "Why do you say that?" Roman asked. "I do not want to marry some stranger, father. Call me a cliche, but I want to marry someone I fall in love with." Maybelle replied. "This is the price of being a Princess." Roman told her. "Have you told her yet?" Anastasia asked. "Not yet." Roman replied. "Told me what?" Maybelle asked and Anastasia sighed. "We found your future husband." Anastasia replied and Maybelle gasped. "You have?" Maybelle asked. "Yes." Roman replied.
    A Pegasus walked over to them. "Jake, this is Princess Maybelle. Maybelle, meet your future husband." Anastasia introduced. "It is lovely to meet you, Princess." Jake greeted. Maybelle turned away from him and to her parents. "You cannot be serious." Maybelle told them. "We are." Roman told her. "No." Maybelle told them. "Excuse me?" Roman asked. "No, father. I will not marry some stranger." Maybelle replied. "He is a nice guy, and you might fall in love." Anastasia told her. "Why? You guys never did." Maybelle told them. "You shut up right now!" Roman exclaimed and Maybelle stepped closer to him. "No! I will never marry someone I do not love, and I will never be like you or her!" Maybelle exclaimed. They both glared at each other and Anastasia sighed as she stepped in between them and pulled them apart. "Jake, come back tomorrow." Anastasia told him and he bowed. "Yes, my Queen." Jake agreed as he walked away. "Roman, go cool off." Anastasia told him. He sighed and walked away.
     Anastasia faced her daughter. "Look, Princess. You remind me a lot of myself when I was your age." Anastasia told her. "I do?" Maybelle asked. "Yes, I hated my role and I did not want to marry your father." Anastasia replied. "I knew that." Maybelle agreed and her mom sighed. "The only difference is that you have the courage to stand up to me and your father, I never had the courage to stand up to my parents. I just did as they said, because I did not have what you have. The little spark inside you, I saw it the moment you were born." Anastasia explained. "I have a spark?" Maybelle asked. "Most definitely." Anastasia replied. "Are you happy?" Maybelle asked. "Royalty are not as happy as normal Pegasus." Anastasia replied. "Maybe not, but it is only because they never did anything to allow themself to be happy. A good Queen and a good King, need to be happy to make their people happy." Maybelle told her. "Do you really believe that?" Anastasia asked. "Yes, I do." Maybelle replied. "Do you think me or your father or anyone before us, was not happy and not good Queen's and King's?" Anastasia asked. "Yes, and it is about time I learn that I am alone." Maybelle replied. She glared at her mom and flew away.
     Maybelle flew by the lake and looked out across the land. She doesn't think she can do this anymore. Tears ran down her cheeks and she transformed back into a human. She walked into the lake and went underwater. She screamed, that way no one will hear her. Then she swam back up and swam across it. She got out and took another look back at the mountains. She sighed as she looked out across the land again. She was officially off the Pegasus territory. The lake was the very end of it. She sighed as she moved her hair back into a ponytail and grabbed her red and black cloak she keeps hidden by the lake. Then she put the cloak on and put the hood over it. She wiped her tears and ran down the hill.

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