She likes.. who?

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As I stand in line ready to get my food I start to think about what Kacchan said to me in the stairwell. I mean, I guess I have a lot of guy friends which could lead one to think they would like me but.. They are just my friends. I don't see any of them in a romantic way besides Kacchan. I'm sure if I got to know some of them more I'd feel differently but I've known Kacchan for so long and after everything we've gone through-

"Hey hey" Uraraka says as she taps my shoulder. I snap out of my daze and turn to face her. "Hey, what's up" I say and she smiles at me. "Trying to get some food.. I can't believe how long this line is" I look ahead of me and there's still a few people before me until I can finally get something to eat. "Oh yeah, I didn't really realize how long I was waiting" I laugh and she looks around me. "Only a few more people" she smiles and I turn around.

"Hey, I have a question" she asks and I slightly turn to face her. "What's up" "Well.. Here's the thing.." Her face goes red and she looks around to see who's around us. "Well.. I kind of like this boy but if I tell him I'm scared he won't like me back but what if I do tell him and he likes me but it's a 50/50 change and what if he actually doesn't like me then it'll be really awkward and I just wanted to tell you because you know him really well and you have since you were little and-" she starts rambling really fast but my heart drops.

Someone I know really well and someone I've known forever.. After the incident with Kacchan and her back in the classroom this is honestly making me nervous.. but people know we are a thing.. Right? She wouldn't confess feelings for him to my face.. Would she?!

"-but then again you know maybe it'll be worth telling him but you never know, right? Or would I know.. should I know?!" I snap back into reality as she finishes her rant. "Oh uh.. well who is it?" Her face gets even more red and she loses eye contact. "Honestly I'm kinda scared to tell you." She laughs and my eyebrows go up. "Well as long as it's not Kacchan we won't have an issue.." I giggle and she looks at me and it's quiet for a few seconds.

This is awkward..

She bursts into laughter and looks at me. "Of course not!!" I awkwardly laugh. "Ha..ha.. so.. who is it then?" She wipes a tear out from under her eye and catches her breath.

"I think I like Deku."

Oh, obviously..

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