What time is it?

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I sit on the floor of Kacchan's room. I'm not sure why, he just told me to wait here. I look around as I start to tap on the floor. My legs are stretched out and my arms are hold me up behind me. I huff and start to get anxious. It's been about 10 minutes since he left. I flip over so I'm laying on my stomach I get on my phone and start scrolling through apps on my phone. He left around 2:50pm..

5 more minutes pass and I roll my eyes. "What the hell is going on." I stand up and walk to the door. I turn to look at his room before turning back and opening the door, leaving the room. I look out both ways and I don't see anyone in the hall. My eyebrows raise and I start to walk to the elevator. I guess I'll just go grab a snack from the cafeteria, I haven't had lunch. It's a Saturday so we don't have any training or classes which is a relief.

I get into the elevator and take out my phone pulling up Kacchan's number and texting him.

"Hey. I don't know where you went but I'm starving so I'll be in the cafeteria."

I send it and put my phone back in my pocket. The elevator music is pretty soothing but it's also just the same song over and over so it gets old. I reach the ground floor and I start to walk down the halls. It's so eerily quiet. I yawn and stretch my arms as I continue to walk. Of course I'm tired, when am I not. I feel my phone vibrate so I take it out. It's just an email from some random scam crap. I erase it and look around. I get to the main halls but I still don't see anyone. Did I miss something? Were we supposed to go somewhere?!

I forget about how hungry I am which is pretty abnormal but I ignore it. I start to walk down the school halls, passing classrooms and offices which would usually have at least have one teacher.. Right? But I see no one. It's literally empty.

"Hello?" I call out and my voice echos. No answer.

"Hey!" I yell a little louder but still no one replies.

I get the creeps and I shiver. "Fuck this.." I whisper under my breath and I turn around going back the way I came from.

The lights are dim and the school is completely empty. What is going on. Not even a half an hour did Kacchan leave me by myself and THIS happened?

I shove my hands in Kacchan's hoodie that I'm wearing and start to walk faster looking behind me every once in awhile. Why is my heart racing? Am I that scared?

I hear footsteps behind me and I whip around. I scan the hall but see no one. "Hello?" I ask. This is like a scary movie. I swallow hard and turn around, starting to walk again. I sigh and run my hands through my hair. "I'm sure it's nothing. They might just be outside." I whisper to myself as I walk into a classroom and over to a window. I open the blinds and look out. I see cars going by like normal but none of my teacher or any students are outside. I walk across the hall to get a different view of the school but again all I see are empty training grounds.

I take out my phone and pull up Kacchan's number again, this time calling it. I look around as it rings a few times. I look at the clock, it's 3:37pm. He finally picks up. "Idiot! Where did you go?!" He calls out and it makes me jump. "What?! What do you mean where did I GO?! Where did YOU GO?!" I say as I start to walk out of the classroom and make my way back to his dorm. "I told you to stay in my room. Are you that dense you can't listen to simple instructions?" I can feel his attitude through the phone as I roll my eyes. "Whatever. I'll be there in a few minutes." I say as I turn the corner and start walking towards the elevator. "If you can't listen I don't know what I'm going to do with you, dumbass. I changed my mind about our plans." I sigh and press the button to take me up.

"Whatever you say." I tell him before he hangs up on me. "Rude" I say under my breath. I put my phone away as the elevator reaches the floor. I get to Kacchan's door and knock.

"You don't have to knock, half brain." I hear him call out so I roll my eyes and open the door.

A gust of wind comes out and I close my eyes, my hair flowing out of my face. Just then I hear classmates walking behind me and talking. I jump and turn to face them.

"Hey Y/N!" They smile and wave. I wave back as my face goes blank. I feel a strong hand grab mine and pull me into Kacchan's room. My eyebrows furrowed as I stumble into his room. "Wait.. I-" I say but I stop. I look to him and he raises a brow. "What's your deal? I left you alone for like 5 minutes." My face forms into an irritated look and I step back from him. "5 minutes?! Try 20 minutes." He leans up against the wall and folds his arms. "You losing your mind or are you just dumb?" He crooks his head to the side and I look at his handing clock on the wall. It's only 3:00pm.. How. When I looked at the clock in the classroom it was 3:37pm.. Maybe that clock is wrong? But I know I waited in his room for longer than 5 minutes.

"What just happened?!" I say and I start to breath heavy. My timing is all off. No one was in the halls but now everyone is. The lights are bright again. "What's your issue?!" He says as he starts to walk up to me. I put my hands out to stop him and my breathing quickens. I start backing up and I hit a wall. I turn around fast and I look at it then turn and face him again. "What the hell is going on?! What time is it?! Where did everyone go?! Was it a joke? A prank?! Where have you been!" I start to freak out and I can't stop my breathing. "Yo. Y/N. Chill. I just went to get food from the cafeteria." Kacchan says as he furrows his eyebrows.

How did I not pass him.

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