At least school is better than a hospital?

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"Lets go, nerd." Kacchan's voice is low but I can tell he's excited I get to leave too. As I grab the rest of my gifts and put them into a backpack the doctor explains once more how I have to stretch my wings every so often and how I have to apply ointment to the left over burns. "Thank you!! For everything." I say as I turn to my doctor and nurse who had helped me. She gives me a quick hug then I'm out of the room I've been stuck in for about a week now.

"I'm going to walk you to your parents car then I have to get to school, if I miss anymore classes for you I'll get in trouble." "Ok ok. You know you didn't have to miss those classes, right?" "Yes I did. Don't be stupid." I giggle and we continue walking until I finally see my parents car but right before we get there he takes my hand and pulls me behind a wall, kissing me abruptly. The kisses last for about a minute before we pull away. "Have fun at school" I say and wink, turning away and walking to the car, leaving him standing there. My face is beat red and I still have butterflies no matter how confident I sounded a few seconds ago.

The rest of the day goes by normally, spending time with my family. My pet(s) (if you have any) were extremely happy to see me and so were my sibling(s) (if you have any). It's crazy being home, I feel like I'm never here anymore. We spend the rest of the day playing my favorite games and baking my favorite desserts, honestly it was amazing. Once it got to about 10 people started to go to bed. My (parent) came up to my room and helped me start packing up some stuff. "I wish you could stay longer. Today has been so fun, it's hard knowing you're going back to school knowing everything that's happened." I turn to them and hug them. "I know, it's hard to leave.." tears start to come to my eyes at the thought of going back and leaving them again. "But it's ok.." I lean back and wipe the tears, smiling at them. "I have Kacchan, he'll keep me safe, I promise." They smile at me and wipe a tear off my face. "You know, soon you'll have to bring that boy here so we can have a little talk with him. He's not off the chain that easily, if he thinks he's good enough for you he has to go through me." We both laugh and continue packing.

About a half an hour later my stuff is packed and I'm rolling into bed. It's weird sleeping without Kacchan in the room with me but I still manage to fall asleep shortly after my eyes close.

The next morning I wake up to the sound of my alarm. Today is my first day back and I'm honestly pretty nervous. I know it sounds dumb, it's not my first day of school or anything I just don't want people to treat me different. Yeah everything happened but I can still walk and eat and do everything I used to on my own. I wave goodbye to my family and take the train to school. I still can't fully collapse my wings so they stick out a bit but it doesn't seem to annoy anyone. I finally reach the school and I'm hesitant to walk in. I see other people walking around doing their business so I try to sneak in past them. I do well until I turn the corner and bump into a very hard body.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to-" "Y/N? You're out of the hospital?" I look up to see a very confused Shoto. "Oh, yeah. I got out yesterday. My doctor said I was good to go." He shows me a small smile and says "I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to see you in the hospital, I've been really busy.." he continues to talk about why he's been busy but all I can think about is how my legs are shaking. If Kacchan sees me talking to him of all people I know it'll somehow be my fault. "-but I'm glad you're ok. After everything that happened I can't imagine how you're feeling now." "Thank you, Shoto. It means a lot that all of you guys actually care." I smile and go to walk off but he follows me. "Let me walk you to class, I don't want anyone bumping into you and hurting you even more." "Thank you" I say and awkwardly giggle. Curse me not knowing how to say no..

We get to class and we split up, taking our seats. People are staring at me and whispering. I can't do anything but sit and act like it's not happening. Luckily Kacchan is late so he didn't see me walking or talking to Shoto. A few minutes go by and Kacchan finally walks in and takes a seat next to me. Kirishima walks in after him and smiles and waves to me, I smile and wave back. I turn to my left and Kacchan is giving us a dirty look. I roll my eyes and lean over to him. "I missed you last night." I wink and his cheeks turn pink as he turns away from me and looks out the window. He's so easy to fluster when he's not expecting it. Soon after Aizawa comes in and starts talking to us and class continues like normal.

After class people start walking out but I get stopped by Aizawa. "Y/N. I'm glad you're ok. I apologize that none of us could do anything but it seems you were smart enough to escape." He grabs a binder and hands it to me. "I am still your teacher, though, so I wrote and printed everything you've missed. Study it on your own time to catch up." "Thank you." I say and leave the room, putting the binder in my bag. "Y/N!!" I hear a feminine voice call out to me and I look to my left seeing Asui and Uraraka walking to me and waving. "Hey" I say kinda awkwardly. "We totally missed you!!" Uraraka says as they reach me. "Do you wanna eat lunch with us today? I just figured being gone for almost a week and a half you might want to talk to-" before Asui can finish her sentence I feel a hand intertwine with mine and start pulling me. "She's got me to talk to." Kacchan says as he leads me away. I mouth "I'm sorry" to them and wave as they giggle and wave back, at least they aren't upset about it.

I grab my lunch and I walk through the cafeteria looking for Kacchan but I can't find him, I'm assuming he's still getting food.. "Yo, Y/N!! You can sit here!" I hear Kaminari's voice echo through the cafeteria and I walk to the table. Mina, Kaminari and Kirishima are already sitting and eating so I take a seat too, leaving one next to me open for Kacchan. I begin eating when I feel someone take a seat next to me, assuming it's Kacchan I look over and jump a little. "Mineta?!" "I just think you look so beautiful even with your battle wounds.." he says as he dreamily looks up at me. "..thanks?" Everyone at the table starts laughing then all of a sudden Mineta is pulled from the chair and Kacchan sits. "Scram, loser." "I hope you'll think of me!!" Mineta calls as he walks to a different table. I put my head in my hands as I sigh. "He'll never give up" Mina says and giggles. "Even if you've got a Bakugo defending you!!" Kaminari laughs and Kirishima adds "I don't blame him." They all laugh and Kacchan just continues to eat his food, rolling his eyes.

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