The Past Coming Back

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"Y/N!! Your friend is here!!" I rush down the stairs and run to the door. "Kacchan!!" He smiles sweetly to me and grabs my hand pulling me towards the trail we always walk down, a net in one of his hands. "Bye mom!!" I turn and wave. She waves back and smiles before yelling "Be back by dark!! I love you!" "I love you too!!"

We get to the trail and some of Kacchan's friends are already there along with Izuku. "What's the plan guys!!" One of the boys ask. "I brought a net! We should go down to the water and catch some fish!" Everyone cheers and we start walking, Kacchan in the lead and all of us following. He turns back to face me and smiles. My heart flutters and my face heats up. He turns back and continues walking. We finally make it to the little stream and we all crouch by it, watching the tiny fish swim by and the water flow. None of us say anything for a minute, just stare. "You know, this place is pretty cool." Kacchan finally speaks up. "Yeah Kacchan! You're totally right" Izuku says excitedly. I turn to face him and give him a smile. "Y/N I'm glad you moved here" Izuku says and smiles. I smile back then look at the water. I can see Kacchan look a little angry but I wasn't sure about what. "I'm glad I moved too. You guys are great." I turn to face Kacchan and I smile causing him to blush and stand up. "Well, these fish aren't going to catch themselves!!"

About an hour later and it's just Kacchan, Izuku and I, the other boys had to go home. We decided to keep walking on the trail and finally we reach an opening, a huge field lays before us and we walk into it. Izuku takes off his backpack and grabs a blanket, laying it down and we all sit on it. "I'm glad we are all friends." Izuku breaks the silence and I look at him and smile. "Me too. It's really scary to move but I'm glad you guys are nice!" I look to Kacchan and he's staring off.

A few minutes pass and Izuku starts standing up. "I have to go home now" we stand up and he grabs his blanket and folds it. "It was nice being with you guys! I'll see you later!" He starts walking back home and it was just Kacchan and I. "Want to go to my secret spot?" He asks and I look over. "Secret spot?" He takes my hand and starts leading me back by the stream we were just at and goes off the trail and to a spot where a tree was coming out of the ground, making a little fort. "Woah!!" We go inside and there's a little blanket on the ground and some games laying around.

(Like this but out of the ground more so little kids can fit under)

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(Like this but out of the ground more so little kids can fit under)

"You have to pinky promise not to tell anyone. You're the only person I've showed this." He says and sticks out his pinky. I promise and wrap my pinky with his. We sit and talk for a few minutes then it gets quiet. "Y/N?" "Yeah?" "Have you kissed anyone?" "Well.. no.. not yet.. why?" He looks over to me and I look at him. "I want to be your first. I want you to be my first. My mom says it's important stuff. You only do it with someone you like like. I think I like like you." I blush and smile at him. "I think I like like you too."

He leans in and we kiss. It's not the best since we were so young but.. His words always echo through my head.


"See? My clock always calculates when I'm sleeping. My mother set it up to do that so I can make sure I'm getting enough rest." He's trying really hard to prove it wasn't him. Showed me his bed being messy, his clock, his phone being inactive for that time, telling Kirishima he's going to nap.. It's all adding up but I still don't understand. He sits on the bed next to me, lets out a huff and looks down. "Y/N." I look over to him and he's holding his pinky out. "I promise.. it wasn't me. I wouldn't do that to you. I know I'm a jerk and I know I'm thick skulled but I promise.. it wasn't me." He doesn't look up from the bed, just continues to hold his pinky out. I hesitate for a second but wrap my pinky in his. He stays still for a second then looks up to me. "Thank you." I smile to him and he grabs me and hugs me.

Without letting me go he breathily whispers "Stay with me tonight."

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