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"I can't do it" I say to myself as I looks down to Y/N. I sigh in annoyance but I know now is not the time.. but when will be the time. I look out to the ocean then I feel Y/N start to stir. She sits up and looks out to the water then back to me. "How long have I been sleeping?" She asks and rubs her eyes. "Not long." She smiles and turns back to the water and stands up. She walks to the edge of the cliff and stares for a minute.

——Y/N POV—————

It's beautiful. I sigh as I stare off into the sky. The clouds are so fluffy and the sun is turning orange. The waves crash to the shore as the birds continue to.. fly. I grit my teeth as I think about flying. This is the longest I've gone without using my wings. Not being able to fly, not being able to feel the air blow through my feathers- it's sad. I miss it. I feel my wings twitch behind me. Without thinking I rip my shirt off, leaving me in my bra. My wings spread and I grunt a little bit but it feels amazing. "Y/N!" I hear Kacchan tell my name and run up to me. "You can't fly yet. Your wings aren't fully healed, you haven't been stretching them enough-" "I know." I cut him off and look to the water. I look back to Kacchan and he is staring at my chest. "Hey!" I yell and cover myself. "Well, don't have them out if you don't want me to stare." He rolls his eyes and I roll mine. I turn away from the cliff.

———Kacchan POV—————

Y/N turns away from the cliff and I do too. I start walking to our food but she's not walking with me. I turn around and she's gone. "Y/N!?" I yell as I run to the edge and look over. She's falling. I panic. What do I do?! How do I help? In the mix of me panicking I feel a gust of wind almost knock me over. I move the hair out of my face and look in front of me. It's Y/N. She's flying. "H-how?" "I had to, I didn't know if it would work but- I had to try." She flies to the edge and lands. "It was hard.. watching the birds do it. I missed it, you know? If I can't fly I can't be a hero. I'm nothing without my wings." She turns to the water and smiles. I feel my face warm as she starts to tear up. "What? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" She turns to me and smiles as tears fall down her face. "I'm happy"

———Y/N POV————

I can't stop crying. This was all I've wanted for so long. It only lasted a minute but it was so freeing. I have to go again. I stretch my wings and look out to the ocean again, wiping the tears from my face. "Are you sure?" I turn to Kacchan and nod and he does the same. I start to flap my wings and I slowly start to come off of the ground. I love this feeling. It's almost like the first time I learned to fly. Before I know it I'm soaring through the sky. I fly down close to the water and brush my hand in it as I continue to go, cold but relieving. I start to giggle to myself as I fly between rocks, avoiding all of them. Just as I'm about to turn around I see someone out of the corner of my eye. It's her. My wings almost give out and my legs hit the water but I flap my wings harder to keep me up. I hover for a second looking for her but she's no where. I fly over to the cliff where Kacchan is and I collapse.

"She was there. She's here. She knows where I am-" "Y/N, we need to get you back to the school." He panics and stands up, grabbing my shirt and throwing it to me. "You might want to put that on." I do and he comes over to me, picking me up and carrying me back to the school. I keep shivering every time the wind hits my legs. The water was already freezing and mixing that with all of the wind, it's definitely not helping. I see Kacchan look at me a few times but I didn't say anything, I'm too cold and too tired to speak. We get to the school and Kacchan rushes me to his dorm and lays me on his bed. "Take your pants off and here" he throws me sweatpants and a hoodie. "Put these on and get under the covers. I'm going to run and get All Might." He goes to leave but notices I haven't moved. "Y/N?" "I don't want to move.." I say. It's true, I don't. My legs feel numb and flying took so much of my energy I just want to pass out. My eyes start to close as I feel Kacchan sit me up. "You're such a baby." He rolls his eyes and starts to unbutton my pants, slide them off of me and take my socks off. He grabs the sweatpants and slides them on and puts fuzzy socks on my feet. I giggle and he snaps his head to me. "What." He says in a low tone. "I didn't know big bad Kacchan would have fuzzy socks."

I giggle more and he doesn't acknowledge me, just stands up and says "Lift your arms." So I do and she slides my shirt off of me. He stares at my chest again and I roll my eyes. "What? Never seen boobs before?" He snaps out of it and looks away. "I have. I've seen plenty. Why do you care." He picks up the hoodie and throws it at my face. "If you're awake enough to be an idiot you're awake enough to put your own hoodie on. Stupid. I'm going to get All Might. Put that on before I get back." I giggle and put the hoodie on. I get under the covers, it's so warm and smells like Kacchan. Amazing. I start to drift off and soon fall asleep. Soon after I fall asleep I'm shook awake and I groan.

"Y/N?" Kirishima's voice is loud and he sounds confused. I turn to face him and his eyebrows are together. "What are you doing in here?" I look around and I'm still in Kacchan's room. "What?" I ask and he asks "Do you know where you are?" "Yeah?" I say and he laughs. "Ok, ok, I was just making sure you're alright" I smile and someone comes through the door. "What are you doing in here?" Kacchan's voice is deep and he sounds just as confused as Kirishima was. He walks up to us without taking his eyes off of Kiri. "I was just making sure Y/N was ok" he smiles but Kacchan continues to stare.

All of a sudden Kacchan's hands both go to either side of Kirishima's face and I sit up more. "Who are you." He asks and Kirishima awkwardly giggles. "What do you me-" "You know exactly what I mean. You know what my hands are capable of so I suggest you spill it before I explode your head off of your shoulders." Kacchan says not leaving his eyes from Kiri's. "Kacchan what-" "Shut it, Y/N" I swallow the spit that was in my mouth and sit back. He looks over to me and back to Kirishima. "Who. Are. You."

There's a long silence before Kirishima laughs. "You know. Maybe you're smarter than I thought you were. Here I was falling in love with your body but turns out your brain is just as.. hot." He laughs again and all of a sudden I'm blinded by a bright light. By the time the light is gone so is Kiri. "Shit!" Kacchan yells and punches the bed. It was her.

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