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————Two weeks later——
"I really don't want to talk about it." I say as Bakugo follows be down the halls. "What is so different now? You always talk to me and now you're just going to pretend like nothing happened?" I turn to him and I can see how mad he is. "Why does it matter to you? I mean this last week you barely even look at me and now all of a sudden you care? I see the way you look at Uraraka." He rolls his eyes and walks towards me. I back up until eventually my back hits lockers. "If I wanted to talk to her I would. News flash, I don't and you're just being annoying." He slams his hand by my head and drops his head until he's eye level and looks me in the eyes. "If you want me to leave you alone, fine. Just know if I walk away right now I'm not coming back." My heart stops and my stomach drops. "I-" I try to talk but nothing comes out. "The dance is coming up." He says and stands back, putting his hands in his pockets. He looks me up and down then looks into my eyes. "You're coming with me."

——In Class—————

"-so long story short. We need to choose who will go with who to the dance." Mr. Aizawa says and everyone groans. My heart stops and I want to cry. For some odd reason the teachers will pick who will go together to the dance. He explained its based on quirks and since this will be more in public than anything that we've been involved in we need quirks that work well together to be close. Honestly makes no sense. At all. Why is this happening. I roll my eyes and look out the window to see a woman. She's standing in the courtyard and she looks up at me. Nightmare. My heart drops and she waves to me. I look back to my notebook and it's opened to a random page.

'You're welcome' is written in my book. Chills go down my body and anger fills my body. I fight back tears knowing she is the reason everything is going wrong.

"-Bakugo and Uraraka. Y/N and Todoroki. Izuku and Mina, and finally Kirishima and Asui." I hadn't been listening to anything Mr. Aiwaza was saying but I heard the final few names. I look over and Shoto isn't looking at me but Kacchan is looking at him. "Hey.." I whisper and Kacchan snaps his head to me. "What do you want." "I just-" before I can say anything I hear a female groan. I look around and see Jiro leaning back in her chair. "Do we really have to do this?! I mean come on? I really have to go to this stupid dance with.." she looks over and makes eye contact with Mineta. He waves to her and drools. "HIM!!"

"I agree" Momo says as she raises her hand. "No offense" she says and looks over to Iida "but.. I don't think any of us will have fun if we are being forced to.. dance with people we aren't that close with." "I completely understand and nothing you've said offends me." Iida says and Momo puts her hands on her face. "I mean yeah" Kirishima says. "I'm sure we will still have fun but.. some of us already had plans on who we wanted to go with." I look to my right and we make eye contact. He looks back to the front of the room and continues. "I get that it'll be public but.. it's not a good idea." "YEAH MAN! come on, let's just forget you even said you choose and let's choose for ourselves." Kaminari says and leans back. "Totally not cool" he stretches and yawns.

"Half of the quirks you even put together don't even makes sense. Putting me with some girl that can make things float? Not impressed." Bakugo says as he slams his feet on his desk and folds his arms. "She would only weigh me down if villains even did come." She stands up and turn towards him with her face red. "I'd weigh you down?! More like you'd weigh me down." She walks to his desk and taps it making it float, his feet sliding off the desk. "You are the most uptight, rude, egotistical jerk I have ever met in my life. You don't care about anyone but yourself. You are the worst team player of this entire school and you are impossible to work with. No one said I wanted to go with you but the fact you thought you were the ONLY one who didn't like their date drives me NUTS."

He stands up and I see his hands spark. They get face to face and he goes to talk but I feel my stomachs drop. They are so close to each other.. it's making me so.. I get up and run out of the room. I can't stand to see them to close together. "Y/N!" I hear Kacchan call for me but I don't stop. I run to my dorm and lock my door. "So annoying. Why am I being so jealous." I say to myself and shake my hands. I walk to my bed and sit. I hear a knock on my door but I don't say anything. "Hey.." Todoroki's voice is soft. My heart stops but I get up and unlock and open the door, revealing a very flustered Shoto standing in front of me. "Can we talk."

We sit on my bed and it's awkward. Like really awkward. "This is awkward." He says and I giggle. "Yeah" I laugh "Y/N." I look over to him and he's looking down. "I think I got lucky that you're my date." "You think? What's that mean?" He lets out a small laugh then looks up. "I'm saying it could've been worse." He looks to me and I look forward. "Thank you, I guess" I laugh. "I'm not sure you remember.. but we used to be close." My eyebrows furrow and I look over. "What?" He gets nervous but looks over to me. "When we were little.. before.." he touches his face where his burn is then looks away. "Before my parents-" "It's ok.. you don't have to talk about it." He sighs.

"I thought you were an angel. Coming to tell me life won't always be like that. My parents had just yelled at me so I hid in my room. I looked out my window and saw a girl with wings. She came to my window and wiped my tears away. I let her in my room and we sat on my bed for awhile talking until I heard my mother coming to my room so she left. She would come to my room every Thursday." My heart drops. My mother would always take me to a park that was by an apartment building. I saw him, crying, so I flew to him. I didn't recognize him with the burn.. "Shoto.." "You were the reason I kept going. How I knew there was a chance I could live happily one day."

He sighs and lays back. "I'm still not there yet." I lay back with him and he closes his eyes. "I'm hoping I'll be there soon." I rolled over on my stomach and faced him. He looks over to me and my face gets warm. "Thank you." I smile and he looks confused. "For what?" "Opening up I guess." He nods. He sits up and kisses me. Just then I hear a banging on my door. I gasp and get up running to my door. "Hello?" "Y/N?" Kacchan's voice is loud and he sounds mad. I open the door and he busts in. "What are you doing in here?!" He pushes past me and grabs Shoto by the collar and shoved him against the wall. He doesn't say anything but looks over to me. "Don't look at her." Kacchan says. "Why not? Not like she belongs to you." "You have no business being in here or telling me what does and doesn't belong to me, Icy Hot." Shoto scoffs, making Kacchan even more mad.

"Kacchan. It's ok, I'm fine." He looks back to me and growls. "Stay out of this." "He was making sure I was ok." "I don't care!" He yells and looks back over to Shoto. "Let go of me." He says. "Go to hell." Just then they start shoving each other and punching. "Stop! Please stop!" I yell and try getting in between them. "Kacchan please" I say and I grab his arm. "Shoto.." my voice is quivering and I don't know what to do. "Please stop.. you guys please" I finally get between them and they push away from each other saying a few not so nice words to each other. The three of us are out of breath when All Might comes in with a few of the students that had seen what happened. Tears start falling down my face as I try to catch my breath. I look up to Kacchan and he's looking at me. "Y/N.." I start to cry and feel someone hug me. The warmth is so nice and he smells amazing. It's Kacchan. "I'm sorry." He says in my ear as he brushes my hair back. What is even going on anymore.

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