Chapter 25: Starting a War!

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      Anastasia and Roman walked over to Maybelle and Zane. "What the hell is this?" Roman asked. Maybelle's heart pounded in her chest as she took a deep breathe. Zane's claw squeezed Maybelle's hoof. "This is my boyfriend." Maybelle replied. "Boyfriend? What are you talking about, Maybelle?" Anastasia asked. "Is this why you won't marry me?" Jake asked and Maybelle nodded. "Yes." Maybelle replied. "Get out of our territory, beast!" Roman exclaimed and Zane glared at him. The soliders stood near the Queen and King, ready to attack and protect them. Maybelle let go of his claw and stood in front of him. "Father. Mother. I am in love with Zane. He is a great man." Maybelle told them. "He is a Dragon, he cannot be great anything." Anastasia told her. "I love him, mother." Maybelle told her. "No, you cannot love this abomination!" Roman exclaimed. "He is not an abomination!" Maybelle exclaimed. "Are you serious about this?" Anastasia asked. "We are." Maybelle replied. "This means war." Roman commented. Maybelle and Zane gasped. "What?" Maybelle and Zane asked in unison. "I'm declaring war." Roman replied. He flapped his wings and flew away, Anastasia followed and so did a few other soldiers.
      They landed in the forest and all the Dragons gasped. The King and Queen walked up to them with the Princes and Princess behind them and soldiers surroundings them. "Why are you in our territory?" John asked. "One of your Dragons have been dating my daughter, the Princess of Pegasus." Roman replied. "Impossible!" Melissa exclaimed. "We are declaring war!" Roman exclaimed. "On what grounds?" Melissa asked. "On the grounds that one of your Dragons are trying to corrupt our darling daughter." Roman replied. "You brought this upon yourselves." Anastasia told them. "We did not, you beasts." John told them. They all looked up and saw Zane and Maybelle flying down. Mandy stepped forward. "Zane? What do you think you are doing?" Mandy asked. Zane looked at Maybelle and back at his mom. "I am with my girlfriend." Zane replied. "Your what?" Mandy asked. "I am in love with her, mother." Zane replied. "Love? Are you insane?" Mandy asked. "No, she is amazing and loves me for me." Zane replied. "You want war? Fine, we will have war. But you will lose." John told them and Roman laughed. "We will see about that." Roman told him. The Pegasus flew away and all the Dragons looked at Maybelle. She turned to look at Zane. "I knew this would bring trouble, but...." Maybelle commented and Zane nodded. "I know." Zane agreed. "What now?" Maybelle asked and he sighed. "I do not know." Zane replied. "I better go and do some damage control." Maybelle suggested and Zane nodded. "Me too." Zane agreed. He kissed her gently and then she flew away.
       Maybelle landed in the mountains, and all eyes were on her. All eyes are always on her, but Maybelle knew this was different. Evelyn and Luna walked up to her. "That did not go as hoped." Luna commented. "I knew it wasn't going to go great, but I was hoping it would not start a war." Maybelle told them. "What are you going to do, May?" Evelyn asked and Maybelle sighed. "Speak with my parents." Maybelle replied. "Be careful." Evelyn warned and Maybelle nodded. "I will." Maybelle agreed. Maybelle walked up to her parents and they stood up and glared at her. "Mother. Father." Maybelle greeted. "Maybelle." Roman greeted. Maybelle had never seen her dad like this, so angry that he's barely speaking. Anastasia stepped forward. "What were you thinking, Maybelline?" Anastasia asked and Maybelle sighed. "I did not know he was a Dragon at first. I thought he was a human." Maybelle replied. "That is almost as bad." Anastasia told her. "Were you in the Human Village?" Roman asked and Maybelle nodded. "I was." Maybelle replied. She could barely look at her dad in the eyes. "And when you found out he was a Dragon, you kept being with him?" Anastasia asked. "We broke up, but we got back together because our feelings were too strong." Maybelle replied. Maybelle kept her head down. "You really messed up this time, Maybelline." Anastasia told her. Maybelle slowly lifted her head and locked eyes with her mom. "No, I did not. I followed my heart, mother. I love him and I cannot just shake that off. I will not lose him, and I will be with him. No matter what." Maybelle explained. "No, you will not." Roman told her. Maybelle locked eyes with her dad. "And you. Do not go all silent on me, yell like you always do." Maybelle told her. She flapped hi wings and flew away.
       Zane looked away from his mom and Neal walked over to him. "I am going to talk to my parents, try to make them realize that Pegasus are not as bad as they think." Neal told him and he nodded. "Will it work?" Zane asked. "Probably not, but I am going to try nonetheless." Neal replied and Zane gave a small laugh. "Thanks, Neal." Zane commented. Mandy walked over to him and he sighed. "Are you going to yell at me?" Zane asked. "I do not know anymore." Mandy replied. "What does that mean?" Zane asked. "You have gotten way over your head this time, Zane. Dating a Pegasus, and not just any Pegasus. The Princess of all Pegasus." Mandy replied. "I know, mother." Zane agreed. "What were you thinking?" Mandy asked. "I was thinking that she was kind and I had feelings for her. Besides, I thought she was a human at first." Zane replied. "A human would be bad too, but not as bad as a Pegasus. You know what happened to your father." Mandy told him. "After I found out who she really was, we broke up. Because I was angry about father too. But it was a war, he was a soldier. Things like that happen, and I could not deny my feelings for her. So I had to let go of my anger, because Maybelle is amazing." Zane explained. "I highly doubt that." Mandy told him. "Nothing is going to keep us apart, nothing." Zane told her and he flew away.

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