Good Morning.. ish

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I wake up and I'm in a bed. Not mine nor is it Kacchan's. The room is dark yet I can make some stuff out with help from a table lamp that is to the left of me. I'm in a hospital.

How can that be? The last thing I remember is being at school and we were about to.. race? Even that's foggy. I go to sit up when a shock of pain is sent through my entire body and I fall back, grunting as I hit the bed. "Y/N?" I look to my right and a very shocked Kacchan is sitting next to me. "You're awake? They said you'd be out for another few days." He stands up and sits on the bed next to me. "Then why would you be here? If I wasn't supposed to wake up.." "For a moment like this. I didn't need you waking up and not knowing where you are. I know how your brain works." I look around the room and back to him. "Why am I here?" He also looks around and sighs "I'm not sure. No one knows what happened so we were hoping you did. I take that as a no."

He looks at my wings and sighs once more. "I should've done more, to help you. I'm sorry." I look to my left side and my wing looks terrible, it's clean for the most part but a lot of it is wrapped. I look to my right and my other wing is also wrapped, just not as bad. "Did something happen during the race?" He looks confused for a second then realizes that's the last I remember. He shakes his head and stands up, walking to a table and grabbing a pile of papers.

"You were taken, Y/N.." he walks back over and sits on the bed once more. Without looking at me he starts looking through the papers. "The League Of Villains came.. out of nowhere. Two or maybe 3 freaks grabbed you and we couldn't get to you. After you went into the portal that's the last I saw of you until 2 days ago." He sighs. "How long was I gone for?" "A day and a half." I look at a calendar. The race was on a Wednesday if I remember correctly.. he said I was gone for a day and a half then.. I've been asleep for 3 days. "Don't over think anything, you need rest.. but.. you should look at these. Maybe you'll remember what happened. I'm going to get you a water and some food. I'll be back in a bit." With that he hands me the photos and walks out, closing the door behind him.

The first picture I see is a lake.. a small dock.. my head pounds but I remember.. it's where I found the fisherman.

The next few pictures are trees with blood stains on them.. the trees I used to hold myself up on.

Another picture shows leaves flattened down with blood stuck to them. I stare at the picture for a second having a hard time understanding this one. It makes me uncomfortable but I can't look away. That's when it hit me. Someone.. something, shot a ball of fire at me. It hit my left side. I look over to my wing and wince. I fell to the ground..

The next few pictures are of a warehouse. A broken window.. charred areas of the building, cut rope next to some glass. It's all coming back.

I saw her in person. She asked me questions. We talked about Kacchan..

The people who came to take me where Toga and D.. What's his name.. Dabi? He's the one who threw the fire at me. They talked of a plan.. she was going to replace me?

The door creaks open and Kacchan walks in food and a bottle of water in hand with All Might walking in behind him. He places the food and water on a table next to me and takes a seat. All Might comes to the side of my bed and sighs. "I'm sorry young y/n. I can't even imagine what you must have gone through but we are hoping the photos may give us some hints.." I look back down at them and my eyes start tearing up. "Yeah.. I do.. I know what happened."

~~after explaining what happened~~

All Might has wrote everything down and had walked out to talk to some of the other hero's that had shown up. Kacchan just sat in the chair not saying anything. I look over and his head is in his hands. "It's not your fault." I say in a low tone and he looks up at me, standing and sitting on the edge of the bed without looking at me. "It's not but I could've done something. Anything. I just sat there helpless." A surge of pain goes through my head as I remember him banging on the glass, tears in his eyes as he called out to me. "You couldn't have done anything. No one could've." I look up and he's looking at me, worried. "Kacchan, listen to me. Nothing you or anyone else could do would have saved me from what happened. Not even All Might. Not Deku. Not you." "Someone could have done something. Stupid rock hands could've tried breaking the wall.. or the weird earphone chick could have-" "They tried. Everyone tried. Everything happened so fast.. no one had time to really do any damage. You would know that better than anyone, I watched you try pressing your hands against it to try to blow it up. It wasn't anyone's fault.." I say and he looks down and sighs.

"This whole situation is so stupid. So pointless. What did they have to gain from any of this." He stands up and brushes his hands through his hair. "What a bunch of dumbasses." I smile and he looks over to me. "What's so funny." He asks and it just makes me smile more. "I missed you, Kacchan."

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