A Dream.

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"Maybe it's time to go to bed" I say as I giggle and he stands up. "Yeah.. that's probably for the best." Just as we start walking to the bedroom we hear a knock on the door which is extremely creepy because we are miles from anyone. "I got it." Kacchan walks to the door and opens it to see a very puffed out All Might. "All Might?" Kacchan asks. "Children. I've been told to come by once a day and see if you two were doing ok. Y/N" He asks and walks inside. "How have you been feeling? Have you been seeing anything?" I think for a second and reply "No, now that I think of it, I haven't seen or heard anything from her." "That's good, it might be hard for the League to follow you guys out here. If you guys ever need anything" He takes out a paper and hands it to me "Call this number." He turns to Kacchan "Keep an eye on each other. If she passes out again or sees anything, call, don't hesitate, just call."

After saying our goodbyes All Might leaves and Kacchan and I walk into the kitchen, grab snacks and walk into the bedroom.

(Pic of bedroom.)

"Cozy." Kacchan says and I look over and he's taking his shirt off. I grab my bag that has all my clothes in it and put it next to the bed. I put my pajamas on after my shower so I didn't have to change. Kacchan gets into bed and I hesitate for a second and he looks over. "What? Like we've never slept in the same bed before." I nod my head and get into bed. As soon as I do he wraps his arms around me and cuddles into me. "Kacchan" "mhm" "Do you remember the secret place?" "Yeah what about it" He says lifting his head. "We should go back sometime, you know, see it." "Ok. When we get back home I'll take you." I smile and lean into him and start to fall asleep.

Darkness. Giggling. "Hello cute idiot" I hear a woman's voice echo in my head. Oh no.. it's happening. "I'm not sure where you are. Where are you?" She asks and I hesitate. "Why would I tell you?" She giggles. "I'll find out myself, I was just hoping you'd make it easier for me sweetheart." All of a sudden it was like a light switch turned on and everything was white and she was standing in front of me. "You don't even know what I'm capable of yet. No one does. They think they know me?" She giggles and twirls her hair in her fingers and pouts. "No one ever gets to know me.. I'm always alone. Until I find someone like you!! Someone easy. Someone going through something! Someone.. in love. Your type are always the easiest." She giggles. "I know exactly who you have the hots for." She says and spins in a circle and claps her hands together. "You know, he's definitely my type too." She says and winks at me. "He's a cutie. Got a fire personality and a GREAT body. Just imagining him all over me. It's getting me bothered." She giggles and shivers. "I really need to stop thinking about him, I'll turn this into a wet dream." She winks at me and turns to walk away. "Oh" she turns around to face me "I'll see you in two days at 2 pm, remember the date!!"

And with that I sprung awake and I'm panting. Kacchan wakes up, turns the lamp on and sits up with me. "Are you ok? What did you see? Did you see her?" I look over to him and.. he's so scared. I don't blame him I'm terrified too. "Yeah.. I thi-" I don't even finish my sentence before he is up and running out the door, not even a minute later he comes back holding the paper All Might gave us. He grabs his phone and dials the number. I look over to the clock to see it's 3:56 am and that's when I remember. I grab a pen and paper and start writing down everything I remember from the dream. Kacchan is behind me talking to someone about what's going on and I remember more of it. She knows I like Kacchan. Does that mean I'm putting him in danger? I turn around and he's hunched over still talking on the phone. I look down at my paper.

"Black to white room."
"She will find us"
"She has crush on Kacchan."
"Two days at 2pm"
"We don't know what she's capable of."

I stop writing because honestly that's all I can remember. I feel a hand rub my back and I turn around. "All Might will be here soon and he's bringing the nurse. You can talk to them when they get here." I can see the bags under his eyes and I feel bad. "I'm sorry, I don't know-" "Don't apologize. You did nothing wrong."

A few minutes later and there's a knock on the door. Kacchan walks to it as I stand in the hallway back a little ways. He opens the door and lets the hero's in and immediately I start getting asked questions. I answer all of them to my best ability and I give them the sheet of paper I wrote everything on.

"She has a crush on Bakugo.. this involves him now too. We've known he was connected but now it's for certain. We still are unsure what she wants but I do not want to wait around to see. She said she will be here in two days at 2pm which means we will be too. Under no circumstances will we take chances." The nurse says and turns to All Might. "Her vitals are fine, she's in perfect health. There's not much more we can do here." All Might looks at me and I nod my head "I'll be ok, I have Kacchan with me." He walks from the kitchen holding a cup of water. "Alright. Please get some sleep. If anything else happens don't be afraid to call." And with that they are gone.

Kacchan grabs my hand and pulls me back into the bedroom, lifting me up and placing me on the bed. "If you can't sleep I understand, but at least try." He gets into bed next to me and lays down cuddling into me again. "Goodnight, Y/N" before I know it my eyes are droopy and I fall asleep again.

The next morning I wake up, I don't remember anything since I fell asleep but I do remember everything from last night. I sit up and look down to Kacchan.

He's so peaceful when he sleeps

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He's so peaceful when he sleeps. A lot more peaceful that he is when he's awake. I get out of bed and walk to the kitchen, 2 cats follow closely behind. I fill each of their bowls with food and fill their water bowls I start brewing tea and coffee. I look into the fridge and find strawberries, I take them out, get a cutting board, a knife and a bowl and start cutting them up. A beeping starts and I turn around seeing the tea and coffee are done I grab a mug and pour (coffee or tea) and add (extra of choice, sugar, milk, etc.). I walk to the porch and sit in a chair, the warm air hitting my face. I sit there for a few minutes before Kacchan comes out with a cup of coffee and sits next to me.

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