Chapter 16: Friendzoned!

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     Zane was walking in the forest, but now that he was away from humans, he turned back into his Dragon form and flew toward the caves. He landed when his mom ran over to him and hugged him. She pulled away and glared at him. "Where were you? What have you been?" Mandy asked. "Thinking." Zane replied. "Thinking? You have been missing four days, thinking?" Mandy asked and Zane nodded. "Yes, mom." Zane replied. "You scared the hell out of me, Zane." Mandy told him and he sighed. "I know, and I am sorry." Zane apologized. Mandy had a few tears running down her cheeks. "I cannot believe you, Zane. Out of all your stunts, this is by far the worst." Mandy told him. "I know." Zane agreed. There was a moment of silence and she sighed. "Go in the cave. Stay there, and you will not do anything like this again. Do you hear me?" Mandy asked. "Yes." Zane replied. He walked to the cave entrance, taking one last glance at his mom before walking in.
     Zane smiled and waved at Alexa, but she just turned her back on him and flew away. He sighed when Neal walked up to him. "She will come around." Neal told him and he smiled. "Thank you, Neal." Zane commented. Henry walked over to them. "Hi, Zane." Henry greeted. "Are you talking to me now?" Zane asked and Henry sighed. "Yes, I am not going to let a girl, even Alexa, ruin our life long friendship." Henry replied and Zane smiled. "I am happy to hear that, you have no idea." Zane told him. Princess Sabrina, Neal's younger sister, walked over to them. "Hello again, Zane." Sabrina greeted. "Princess." Zane greeted as him and Henry bowed. "Sabrina, you should not be here." Neal told her. "And why is that?" Sabrina asked. "Because I said so. You cannot flirt with Zane." Neal replied and Sabrina glared at her brother. Henry laughed as Zane playfully nudged him. "You should be quiet." Sabrina told him. "Zane is not interested in you." Neal told him. "Neal, everyone is interested in me. I am the Princess, and I am hot." Sabrina told him. Neal sighed and shook his head. "Should I get father?" Neal asked and her eyes widened. There was a moment of silence. "Alright, Neal. I will go, for now." Sabrina told him. She turned around and walked away. "I will see you later, Zane." Neal told him and Zane nodded. "Okay." Zane agreed and Neal walked away. "You want to catch up?" Henry asked and Zane smiled. "Sure." Zane replied.
     Zane and Henry were walking in the forest. "Where were you?" Henry asked. "The human village." Zane replied. "Visiting that girl again?" Henry asked with a smirk. "Yes." Henry replied. Henry could tell something was off with him. "Was it not good?" Henry asked. "It was amazing.... Until the end." Zane replied. "What happened?" Henry asked and Zane sighed. "She turned out to be the Pegasus Princess." Zane replied. Henry gasped as they stopped talking. Henry was speechless. "Is that true? Is that really true?" Henry asked and Zane nodded. "I am afraid so." Zane replied. "You cannot ever see her again." Henry told him. "I know." Zane agreed. "But?" Henry asked. "I have always hated Pegasus kind, but.... I still love her. I hate that I love her, but I cannot just turn off my feelings." Zane replied. Henry sighed and put his wing around his friend, in a sort of comfort hug. "This is just awful." Henry commented. "It is." Zane agreed. "What are you going to do?" Henry asked. "I really do not know, Henry. I really do not know." Zane replied.
    Alexa has been doing a lot of soul searching lately. She realized that she lost herself somewhere along the line. She needed to figure it out, before she can let Zane, or Henry for that matter, in again. She was starting to figure out who she truly is, but she still has more she needs to figure out. She walked up to Zane. "Hi." Alexa greeted. "Hey." Zane greeted. "You are one of my best friends, Zane. I always admired your bravery and need for adventure. I believed that I was in love with you." Alexa told him. "I am not understanding." Zane told her and she sighed. "This last week, where I have distanced myself from you. I realized that what I thought was love, was just admiration. Being around you all the time, I thought I was in love with you. But I realized that I was more hurt from not being around Henry, then from not being around you." Alexa explained. "Are you saying you have feelings for Henry and not me?" Zane asked. "I think so, but first I need to do a little more soul searching." Alexa replied. "So, are we alright?" Zane asked and Alexa smiled. "Yes, Zane. We are." Alexa replied and Zane smiled as they hugged.
      Zane and Alexa finished flying around, and landed in front of the cave. "It is really nice hanging out with you again." Zane told her and Alexa grinned. "It really is." Alexa agreed. "So, you really are not mad that I did not return those feelings or even notice yours?" Zane asked. "I was at first, but not any more. It is not your fault that you like someone else." Alexa replied and Zane sighed. "Well, that is over." Zane told her and she arched her eyebrows. "I could tell you really liked her, maybe even loved her." Alexa commented and Zane nodded. "I did. Love her." Zane told her. "Then why is it over?" Alexa asked. He motioned for her to follow him into the forest. "It is complicated." Zane replied. "Zane, what is it?" Alexa asked and he sighed. "She is the Pegasus Princess." Zane replied. "Really?" Alexa asked. "Yes." Zane replied. "What are you going to do?" Alexa asked. "There is nothing I can do. She is a Pegasus, and not just any Pegasus. The Princess, future Queen of our mortal enemy." Zane replied. "If you love her, Zane, then I want you to be happy." Alexa told her. He looked down as he hid his tears. "It is not that simple anymore." Zane told her and he walked back to the caves.

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