A First Date? And then some..

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We stayed on the swings for awhile. Talking about the past, how we used to go to kindergarten together. Then how we moved into elementary and finally into middle school which led us to UA. I didn't think I was going to make it through the exams. Some how I did. Now look at us, on a playground together.. We used to go on so many adventures when we were little. Not only us but also with Izuku. Kacchan thinks that Izuku has always been against him, that he's always been better than him. I know Izuku doesn't think that way, he thinks the opposite, says that Kacchan is better than him and always has been. Neither of them will admit it but it's true. They really need to talk it out but they won't, Kacchan.. Once he thinks he's right he's hard to mold. Very stubborn, but that's why I like him. He fights for what he believes in. He's not always nice about it, but his mother is also very.. driven, one could say.

"I'm surprised you gave me a chance." I say looking over to him. "It's not a chance, I just don't think you'll be a waste of time." He's really not the best at wording things or showing feelings but I get it. "Come with me." He gets up and grabs my hand as we start walking back to the school.

*10 minutes later*

We make it back to the school and he starts walking towards the training field bringing me on the path we had taken a few days ago, the same path that caused us to get sent to detention. We hit the same opening and arrive at the cliff again. The cold air hits my face and the salty smell goes into my nose. Kacchan tugs my hand as he brings me to where we sat when we were hiding from training.

"I think this should be our spot." I look over to him and he's smiling at me. "I think so too." I say and he pulls me closer to him. "You aren't too bad. A lot less annoying than everyone else." "I'm glad." I say. "I think I'll keep you around." "You've kept me around this long, might as well continue" I say as he kisses my forehead again. I close my eyes as he brings me to his chest and lays back so we are looking up at the sky. I start to close my eyes and before I know it I'm sleeping.

I wake up and I'm not on the ground.. I'm in a bed, in Kacchan's room. "Morning sleepyhead. Way to fall asleep and make me carry you back, baka." I look to my left and he's sitting on the bed on his phone. "People are talking about going to the beach tomorrow since it'll be Sunday. Do you want to go?" He asks laying next to me and propping himself on his elbows. "Yeah that sounds fun." "If you insist." "Do you not want to?" "I won't pass up an opportunity to see you in a bathing suit. Even if I have to be surrounded by idiots." There's the Kacchan I know.. "Well, I don't want to pass up the opportunity to see you with no shirt on." "All you have to do is ask and I will take it off for you."

He rolls over so his body is over top of mine, he puts his head down so it's in the crook of my neck and I can feel his warm breath on my skin, giving me chills. I feel his mouth open then he bites on my neck, sucking slightly. "Kacchan!! Easy! I can't have any marks!! I'll be in a bathing suit tomorrow!" "Calm down. I didn't leave a mark." He says leaning back and facing me. "You're hot." "So are your hands!!" I say as I get up seeing burn marks in the pillows where his hands just were. "Sorry. You just get me hot and bothered." He says as he pushes me against the wall and grabs my face, kissing my lips.

It wasn't my first time kissing someone. In fact Kacchan and I kissed back in elementary school during nap time buuuut that doesn't really count.. I've never had an actual boyfriend, boys seemed like a waste of time but Kacchan. I know he's not a waste of time.

He kissed me passionately, it felt needy but also not as scary as I thought my first kiss would be. After a minute he stops, backing up and facing me, arms now on either side of my head. "Stay with me again tonight." "Kacchan.. people are going to start catching on. Teachers will find out and we will get in trouble." He rolls his eyes and leans in close to my ear. "Stay." Chills go down my body and my face flushes. "Ok." I say in a low tone. He bends down a little bit and grabs my legs right below my butt and picks me up. My legs wrap around him and he carries me to the bed, placing me down and kissing me again. His hands start to roam up the sides of my body under my shirt. My breathing stops as he stops kissing me and moves to my neck. Maybe it's a good idea I stay tonight..

He stops kissing and looks at me. "I'll be right back." He says I turns to go into his closet. "Take your shirt off. It's about to get warm in here." He turns back and smirks at me then grabs a condom from his drawer. I sit up and he starts taking his clothes off.


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"Actually." He walks over and grabs me, then lays back down on the bed so I'm not on top of him.

"You do it

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"You do it."

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