Not what it seems

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I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache and sore legs but with arms wrapped around me, warming me up. I wiggle a little to get out of his grasp but it only tightens, his face going deeper into my hair and a groan escaping his lips. I figured I wasn't going to be able to escape so I started to drift back asleep. Lately I haven't heard much from Nightmare. Mostly just that she manipulated the dance but it wasn't that big of a deal, nothing life threatening. But it feels different now.

I'm in a forest. The same forest I always find myself in. "Fancy meeting you here." I hear her voice come from behind me. "Look.. I'm not going to-" "Oh hush" she cuts me off and walks towards me. "I wasn't able to be in your head at all yesterday.. but judging by your thoughts I know what happened. It's a shame I missed it, really was. Wish I would've been there." "What are you talking about." I ask and she glares. "What did you do? Why couldn't I find you yesterday?" I look at her confused and she shakes her head. "You don't know? Don't know what you did differently? What a shame.." she puts her fingers on her chin to think. "I've never hit a road block before. I had to show up out of body because I wasn't allowed in." She walks around me. "Strange." "Just leave me alo-" "My offer still stands although I don't think you're going to be accepting it anytime soon considering what happened yesterday."

My cheeks get warm and I turn away. "What? Embarrassed? Like I said, sorry I missed it. I mean I would've seen it through your eyes so it would've been almost like I-" she shivers and looks to me. "To almost FEEL his body on mine.. to see the sweat stick his hair to his head.. to feel.. everything." She giggles. "Gosh I'm heating myself up over it."

I roll my eyes and walk away but she shows up in front of me. "You're lucky but I'll take him from you. He will WANT me on top of him. I will be the one he thinks about not you. Soon. Soon I promise I will show. Hurting you and keeping him.. I mean that's the plan all along. You're just making it difficult. You're just a little bump in the road I need to run over to get what I want. I'll see you soon, Y/N."

She winks at me and I shoot up. My breathing is rapid and I'm sweating. I'm looking around my room when I feel someone move next to me. I jump and look over to see Kacchan rubbing his eyes and sitting up, scratching his head. "What's your deal?" He says voice groggy. "It's- I-" "bad dream?" He lays back. "She's coming.. again.. for us." "You're probably just being over dramatic." He says and stretches. "Yeah.. I don't know. Maybe." "She hasn't been able to get to you yet so why worry, she's obviously not that strong." He yawns and rolls over to face me. I lay down too and he cuddles into me, pulling me into his chest and laying his head on mine.

I start to calm down more. Kacchan is right. If she really wanted to come she would've by now.. right? I mean this has been going on for awhile but nothing too bad has happened. They took me once but that was about it. I guess we will find out.

————3 Weeks Later————

Everything has been amazing. Kacchan and I have been sharing a bed for a while now and honestly it's so hard to fall asleep without him. His arms are so comfortable and make me feel safe. I haven't seen Nightmare, not in dream, in person, visions, nothing. I convinced myself she was just trying to scare me the last time I saw her so I haven't been paying much attention to it. Most of my attention goes to Kacchan and training at this point. The dance keeps getting pushed back, the teachers pick a spot but then that spot gets taken then this happens then that happens and it just hasn't worked out. At this point it is scheduled to be in 8 days and we get to choose our dates so Kacchan asked me to go with him.. or more like told me I'm going with him. It's fine, I really like him and he's opening up to me a lot more which is honestly very surprising.

"You almost ready?" I hear Kacchan's voice come from outside the bathroom door. "Yeah! Give me 2 minutes." He wants to go to our spot so I decided actually get ready for the day so I did my hair makeup and got dressed.

We walked outside together and I turn towards the training field so we can walk to the cliff but he takes my hand and pulls me towards where the bus picks people up. I didn't understand but I went along with it. We sit on the bus for a half an hour, not saying much but I know the direction we are going, our hometown? Are we going to see his family? Or mine? What is going on. We get to our destination and he stands up and takes my hand. In front of us is the park we used to play in when we were little with a few of our friends. "Wow.. I haven't been here in a while." He sighs and takes my hand, walking me to the trail we used to walk as kids.

As we walk down it I'm filled with joy. It's weird being here now that we are grown, we used to walk this trail all the time and now we are doing it holding hands. We get to the stream and he turns to me. "Y/N.." I smile at him then I look around, I see the tree we used to hide in as kids and I giggle a little. "Thank you for coming with me." "Of course I would-" "it's just that coming here made it so much easier." "For what..?" I ask getting slightly confused. "You blindly came here with me. I didn't think you were that dumb. All I needed was a drop of his blood and I look exactly like him." My heart stops and just then someone grabs me from behind and covers my mouth.

"Hey Princess" Dabi whispers in my ear sending chills down my body. Toga then appears in front of me and isn't Kacchan anymore. "This was easier than I thought it would be." Toga giggles. "And you're even prettier than I remember you being" she adds and I try to get out of Dabi's grip but it tightens. "Good luck. You escaped once, we will make sure it doesn't happen again." His voice comes from behind me. I bite his hand and he moves his hand from my mouth but moves it around my body, holding me tight against him. "Do that again and I'll have to punish you in my own way." He says and Toga giggles.

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