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We are in a dark room, they blindfolded me so I honestly had no clue where I was. Someone had taken my blindfold off but that was about 30 minutes ago and I haven't seen anyone since. I try looking around but I can't see much. It looks like we are in a bedroom but without the furniture. I'm tied to a chair, it's freezing in here. A blue flame starts from the left of me, I look over and I see Dabi walking to me. "Princess" I roll me eyes and look away from me. "Wow, so rude, and to think, I could've hurt you if I wanted." He says as he walks to me and put his hand around my throat. "But that's too much work." He walks away but turns back. "It's a little dark in here.. take this" he says as he burns the rope that's tied around me. I try to move and scream but the blindfold covering my mouth is stopping me and the ropes around me are holding me in place.

"Ok ok you've had your fun." I hear Nightmare's voice come from the darkness as she walks to me to put the fire out, a burn now in my shirt. "Hey, fancy seeing you here, I heard it was easy." I'm scared. Usually I see her in a dream or a vision where she can't physically hurt me, but now? She can do anything. "Scared? Where's the normal attitude you usually have?" She pouts. She rips the blindfold off of my mouth and throws it behind her. "Say SOMETHING." "It's hard to talk with something covering your mouth." I say and look away from here. "Yes, there it is." She giggles. "You know, it's not enough having you here. Why don't we get your little boy toy here too.. Toga!" She comes running in and stops next me me. "Yes?" "Take some of her blood, play as her and get Bakugo here too, I want her to see him fall in love with me." She turns to me and smiles and I roll my eyes.

Just then she takes a knife out and makes a cut on my cheek and Toga collects some of my blood. I wince in pain but she continues to smile at me. Toga then runs out of the room. At this point I'm extremely scared but maybe them bringing Kacchan here is a good idea, he's a lot stronger than I am and could probably take them.. Granted he's never one versus 3 them but.. Maybe I'm doomed.

Nightmare walks away from me after putting the rag back on my mouth and I'm left alone in this room for what feels like hours. I just keep looking around trying to find something, anything, but there's nothing. Finally the door is flung open and a very angry Kacchan is thrown in, hands encased with metal. He stands up and runs to the door and tried kicking it with no avail. I try to scream out to him but all that comes out is muffled yelling. He turns to me and his face drops. "Y/N?!" I nod my head and tears start to form. I didn't think I would get to see him again let alone be in the same room with him. He walks to me and uses his teeth to take the rag off my mouth. "What are you doing here?!" "They tricked me.. She pretended to be you and brought me to the woods.. I'm so dumb I know" "I wouldn't say dumb considering they did they same thing to me. Obviously they aren't smart enough to come up with a different plan." I smile for the first time since being here.

"I can't use my quirk." He says as he shows me his hands. "I can't either with this rope around my body-" "Well well well" I hear Nightmare's voice come into the room. "The two stars of the show.. and may I add" she walks up to Kacchan and puts her hand on his chest. "You look even better in person." "Don't touch me." He says in a deep voice. And she smiles. "Soon you'll be saying the opposite."

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