Knight in Sweat Pants and a Hoodie

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We both eventually sat on the floor of the elevator as we had been there for almost an hour. Every once in awhile we hear crashing or yelling but there's really nothing we can do about it. Our phones don't have service so we can't call and we already hear sirens outside so calling the police is useless, plus we are safe in here. Kacchan put his phone on the floor and turned on his flashlight so it's somewhat bright.

I look over and he's leaning against the wall. His head is facing up and he's breathing is slow. His eyes are closed but he opens them and looks over to me. I sigh and look away, also leaning up against the wall. I bring my legs to my chest and put my head on my knees. "This is so stupid." I say and I hear Kacchan huff. "What" I say and look over to him. "I usually say shit like that." I let out a little giggle. I yawn and I feel him scoot closer so our arms are now touching. "You know.. this was a lot easier when we were little." I say and look back over to him. He's not looking at me he's just looking straight forward. "What was." He asks and I sigh. "Being close to you." he looks over to me making eye contact. "What does that mean." He asks and smirks to me.

"We used to be able to sit together and I wouldn't feel my face get hot or my heart race. I would just think about what game we were playing or what we were talking about." I look away and put my head on my knees. "What do you think about when we sit this close now?" He asks. I want to tell him how I really feel and what I'm actually thinking but it's so awkward. Plus we are stuck in here, it's not like I can just walk away. He notices how uncomfortable I get and speaks in a deep low voice. "You know what I think about?" My eyes widen and my grip on my legs tighten. "I think about grabbing your hips and pulling you close to me. Then kissing your neck and hearing your moans. Definitely a lot different than what I used to think when we used to sit together." He says and looks away from me.

Just then the lights turn on and the elevator starts to go down. I jump and he stands up, grabbing his phone and turning his flashlight off, shoving it into his pocket. "Get behind me." He says and grabs my arm lifting me up and shoving me behind him. I grab the back of his shirt. His hands start to spark and his breathing quickens. I peek around him as we reach the ground floor. The doors slowly open but no one is there. Smoke flows into the elevator and he turns to me and covers my mouth. "Don't breath anything in." I pull my shirt over my face and he does the same. He grabs my hand and pulls me into the hall.

As we are walking to the doors the smoke is getting to me and I can feel my head getting lighter. I stumble and Kacchan turns to me with wide eyes. "Y/N-" "I'm ok." I cut him off and continue to walk but only after a few steps I stumble again. He turns to me and lifts me up bridal style and begins to run out of the school. My eyes begin to blur and noises muffle. This has happened to me 2 too many times. I cough and he looks down to me. Just as I begin to pass out he turns to the side and uses his shoulder to bust through the main doors. He takes my shirt off of my face and I feel the fresh air enter my lungs. I cough more at the change in air and we get surrounded by police and heros.

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